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Everything posted by Lena01

  1. Welcome!! This is a great place to be around, you'll enjoy it and learn lots!
  2. Lena01

    Hi There!

    I like the name! Welcome!! You'll
  3. Welcome! I hope it's not just a temporal decision and that you decide to stay with us!
  4. Welcome! I hope it's just not a temporal decision and that you stay wih us.
  5. Wow those are some sad pictures! It gets worse whe you see it happening so close to you.
  6. Yea, it looks like somebody got an awesome job!!!
  7. Nice run there!!! It's awesome that people put their skills into such good causes. His feet will heal and the good he has made will last longer than the pain.
  8. Are you related to Potter? I think he dips his peanuts in peanut butter. lol we're not. but it might be a matter of quads, he said once that mine reminds him his
  9. the peanut butter wasn't in the salad, just in the corn. it does seem odd putting peanut butter in a salad... Yesterday I didn't have time to post. Today it was my friend's birthday so we went out dancing last night. I don't remember dancing so crazy here in Canada or being so sweaty and tired at the end of the night. It was awesome!!! I just love dancing, I love dancing, I lo... The workout yesterday was pretty good too. I felt lots of energy, endorphines all over the place and overall awesomeness. I reached a couple of personal records. So bad that it's just one rep. I can see those weights coming up for normal training in about 4 months. 9:30 Oatmeal w/ peanut butter, flaxseed and banana Workout: 13:35 min/4 miles bike Lat pulldown: 1x5 @ 60 lbs 1x4 @ 65 lbs 1x4 @ 70 lbs 1x3 # 75 lbs 1x2 @ 80 lbs (pr) Hams curl: 4x8 @ 45 lbs (I don't like the orthopedic not knowing what's wrong with my left tibia-femur insercion or whatever is wrong) Delts press: 1x5 @ 45 lbs 1x4 @ 50 lbs 1x3 @ 55 lbs (pr) 1x2 @ 55 lbs French triceps press: 1x5 @ 20 lbs 1x5 @ 20 lbs 1x5 @ 25 lbs 1x5 @ 30 lbs Abs: Inclined sit ups 1x30 Alternate inclined sit ups 1x20 Low alternate inclined sit ups 1x20 Interval sit ups 1x7 180-135 1x7 135-90 1x7 180-90 Inclined leg raises 2x10 16:00 min/4 miles bike 14:40 Banana, juice w/ hemp, tofu, last ear of corn w/ peanut butter 18:00 Apple, banana, blueberries 19:00 Celery w/ peanut butter, filberts Today I slept till noon until my friend's parents came to take us out for lunch. They're really nice with me, kind of my Canadian parents. They brought me presents for my bday, including organic dark chocolate which I ate already. Today it was a high calory day and no workout, day off. 12:00 Orange, banana 15:00 Ate spaghettis w/some veggies sauce 16:30 Chocolate, filberts, tofu 21:40 Orange, kiwi 23:20 Plum, filberts I studied a bit, I finished some work I had to do but even though I still have more to do I'm going to bed because it's late and my brain is feeling a bit like gum. Hum I also checked out some pics from different natural bodybuilding contests and decided to work harder.
  10. wow cubby those are pretty vivid colors for a tattoo!! awesome! i would get a color tattoo if i could find such good inks.
  11. *sigh* I want to go so bad!!! I won't be able to go this year though, too many things that don't depend on me. And yes Haley, you're a hardworking girl! You're going to reach far! You have fun for me at VV'08!!!
  12. Rob we know you're a busy boy. I think it'd be good if you can talk to the contest winners and see if they agree to have their stuff sent when all the contests finish so you won't have to be troubled about it all the time and just go once to send them all. Don't worry for my t-shirt now. I don't even have a permanent address and I'm going to be moving around the next 2 months. When I move to my new appartment I might start getting a bit more nagging (just joking) So yep, dun worry for me, just keep on being awesome and showing some people how good it is to be a VBB.
  13. Agreed with the boys! Congratulations!!!! It's great that such a good ambassador will be spreading the voice of veganism, nothing better than an athlete who will show how much we can achieve.
  14. I forgot to log my workout yesterday. I don't remember the weights but it was 4 miles on a bike for warm-up and then strength training for the back, the hams, the shoulders and the triceps. Today I met the athletics boss in my uni. We were talking for a while and he suggested me to join the soccer team. I don't know... I'm good at endurance but I'm loosing it because injured and then, I've never played soccer other than with the boys at high school every once in a while. I don't know... I'll see how good are the girls and if I see that I can reach their level I'll join. Other than that I've not used my day as I thought I was going to (and how I need to). I have to study lots of stuff and didn't touch a book. I guess I'll take it as my brain day off this week. I'll work tomorrow... Really, I seriously will. I got up pretty early this morning for not having the alarm set. 9:00 Oatmeal w/flaxseed, peanut butter and a sliced banana Workout: 15 min/ 4 miles bike Bench press: 1x5 @ 35 lbs 1x4 @ 40 lbs 1x4 @ 40 lbs 1x3 @ 45 lbs 1x1 @ 50 lbs Squats: 6x8 @ 50 lbs Cable curl: 6x8 @ 30 lbs Seated calf raises: 1x8 @ 25 lbs 1x8 @ 50 lbs 1x6 @ 55 lbs 1x6 @ 55 lbs (I don't like this machine too much because my quads hurt when the weight falls on them) Abs, hanging leg raises 4x10 Bench leg raises 3x20 Inclined sit ups 3x20 15 minutes on the bike, 4 miles 14:10 While preparing lunch I ate more than what was actually on my lunch bowl: raw broccoli and asparagus, blueberries, brazil nuts, pecans 14:50 Lunch: a beautiful salad with fiddleheads, green pepper, baby carrots, strawberries. And an ear of corn w/peanut butter 17:40 Pecans, Brazil nuts, filberts 21:40 Tofu, Banana, orange and pecans
