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Everything posted by Lena01

  1. Good! perhaps you should post them (lol i like that smiley)
  2. It's good that you joined as well as hsorlando! We have to keep the girlie side of this contests on! As of feeling bad for your legs I don't see anything that can't be built. It just takes a bit of time and forget about genetics, I used to hate mine too and my frame never changed but just because they take me everywhere easier than before I love them. The "hey" attitude is much better, I'm pretty sure you will get your legs to be the way you want them to.
  3. I hope you can get what you want, it's not very hard, just a bit time consuming. Check out this! http://img87.imageshack.us/img87/9026/govegnz6.jpg It's ppt over paint, even more ol' school
  4. Just puzzling: cutting and moving. I cropped to the close-up I wanted and then just cut/pasted to a white frame. (If you photoshop it's easier but I don't have in my pc )
  5. Today was a rainy day and it's pouring now, just perfect for sleeping. No workout, I have to finish the first part of my training cycle tomorrow so I switched Sat for Sunday as the day off. Today I'm feeling a lot the biceps from yesterday. I cooked TVP fo the first time, it was good! 10:00 Oatmeal 13:00 Apple 13:40 Cashews, Ezekiel w/ soy milk 17:00 kiwi, strawberry, blueberries, filberts, brazil nuts, celery 20:00 Cashews, dried cranberries 21:00 TVP, i built this pic from photos taken while i was cooking: http://img87.imageshack.us/img87/7205/tvpstuffbg0.jpg a little old school, paint from office
  6. tell us MORE about this. lol I didn't drink bleach. I was trying to do some decolouring on fabric for the second time and now my throat hurts. First time I thought it was the ammount of water that gave the the throatache but today I realized it's the chemical.
  7. thanks simwave it was time for a legs update. i think definition on upper legs hasstayed at the same level, volume has increased and calves are skinnier perhaps because i can't run. or maybe they stayed the same but quads grew so they look smaller. what is true is that i'm completely lefty. i got into a good mirror yesterday and my right calf was smaller than the left (quads, the same but i already knew that) http://img139.imageshack.us/img139/1429/legs1sm4.jpg
  8. Today I had to go to the YMCA my college gym was closed. I liked it, most girls were reading trendy magazines while leaning on their bikes' seats' backs. My girlie self would embrace the dumbbells like most dudes there. I bbq'ed a pack of 6 tofu hot dogs. I was thinking of leaving some for later but I ate them all at once. I'm a large person lol. I hadn't eaten anything in 6 hours and worked out in the mean time. No guilt! Ah- also now I'm sure that bleach damages my throat. 8:50 Oatmeal 11:10 Cashews and filberts Workout: 12 min/4 miles bike (no back on the seat ) push-ups 4x15 bench press 3x10 @ 15 lbs Squats 3x12 @ 44 lbs Ma-bu 3x15seg:30seg @ 20 lbs leg press 2X12 @ 110 lbs leg extensions 2x12 @ 60 lbs standing biceps curl 3x10 @ 10 lbs romanian curl 2x10 @ 10 lbs over-head cable biceps curl 2x10 @ 15 lbs (2 extra on left bic) seated calf raises 3x12 @ 25 lbs calf press 3x12 @ 70 lbs single relevE 4x12 @ 30lbs (2 extra right calf) abs crunches 4X10 @ 50 lbs 16 min/4 miles bike Stretching 19:20 the tofu dogs. 1 apple while bbq'ing. 1 strawberry. brazil nuts 21:20 cashews, blueberries, raspberries, grapes, cereal w/soymilk 00:00cashews, grapes, dried cranberries, apricot
  9. I think it's because we share South America with Brazil so there's more than one Latin language. Actually we have also French but they don't call themselves like that. Who told them they're not Latin just because half of their ancestors invented ballet?
