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Everything posted by Lena01

  1. Thanks guys! Cubby I would do what you suggest but it doesn't appeal to me a lot getting there as a very newbie and saying "hey I just registered because I need a tour guide" lol. I have a friend who's showing me around in his day off and fortunately that's at the beginning of my trip. But what you said made me think that I should perhaps be in more places so I get to know more people. Karmacharger I might go for that brunch, it's always a great meal for me: not a light breakfast, not a heavy lunch. Pam, muchas gracias, one more time.
  2. It will take me some time to decide who to vote for. Really nice backs!
  3. That is exactly my idea of a prefectly healthy individual who can manage good cardio sessions and keep a beautiful amount of muscles. EDIT: I wrote amount twice.
  4. I thought of you when I read that news earlier. I said to myself "Well we already made cows to be sick because we can't get away from our sick mentality of eating them. Good Marcina she doesn't eat beef or anything".
  5. That's what I'm saying. Going completely blank won't help as much. A light snack, whatever it is, will be more beneficial.
  6. It is not completely known if it was intentional but odds are that it was. Now some dogs are sick, others died and owners don't want to let them go off-leash. Are we ever going to get civilized? http://www.ctv.ca/servlet/ArticleNews/story/CTVNews/20080623/dogs_poisoned_080623/20080623?hub=CTVNewsAt11
  7. Not necessarily, if you could give me a convincent explaination I would listen to it because I'm not expert. But cardio on an empty stomach in the morning means that your metabolism is down from within and it will not be burning fat as efficiently as if it is working at its maximum. Besides as your energy levels are down you will be working for shorter time. Remember that fat storages are not used as easily as saying "hey get up because I haven't eaten"; you need to put your metabolism into work already so that it shifts to burning fat after having used the closer source available=food. Otherwise you will lose much more muscle as well as you pointed out. But I wouldn't say that working on an empty stomach is that efficient. No negative response here, just explaining my pount of view which I hold because I find it to be the most convincent so far; not because it's mine but the other way around. Again, I would listen to any other suggestion.
  8. I didn't read the articles but I will still post what I know so far which can be wrong. When you sleep you've been resting and not eating for hours therefore your metabolism is probably lower when you wake up. If you go and workout with an empty stomach you might not be getting as much from it as you could because your metabolism will be still down and not triggering the right energy expenditure mechanisms. You are under the risk of going through some hypoglycemic lapse because of this. I know, though, that it is hard to workout with a full stomach as well. I couldn't do it myself, but I wake up more often because I'm hungry than becasue the sun hit my face. So if I would go out just like that to workout I would probably faint or something like that. I think that what you're doing about having a light snack before working out is good so you don't run out of energy (for not eating) or get indigestion (for eating too much). I used to do that when I was in martial arts. It was a very exigent training but it was very early so I would eat a fruit, train and then go back an eat some more serious food. But that is just my individual impression of what works best for me. Your body might find more suitable other kind of timing. Cheers!
  9. Despite the disagreemtents some people might have with you, I don't think they're doing a great job in putting you down. Even though I don't know you in person I think you're an especially awesome guy because of all work you've carried on with while managing to do it really happily. I don't think that haters should be really be taken into account if that's what they really are. Only constructive criticisms could count as not nice but welcomed messages. Those will come only from the people that care about you and want to help you in doing even better. Just like you said, you're perfectly fine with yourself and as long as you feel that way there's not much that can put you down. By the way, I really loved this: Can I use it as a signature? (Seriously)
  10. Thanks a lot Pam!!! That's the kind of thing I was trying to find out. I know there are resources online where one might search but I'd rather get the suggestions from people here as it is a closest experience. Again, thank you!
  11. Hi! I'm going to Toronto at the beginning of July and it'd be awesome if anyone who lives there or has been around can tell me where are nice places to go eat, things to see. I want to buy some Vega too but dunno where. I hope you can help me somehow. Cheers! PS-I wasn't sure where to put this thread, I hope it's in the right section.
  12. I hadn't seen this thread and even though it might be a bit late I hope you are fine now or in the way to being fine.
