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Everything posted by Lena01

  1. I'm going to Toronto in July!! (Who is from Toronto here??)
  2. Hey I liked that!!! Don't you guys need a folkloric latin dancer over there?? Great job in the company, it seems to me that you have really versatile set of choreographies!
  3. A tangerine!!!! A juicy, vibrant and colourful tropical tangerine. Like those ones with thin skin, I don't like the R&D'd thick skinned and perfectly coloured tangerines. The ones from the real trees are better.
  4. Oh don't talk about depression, you're not helping!!! lol You're right about making time count. I just feel like I've done some things while thinking that I was young (and I still am). But sometimes I would believe that my time was unlimited so I got into lots of projects expecting that the future would come and I would be ready for it. In the meantime I had the hope that that 'future' wasn't going to come soon so I would have much more free space in my life. But now my time for free planning is shrinking and it gets harder and harder to say "next year I'm doing that!". Still, what you said, make time count!!! It does pay back. (Oh I'm getting deeper than Las Marianas today with everything lol)
  5. I hope not. I still have to get into 19 though
  6. Good morning >> I got up like half an hour before so that I didn't have to run and could put myself into waking-up mode. It's over now and I might have a 3 days break. Whatever! It's just 6 weeks before going to spend some time in Cuba and I will have to work on a lot of stuff in that time. But well, going to things that matter: there was a new multi-coloured Swiss ball at the gym!!!! weeeeeee Well I don't use Swiss balls but it's fun to watch it. Today I didn't have time to workout a lot hey, I still benched my record today! (I think) I got into the feeling of my last teen year in the afternoon. B-day crisis... I hadn't had time to think a lot about it but when gum-shaped-brain thoughts caught me I got into it. It's a bit good, I'm growing (time is actually growing on me) and I can see that I will be soon doing things that were once far away. But responsabilities catch up too. Still the more I think I'm really growing I realize that I'm a child. Tomorrow I'm going to try to run. After yesterday my runner ego was deeper than Kant books and I have to be thankful that my injury did not come back (at least not for yesterday). I was told today that I am an artist and that I don't know it. I also realized today how thankful people can be, that was nice. Today I want to speak french. I dunno why. (well I also couldn't help putting that smiley) 8:30 Kiwi, strawberry 11:40 tofu. celery w/ peanut butter Workout: I'm into maximum strength week now. Hard times... Bench press: 5 @ 30 lbs 4 @ 35 lbs 4 @ 35 lbs 3 @ 40 lbs 1 @ 45 lbs (pr?) Preacher curl: 7 @ 15 lbs 4 @ 20 lbs 3 @ 25 lbs 1 @ 30 lbs Squats: (completely lame by the way) 10 @ 40 lbs 3x8 @ 20 lbs Seated calf raises: 3x6 @ 45 lbs ----> I it hate when guys don't clean up after themselves and leave the weights on the machines. They don't realize that there's people (me) who can't move a 45lbs plate! That's like going to the toilet and not flushing!!!! (The same goes to teachers that use the board and leave it all written for the next prof to erase. And so forth...) 13:30 pear 14:00 tofu, juice w/hemp strawberry 18:00 more tofu, and more celery w/peanut butter (I get creative) 20:30 tofu, grapes, raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, rice w/veggies my roommate made (it was good ), oatmeal, brazil nuts, pecans Hum this music is so good and I just remembered I have to wake up early tomorrooo
  7. lol yea! same here (still my best friend is a model) but who needs fancy designs with strikingly good looking bodies?
  8. allright, that was hard to decide!!
  9. oh that's fine. i just thought there was something else to it. (oh boy i better get to my books)
  10. i couldn't understand just take out the "-ma-" and you'll understand lol yes, i got that part. the "ma"???
  11. cool that you joined!!! let's see if we have some other contestants entering before it's over
  12. Today, it was tiring!! Not quite much physically but I haven't had a relaxing time (other than the gym but that's like showering) in a while. And still have to do some more reading :/ I went to run on the road. The track was completely taken, I didn't feel pissed, they were just cute 5 yo kiddies playing games and stuff. I can't regulate my pace that well off the track (I have to fix that) so I ran faster than usually, plus the 3 months off: I got exhausted after 25 minutes That was lame, really. I have to slowly go back to running so I can keep injury free and do something that's at least decent. I saw a nurse out of the hospital sitting on the grass, leaning on a wall and smoking, with the uniform on Not that sitting on the grass is bad, I like it actually, but not with the same clothes that she'll be wearing to give people pills!!! And smoking... well, no comments :/ I ran out of oatmeal and cashews but I haven't had time to go do groceries. I won't buy cashews anyway, I got an addiction issue going on and that has to stop. My Ethics prof will let me do an extra on my project about animal rights. That's cool!!!! 9:00 1/2 oatmeal Ezekiel w/soymilk 13:30 dried cranberries (insert run here, if that counts) 14:30 tofu, lettuce, tomato, radish, dried cranberries, brazil nuts, filberts 18:30 filberts, apple 21:00 tofu, ezekiel w/soymilk, strawberry, apple, cranberries Ah- I hope the gym is open tomorrow because I have no time to go further and I want to start my max strength week!!