  10. today http://img139.imageshack.us/img139/1429/legs1sm4.jpg
  11. Oh cubby I hope you were joking Do you speak American? Latin is the language that the Ancient Rome spoke, and many languages developed from it (including Spanish, the one that we speak in Cuba)
  12. That's bad to hear I hope you recover soon so you can keep on working. I know legs are tiring to train. Just be careful and hopefully you will be fine soon
  13. haha that's cool. I have a bulgarian friend and everyone asks if I'm bulgarian. I've also been called russian, which I do not think is accurate. lol world citizen kids! In Cuba people thought a lot I was Russian. People on the streets would usually think that my brother and I are a tourist couple. Here in Canada I've been French (even a French prof asked me: Is this the way you do it in France? ) and now Ukrainian! One day a guy told me "oh you're Cuban, I want to learn latin, would you help me?!!"
  14. Congrats!!!!!!! Giacomo it's really good that you're going to have a vegan job too!!! My random stuff today: a photographer working at my uni took me some pics and he thought I was Ukrainian, that's the most exotic nationality I've ever been called!!!
  15. 8:40 Oatmeal (w/peanut butter, soy milk, flaxseed, dried cranberries). 12:00 Juice w/hemp, cashews, cranberries Workout: Bike: Warm-up: 16 min/4 miles HIIT: 3x3:1 3x2:1 3 min cool down ----------------- Total: 40 min/10.6 miles Ma-bu 2x1 min Stretch 16:00 Big massive salad: mushrooms, greek lettuce, carrots, peas, radish, green pepper, strawberry. Cashews, filberts, pecans 19:00 Pear, cranberries, grapes, milk w/sp. cereal, brazil nuts 21:15 Cashews, blueberries, tangerine Self note: There's a lot to be done and I'm getting into it with no distractions It would be good to cut a little bit on nuts, seriously.
  16. You should try to catch and spay some of them...the humane society does it for cheap and there are some groups that will do it for free...to cut down on the exponential growth of feral cats Sometimes we do, say a new-born gets lost and needs to be taken care of. We take care of them until they're big enough to escape 3 meters away and join the other cats. Or when there's one that is sick. Other than that we just give them food when there are too many and they can't all get enough (specially when there are new kittens). I think we do them a favor allowing them to live however they want to. My yard is full of plants and there's some shelter for them too... it's better than the bare floor of the house. So when they leave I can still see them growing and doing crazy stuff on the plants.
  17. seven cats!! was it easy to domesticate them all? in my house in havana city there are lots of wild cats that live in my yard. we usually have new born kittens every 2 months but unless they need to be fed by us, we just let them live their lives over there. it's really entertaining though, to see them grow and thrive over there. those two cats are cute!
  18. The legs contest already started, that was the one I originally thought to be in, I had not many expectations for this one. So: Big thanks to everyone who voted and to the brave contestants!!! This is a great opportunity for having people motivated and improve! We should aim to keep the number of contestants high as well as the number of voters. That way many people will have a chance of expose him/herself and a large amount of voters will have probably a more fair decision (and hopefully many of them will be encouraged to join and compete). Again: thanks, and lots of will power for all to keep the good work!!!
  19. Today I was happily enjoying my morning selfness and my roommate who works for the uni came to pick me up because they needed a model for photos of the gym. I was slipped into my first fitness modeling photos, well it's also that I was available at the moment they needed me, not that it had to be me. Anyways I liked it! Now my food and my training: 9:30 Oatmeal. Raspberries 10:30 "hey put your gym clothes on and come with me!!" photos. Training: Back/Hamstrings/Deltoids/Glutes/Adductors/Triceps 15 min/4 miles bike Lat pulldown 2x10 @ 60 lbs 2x10 @ 55 lbs Seated close-grip row 4x10 @ 55 lbs Dumbbell Bent-over row 4x10 @ 40 lbs Hamstring curl 3x10 @ 35 lbs Dumbbell front raises 2x10 @ 10 lbs Dumbbell fly 2x10 @ 8 lbs Barbell push press 2x10 @ 15 lbs Glutes abductions 3x12 @ 105 lbs Leg adductions 3x12 @ 60 lbs Lunges 2x16 @ 40 lbs (2x20lbs dumbbells) Triceps kickbacks 3x8 @ 8 lbs (finally out of the 5 lbs!) French press 3x10 @ 15 lbs 14 min/4 miles bike 13:30 Grapes, pepper, carrots, broccoli, cashews (microscopical amounts) 14:30 Juice, apricot, strawberries, cashews, sprouted cereal w/ soy milk 19:00 brazil nuts, blueberries, rasperrries, grapes 22:00 1 tangerine, 1 strawberry, grapes, cereal w/ soy milk, cashews Good night!