  13. Disclaimer: Long post below this line. Oh look at that!!!!!!!! It's so beautiful and yummy looking!!! It's true it's very filling and if the fruit would have been a bit more ripe it would have felt even more like it, sweetest too. I'm glad you liked it. I was thinking "Hum poor Giacomo if he doesn't like my Caribbean fruit smoothies" but it turned out to be awesome! That's great, and it also got me thinking of the two weeks I have left for doing one myself. It's curious how you prepared the mamey, well I'm just finding new ways of doing things. Back home what we do is just cut it through the center around the seed and take the flesh with a spoon. You end up with only sking, nothing else to it; well the seed as well. However I don't know how was your mamey looking like and perhaps it made more sense to do it the way you did. Today I used a lot of time preparing some smoothies for restarting my feast tomorrow. It's all that I found soy protein powder. I made a carrot+orange big smoothie (just had some right now, it's also cute looking, I like the color). Pomegranate+blue/black/raspberries one (delightfully sour) . Kiwi+peach+orange, here, this one looks weird but is the better tasting one I think, all balanced and just great. A celery+lettuce+pepper+tomate one that must go under further consideration because I don't think I liked it I made sweet potato puree (I'm not raw yet). There's also soy yogurt, ground pecans, ground almonds and bananas that I'm waiting for them to ripen and make the king of smoothies: banana+strawberry+orange. I think I'll be able to do it this time, actually I will. The girl, you know... perhaps we were twins in our past lives. But who knows. Ah- I saw the new bird you're taking care of. It looks like you'll both miss each other even though Sunny won't miss him. PS- Hijacking your own thread doesn't count as hijacking. What I just did, I think it does.
  14. wow those are all gorgeous looking backs!!!! i want my camera back!!!!!!!!
  15. Oh well then she's not like me... *sigh* So you're buying mamey???!! Hum there's no way I can get some here but I will be soon eating it at home. As of recommendations, I'm just thinking that a almond milk/mamey smoothie is probably awesome. Guava and mamey certainly is. Mamey, pineapple and banana sounds great to me also. I just like to mix stuff out of the top of my head. I hope you enjoy my favorite fruit!!!! lol Today I'm going to use some great part of my time preparing smoothies and stuff so I can go back to the feast. I'll figure out something with my protein. I just have to wait for the roommate to wake up by herself. I still have a berries/kiwi one.
  16. It's been a long time since I don't write myself some stuff. Well not that long but I haven't been in the mood for writing. I think it's mostly because many things are going on some days and some others nothing at all. But it has been a couple of bussy weeks with school. And the 3 next weeks are going to be about the same, I'm just not stressed about it yet. I'm taking a couple days break. I started the juice feast. I think I can remember the first smoothie: pineapple, banana, strawberry, orange and kiwi. It was the most awesome thing I had eaten in a long time. I finished that whole pineapple in two hours, and it wasn't small. On my bday I had an exam, a presentation and a couple of things to write. It wasn't that fun really. But not big deal. As much as I turn 19 just once, today is also happening just once, as much as tomorrow and the rest of my life. On Wednesday there was an Animal Rights presentation in my Philosophy class. I was going to do that one but my group mates didn't even know what Animal Rights were and when I mentioned PETA one girl said "Oh yes, pita bread" I was willing to educate them and prepare some awesome presentation on the topic but they all were interested in Fast Food and I was as well so I just let animal rights pass by because they were not in the mood for being educated. Anyways I was going to speak about animal rights in my part of the presentation even though I wasn't going to be able to speak further about furs and animal testing/entertainment etc. So I talked to the prof to see if he would give me 15 min extra to say a bit more then eventually some group lead by an animals farm owner decided to do animal rights. Ok then- I step out and let some people get interested by themselves and learn something without me having to tell them. The presentation wasn't that bad but it was lacking of a lot of things. Then just to finish they ask the class "Is the life or pain of an animal more important than a human's?" - What a dumb question!!! Just to start, both are things completely different and non-comparable. I tried to politely make them re-think by "Under what circumstances would you ask that? Are you comparing my livelihood while sitting here with what's going on in your farm?" and they were like "No, we're asking in general". Well the story is not what's more important "in general" because 'in general' people are killing animals even though they don't need to. So please don't compare. "Is me painting the chair in purple more important than Mafalda not liking the soup?" It's just about civility and not being cruel just because. Then they said that the solution was being vegetarian, I ask "The solution to what?". They answered that it was the solution to animal cruelty for human feeding. I just had to ask them if keeping animals from their freedom and taking milk and eggs away as we shouldn't wasn't also cruelty. The answer? "Oh no, that's not cruelty. We have to focus on stopping the torture and then we think of that". What? So imprisonment is not a form of psychological torture? Shud up please... Well yes, it was a pretty long description about my animal rights encounter with my class. I just had to let it go. Nobody around me would be willing to listen/discuss about it so I had to let it go somehow. As of my training and my eating. I started a new cycle of volume training on Monday. I'm incorporating new exercises, working a bit harder and concentrating more in fixing some muscular assymetries. For food, I had to stop my 100% smoothies feast yesterday because I ran out of protein powders and all I have is creatine. There's no place in this city where I can get some non-animal protein powder. I will figure out something but it will be in September when I come back. By now I'll be drinking more smoothies and the like than I did before. I think I'm going to bed soon.