  15. it's good that johan got you to post pics. you look awesome!! great upper body, and the legs... i love the legs!
  16. lol yea, I like my bucket!!!
  17. Thanx!! I will try to keep that kind of rate. My stomach was feeling great and the level of intake felt just fine.
  18. Yep guys, you're right about protein. I didn't eat much of it yesterday, today I ate more. Perhaps I could eat more omega 3 too. I actually do what cubby says, I put flaxseed and peanut butter in my morning oatmeal. And then when I say pecans and things like that, servings are not small. I wasn't joking when I said that my best friend compares me to her bf (he's a competitive athlete) and says "he ate a lot! well, imagine that he ate almost as much as you do" (no sarcastic tone there from her) Thanks for the comments, you've both gone a longer way than me so I really take your advice into account. Actually today I ate lots of protein (well, for what I usually do). I still have to put myself in the kitchen and cook my beans though. ----- Today I talked to two old friends who I hadn't talked to for a while. One of them almost convinced me to study Linguistics given the crazy amount of languages I want to speak. But it's just laziness, I can keepp on my program and go for languages too. I was zuper happy to talk to them, that kind of made my day. I didn't have much time for the gym but it wasn't as short as yesterday. There was a guy on a stairmaster right by my side and I don't know how I felt his sweat smelling like meat. It was gross and strange. I never felt that before on a person and it was ingly revolting. I was just thinking "you meat eater don't sweat by my side!" but it sounded odd even in my head. That doesn't offset the fact that he smell was sick. I learnt how to make widgets in an economics experiment lol. Nothing else, I realized that i have loads of work to do. That's what happens when you take 4 courses in the summer. 8:30 Oatmeal w/flaxseed & peanut butter 12:00 pecans, brazil nuts 14:10 blueberries, juice w/hemp powder 16:40 2 cups of berries, big beautiful kiwi, baby carrots, tofu, juice w/hemp 18:50 brazil nuts, pecans. tofu. 2 corn ears w/peanut butter (hum that was good!) 22:00 tofu, banana, orange I am a person who needs to sleep now.
  19. Thanks for the votes so far Dani's hams look really good, seriously. She also looks cut. But well, just for the fact of joining, all the girlz rock!!! EDIT: I changed my photos gallery so the link is broken, just in case somebody new wants to know: http://img366.imageshack.us/img366/4825/legs1qv0.jpg
  20. It was an intellectually productive day. I learnt stuff, read things I like, got informed, wasn't late for any class I also decided I'm spendinf about 4 days in Toronto before going home. I'm realy excited about both things. I'm planning a trip back, I want to bike or hike our highest mountain. I hope I can really do something. The gym was pretty lame though. I was going to run and as excited as I was about it, when I actually got into the track I realized my shin splints were both hurting again. I don't know what I'm going to do, seriously. Then somehow it was rainy and cold and unpleasant and chilly... All that gets me really fast, I'm a sunny-day-kid. I had only 20 minutes left to workout so I tried to bike but I didn't feel like it. As a result I grabbed a racket and a ball and played tennis against the wall. I think the only productive thing was having my left hit a little bit better. I don't like it when I go to the gym and find myself lazy and unmotivated. Specially because 99% of the times I'm so happy to be there that I don't find my time to be enough and the whole experience of exercising gets me amazingly happy. So yes, when I go to the gym and don't do well I feel bad. 11:00 Oatmeal (insert putting on gym gear and then going back home) 14:00 Apple, plum, black-blue-raspberries, grapes 16:00 Brazil nuts 19:00 Orange, grapes 21:30 Apple, grapes, all the berries again, orange, pecans, celery Am I eating too much? I don't know. I don't feel bloated and at least half an hour before eating I feel really hungry. But when I write down all the stuff I've eaten, it looks like I eat a lot for my size!!!
  21. I love slathering raw cashew butter on a banana or some dates. So good. Oh don't be mean!!! I didn't buy them yesterday because I was going to eat nothing but cashew and dried fruit. I think I miss them like an fat kid on a diet misses his cake
  22. hum i realized this week that I have SERIOUS issues with cashew...
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