  20. I didn't know about that site Emmybear, thanx!! I think that sometimes I also like to do my homework by hand I didn't have much time yesterday or the day before to write a whole log of what I ate and trained. The format for writing the workout is (sets)x(reps)@(weight). Monday 26/05 Breakf- Oatmeal, pecans 1:00 organge juice+hemp, filberts Workout: chest/quads/bic/calfs/abs 16 min/4 miles bike push ups 4x10 bench press 4x10 @ 35lbs squats 4x10 @ 40 lbs leg press 4x10 @ 160 lbs vertical jump 2x10 ma-bu 2x1 min preacher curl 3x10 @ 10 lbs romanian dummbell curl 2x10 @ 10 lbs cable biceps curl 2x10 @ 15lbs seated calf raises 3x10 @ 25 lbs calf press 3x10 @ 70 lbs inclined alternate sit-ups 2x30 inclined leg raises 2x30 15 min/4 miles bike Stretch Back to food, 16:00 juice w/hemp. broccoli, carrots, celery, pecans 19:00 1 plum, filberts 22:00 1 mango, 1 pear, 1 kiwi, tofu, pecans 23:00 1 apple, 1 tangerine. (Gone to bed) Tuesday 27/5/08 9:00 Oatmeal, blueberries, pecans 13:00 filberts, juice+hemp, 1 apple Workout [format (sets)x(work):(rest)] I didn't have much time so I had to workout in 40 mins. HIIT on a bike: 2x3:1 2x2:1 2x1:1 Stretch 16:00 pecans, carrots, green pepper, juice+hemp, tangerine, filbertz 22:00 blueberries, brazil nuts, cashews, dried cranberries, sprouted cereal+soy milk
  21. humm your cherries look just too good!!! i think i'm hungry now
  22. yep, me too. i like to be around on barefoot in general. dance on barefoot (that one's my favorite!), i've walked around my city on barefoot like twice (it might sound gross but i liked it)...
  23. Thanks Emmybear and Tasha!! I'm really enjoying lifting weights really!! It happened to me once like Lizworld even though I had been on the track for like 8 months. It took a week to heal (but I was still chilling at the beach) I've been waiting for 2 months now... but it hasn't hurted in like 2 weeks so I see the road coming up You girls are really supportive! Thanx!!!
  24. Tasha: I probably over trained and I was running with my ma shoes, that are not very cushioned really... so now I'm paying the hard way. I stretch a lot, because I think I'm bubble gum even though I'm not super flexible yet I just hope I will be fine soon because everytime it's a nice day outsidee all I can think is "oh what a nice day for running " So now I want to update my arms pictures because the last one looks a lot like cubby w/ his super-hetero red shirt. Nothing bad with that but when I look at mine I can't but laugh, not to say that I almost end up wearing the peanut butter I was eating when I first saw his. I trained today chest, biceps, quads and calfs. Later I went to class and now I took this ones: http://img366.imageshack.us/img366/3720/webcam2008052622106vu4.png http://img366.imageshack.us/img366/9275/webcam2008052622085yy3.png http://img366.imageshack.us/img366/5876/webcam200805262210bk1.png
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