  17. Your post got me really happy and laughing. You can tell the girl that but she's probably hardworking if she's going every night. Besides... only if she dances to the music that's on at the gym between sets and then looks around to check that nobody saw her, then she's like me About the chlorella and spirulina, I really appreciate your offer; that's vewy nice But really now I'm just leaving and I'll be into spirulina, soy and who-knows-what-other-crazy-green-protein very soon back home. Maybe when I come back I will get to you on that. Thanks again!! I won't be having a 100% juice feast but the time I was in it I rediscovered my love for gorgeous smoothies like the banana/orange/strawberry one and a pomegranate/berries/kiwi/banana one yum!!! Then now I'll be eating solid just what I need to, and probably go crazy and put the tofu in the blender as I'm your man says.
  18. It's not in Canadian theaters I want to see it really bad, but I'll have to wait for the DVD to come out. Now, there's a guy in one of the clips that says "Steroids are as American as apple pie". When he's eating... puagh! That's one of the most ingly carnivorous things I've seen in a while!!!!
  19. I did that with other things but I feel it just to be the same as if I chew well enough. (Oh ma godz Giacomo, sorry for hijacking your thread too )
  20. I want to do something this awesome when I'm done with school. But I'm not sure how will my life look like by that time, even though I know it will be a bit complicated and occupied. Now I'm just going to do some wild hiking in my pretty island for 15 days. I'm really excited about it. How long do you think that biking the world will take you? Are you planning to go for as long as it might need to be done or do you have some time constraints? I think that what I'm-your-man says would be good. Even if you're not doing it for publicity or anything you might just think a bit about how helpful it would be to get some sponsorship. If you're going to dream and act, you could do it big. Besides, there's time to plan ahead and get serious things going on. I think I know what you mean by no big publicity or anything, just something for you to enjoy but then just some awesome help wouldn't be that bad either!
  21. Hey there I saw your pictures somewhere. You've really made great changes. It's awesome!! I just sneaked in to say that I had to leave the juice feasting I ran out of protein powders and there's no place in this city where I can get one without whey. I started to eat tofu and nuts again. I think I will leave it for home where I will have time and spirulina. You have a huge dedication and will power. Rock on!!
  22. That would be an awesome thing to do!!! I wouldn't probably be able to do it myself but I'll be wishing all the time I would have joined you. I will be still in the university by then and messed up with certain things. I don't have much advice to give either. I have never biked more than 20 miles. All I wanted to say is that it's a great idea to carry on and if you ever pass by my house (wherever it is at that moment) you have a place to stay. Just... azzum!!!
  23. Where do you feel it? I don't feel deadlifts in my hamstrings either... they primarily hit your lower back and I feel that give out well before my hamstrings. Same here. I feel it in my lower back much more than in my hams. I've asked people who know better, done my own homework... but it still feels as not working on the hams but in the back. What Future says about back extensions is really true. For me back extensions actually work my hams harder than any other thing. (I think I'm really messed: Hams techinques work on the back and back ones work on the hams )
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