  13. bjork @ cambridge (i should be studying)
  14. thanks guys!! i couldn't understand well you'd probably creep some people out in that outfit lol. i'd like to see the video though thanks!! lol thanks! back home guys have a not so respectful way to say it well it was actually the other way round... but i do look kind of silly
  15. The story with food shortage is pretty sad because there are countries that don't consume all of their produce and instead of selling it or giving it for free to the hungry they prefer to lose it either in the sea or burning it. They don't sell it because when they put more in the market the price goes down so it's not profitable anymore. If then its not profitable they could give it for free to the poor countries but as they receive it for no cost they sell it back and then the price goes down anyways. As of gas climbing prices I think that nowadays few things drive the regular Joe to consume less, and high prices is at the top of the list. It would be good for the environment and as in a short spam of time there will be no huge shift to alternatives the extra money can be used to develop cleaner technologies. High prices though, are not very easy on persons with low incomes but rebates would do some job. EDIT: I was still thinking in the food distribution ideas that I wrote and ironically they're kind of effortless explainations, but it's what sometimes happens. I would try to reach an agreement between the receiver and the giver so that the supplies are used to feed the country. Or give the food to an ngo that would make sure that those who need it will receive it. But this world is not perfect yet.
  16. when it's over some admin usually closes the contest saying that no more photos will be accepted unless you pm them with a good excuse. so i think it's not too late. i'd be great if you join!!!
  17. It's been two weeks since my calves don't hurt at all. I'm going to try a really light and short run now. Protect me prefontaine!!! EDIT: I came back already. That was a 25 minutes run! I feel very bad, my calves behaved and there was no pain but I didn't last long. In just 3 months of not running I'm in a very bad shape I will have to work hard to go back to some decent mileage.
  18. Hey alison! Looking good really! I'm pretty sure that you will reaching your goals probably sooner than you think. It's awesome that you got out vegan personal trainer The back of your husband is really red!!! I've seen that kind of massage before in Asia. It was East Timor or Indonesia, a friend of my parents got it and I saw the pictures... The guy's red lines were thicker than your husband's, it feels weird though, thinking that a massage gets your skin like that.
  19. My roommate bought raisins... oh boy she doesn't care for my mental well-being! (giacomo i had the hope it was really your own job, at least i don't feel like light-weight-baby on flexibility now )
  20. looking good!! my swimsuits are not that flowerish! and wouldn't get them into 10C either.
  21. Today it's been a busy Sunday. Studying all the time. Oh boy I'm just going to make sure to have lots of fun in my b-day... hard task in this town I went to the Y again, not many arnold-wannabes, lots of chatting (oh my godz shud up and let me work! ) At least it's funny how some people get offended when you ask them politely to let you work. Well I think I also went over the board: "Don't you have some dumbbells to lift here?" but they had it coming. Now the whole gym knows how uncool I can get 9:30: Oatmeal 13:20 Apple 15:00 Workout 17 min/4 miles bike Lat pulldowns 4x10 @ 60 lbs Close grip row 3x10 @ 50 lbs Barbell close bent-over row 3x10 @20 lbs Some funny over head full motion machine 3x10 @ 50 lbs Stiff leg deadlift 4x10 @ 44 lbs Hamstrings curl 4x10 @ 40 lbs Delts front raise 2x10 @ 10 lbs Cable fly 2x10 @ 10 lbs (1 extra for the left) Delts press 3x10 @ 20 lbs Kickbacks 3x10 @ 5 lbs 1x10 @ 8 lbs [insert celebration here] French press 3x10 @ 15 lbs Hanging leg raises 3x10 Abs crunches 3x10 @ 50 lbs Stairs climbing >600 steps/15 mins Stretch 18:00 TVP. Cashews, Brazil nuts, dried cranberries 19:00 Ezekiel w/ soymilk 21:00 Raspberries, tangerine, cashews I'm running out of cashews, no wonder...
  22. If going ot hit the weights is too hard or expensive you can always try resistance bands. You will not only get in shape working with them but you will also gain control over the strenght you develop. You might even get more creative because they're just that: bands and you'll need to combine them in different ways to work the muscles you want.
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