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Everything posted by Lena01

  1. hum, no idea what's going on with the smell. i hope you can figure it out and then illuminate us with what happened. i just couldn't wait anymore and went to buy fruit and stuff to start my feast tomorrow
  2. Erm... not much new. I'm on the way to strengthening my calves on the lowest impact I can find. I went out to the track also. I walked a bit and worked out in the stairs, kind of tiring. It felt strange going to the track and not running it, a bit sad. Another regular day with food. I bought some fruit also, there were some random bald kiwis that I liked. Golden kiwis I think. I'm going through my school work pretty diligently, that's good. Edit: Led Zeppelin is good. Very good.
  3. Awww those are such cute pictures!!! Sunny is really gorgeous, look at those colors!!! Thanks for the advice I won't probably be posting while in Cuba but when I come back I will make sure to let you know how did it all go. I know I will have spirulina which I love and even though I will be experimenting with myself I have the feeling that I will be cleaner and stronger. (Ok- now I'm thinking of a guava/mamey smoothie. Just 4 more weeks...)
  4. Hey Giacomo, this is a very interesting blog. I once started liquid fast in Cuba but I wasn't half as informed about nutrition as I am now. I was also omni and not a lot into bb. Now that I read your blog I'm planning to do what you're doing for two weeks back home before going on a hiking backpack trip where I won't be able to keep it going. By the time when I start my feast I will have lots of tropical fruits available and my mum is already getting some frozen for me. Ah- I will also start to train with my brother in a stronger fashion as I told him yesterday that I want to compete next year. Do you feel like most of the weight you've lost is bf? Is it getting too hard to keep some muscle on? (I've read your posts but now you've been longer on the feast so perhaps you can give me some new impressions) You- whatever, Congratulations!! It seems to me that you're very happy with what you're doing. (And I also like Sunny, cute parrot)
  5. Yes, I will eventually go to the classroom. It's just not to lose the impulse and do something about it. Now I know a new thing today. Turnabouts by Ms. Tasha.
  6. That is the sickest thing I've ever read. He shouldn't be killed, he must be miserable in prison for the rest of his life. I wonder how will the life of that girl be after that. I hope she could get over it somehow.
  7. lol! You go check I'm fighting for you on the Daywalker thread!What does turnabout mean?
  8. I used Rosetta Stone for French before actually going to the classroom and it worked pretty well. I picked on it very quickly. Actually once an Acadian (french-speaking Canadian) asked me in a French class "Is this the way you do it in France??". That was quite funny! Said also that my first last name is French. If I can't manage to get into a German class I'm going on self-learning again.
  9. May I suggest the boyz being jealous of Tasha saying anything about Dw?
  10. I bet you know English better than some people, aren't you studying something about that? You and your German!!! I'm going after it, seriously. Next year it must be respectably good for a beginner. I have a thing for languages. That makes me wonder a lot about wether I'm in the right career. My goal is 9 by the time I turn 50. I think I will never leave the classroom. How long did it take you to learn German?
  11. Yes, I've noted that. (I think we can hijack my log better) I just feel so full with it that when we were saying good-bye he told me what you could translate into English as "I love you Leny" and that is so meaningful in Spanish. I don't like over-using adjectives, I feel like it wasn't that true so I need to make it beleivable. Just like my friend says: Some things are sexier in Spanish.
  12. I just had an incredibly politically incorrect idea for that shirt. We are on a roll for that. Oh well, this is a happy conversation in a way. I dun even want to know what the idea was! (Well I won't probably understand it anyways) But yes, it's a happy conversation!
  13. I won't log what I ate yesterday or today. I'm not in the mood for it. Just a couple regular days. Today I ate a bit more but nothing significant. Today was cardio day, when I was done I went to play squash. I must admit that I'm getting some strenth Reverse hit still getting better and as usual I enjoy the sound of the racket hitting the ball powerfully. The other good thing today was my brother. That's just happiness in itself. We made plans for a backpack hiking trip in the summer. Got to talk about stuff and as usual I realized that I love him a lot. It's just... why isn't there a better word than 'love' in English?? Or why do people use 'love' to say they like pizza? Yo adoro a mi hermanito.
  14. lol I liked that phrase!! Cool that! Eyeliner looks bad on me though. You can wear it for me. I will wear it in your honor tomorrow. Oh- Thanks! (I think we're hijacking another thread lol. Do we get t-shirts for being the major hijackers?)
  15. lol I liked that phrase!! Cool that! Eyeliner looks bad on me though. You can wear it for me.
  16. How was that??? I don't wear make up and you do? Interesting.
  17. I could talk with my brother for 3 hours. I really love that boy beyond limits. I just love him, dun know what else to say.
  18. lol I hope I learn to say nicer things. The vid was entertaining. (I think we've stolen Daywalker's thread about voting for him. Sorry)
  19. Do it. It is the most fun language. Yes, I'm doing it next term because I couldn't do it in the summer. I'm really going after my 4th language. All I know how to say is "Manner sind verruckt" Sorry guys... that's all my German roommie taught me
  20. Voted! I don't think there's much of a competition against you there. I voted for Nena too, her name is kinda like mine and she's cute looking. So I realized I really have to learn German.
  21. Hi there. Long time no see. Yesterday I had no time to post and today it could have been the same but I needed to work through this because that is the way that you start stopping... "I'll do it tomorrow" I was a happy kid with stats yesterday, awesome. Yesterday I started the vascularization week. It's basically to give some efficiency to the newly gained mass and to cut back more fat. I could keep my hr nice high through the weights lifting part. 8:20 one and a half oatmeal (I woke up really hungry) w/ peanut butter, flaxseed, apple and cinnamon 13:30 juice w/ hemp Workout: 4 miles bike/ some minutes I don't remember Lifted weights on circuitx3 at 10-15 reps low weight so I could go fast. I don't remember all the weights Lat pulldown Hams curl Shoulder press French triceps press Push ups Squat Leg raises then another 4 miles on some bike so random that I dun when someone has taken it because it's the only one I Like 15:50 kiwi, peach, plum, celery w/peanut butter 19:00 plum and filberts 20:45 tofu, plum, orange Today I didn't have a lot of time to eat. The workout was hard: I didn't have a lot of energy because I didn't sleep much and didn't eat much. Well the weather wasn't inspiring either... the sun feeds me a significant bit. 6:40 Oatmeal w/peanut butter, flaxseed and cinnamon (obviously) I ate 400 grams of tofu through the day, perhaps less 14:00 Workout Played squash. It was fun, I can be a hard counterpart to myself. My reverse hit is getting better. Then some basic wushu training. HIIT on a bike 3x3:1 + 3x2:1 Abs, 5 different exercises, don't remember much of the order or reps. 20:20 2 Bananas, almonds 22:00 I cooked some awesome TVP, it had asparagus, green pepper, baby carrots, radish, mushrooms, ground pecan, celery, sugar snap peas. I ate a tomato with it.
  22. Word. Actually I'm writing about it right now
  23. Thanks Robert! And thanks everyone for the votes. The competition was pretty close and I know that next time it's going to be even harder to decide because we have very hardworking people that will bring surprises. Just a big "You Rock!!!" to all the contestants both girls and boyz. I hope we have even more people joining next time.
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