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Lean and Green's Signature Picture is Horrid


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Lean baby, it's horrible. I try to scroll past as quickly as possible, or I try to scroll down just enough to read your post without looking at it. But, it's still there. It still stings my eyes.


Okay, that's better. I had to get that off my chest. Now if I could just get the image out of my mind.

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Mike, ooooh I hear you man.... did you see that topic where Tuc & LEan were posting together, to create some kind of signature-built legs/back/arms monster ?

Oh boy, it makes me feel SO glad that I'm not prone to nightmares.

haha !


Lean'n'Green sweetie, sorry to say it but (sucks in breath) the dude's got a point.... please... for the sake of the trembling, naked, defenceless eyes.... we're begging you !

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Mike, ooooh I hear you man.... did you see that topic where Tuc & LEan were posting together, to create some kind of signature-built legs/back/arms monster ?

Oh boy, it makes me feel SO glad that I'm not prone to nightmares.

haha !


Lean'n'Green sweetie, sorry to say it but (sucks in breath) the dude's got a point.... please... for the sake of the trembling, naked, defenceless eyes.... we're begging you !




I look at this site the most when im at work and quickly scroll down the page whenever I see a Lean post lol

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My mum just finished visiting me, and in the process I shared the trauma !


She kindly remarked that it could be a lot worse, when you think about it, but i think it may have been just her mind's way of coping, as she also agreed that it was quite hideous really.

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You guys are killin me lol! Amy texted me while i was at the gym to notify me of a crazy thread post about my sig and i came back rofl about this. I disincluded the sig on this thread for the sake of everyone's 'sanity'.


It's all good. I was going to change it as soon as robert closed the voting polls as it was a sig for the celebration of legs week. Well he closed it today, so lucky for all, i will be changing it but the sig will live on in my saved pics file folder


If anyone would actually be able to help me with a new sig so i won't be sigless i would greatly appreciate it.


What I would like is one of those progress bars where it has the amount of days counting down (for the conclusion of my juice feast) and another bar for lbs lost and my goal at the end of the bar and the bar goes toward that goal. Anyone know what i'm talking bout? Someone else had it here but i can't remember who.


Don't make me do another photoshopped split with burnt shaved legs and even shorter shorts!!!!


And btw Astrocat, I adored your cat on the prowl sig pose and dearly miss it, this one is ok but the old one, i loved it......

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BTW if you're offended by my sig I can remove it.


I like the tattoo on you chest


That was a Tattoo? I thought it was digitally placed into the picture( Either with Photoshop or some other program )



Oh and about L & G's old sig. The only thing I didn't like was the color of the boxers( And what looked like some kind of stain in the lower left section )


Other then that, Nice Legs

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The only thing I didn't like was the color of the boxers( And what looked like some kind of stain in the lower left section )


That was no stain! That was his Johnson trying to escape.


Lean, you're awesome, and not just for removing the sig. You're awesome for taking this thread in the lighthearted funny way it was intended.

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I disincluded the sig on this thread for the sake of everyone's 'sanity'.


I'm sure I can boldly speak on behalf of the forumgoers here in general, in thanking you warmly for this merciful gesture.



BTW if you're offended by my sig I can remove it. I thought that L&G's sig is rather amusing.


haha, well I did also find your arms/legs monster to be quite amusing... just in a sort-of "I wouldn;t want to meet it in a dark alleyway" kind of way.


As for your arms I reckon they're fine.


There's just something about the legs sig. .... it doesn't embarrass me so much as simply upset my eyes



And btw Astrocat, I adored your cat on the prowl sig pose and dearly miss it, this one is ok but the old one, i loved it......


I feel touched. Thankyou !

I realised that i could include both, which i quite like because my 'prowling along' one is so much more silly than the one i was using more recently.


But feel free to tell me if you think it's overkill to include both


I was very touched also, that you made such an effort to put on your most syling pants for such a crotch-centric picture .... it really led to me not becoming even more bemused by the whole grotesque artistic arrangement.


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The only thing I didn't like was the color of the boxers( And what looked like some kind of stain in the lower left section )


That was no stain! That was his Johnson trying to escape.






sigworthy material right here.

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actually guys, Pink is 100% correct, those shorts do have a stain on them, quite an eye to catch that. I like to shovel salads down while i'm sitting with a big bowl in my lap and i get salade everywhere. That has to look so bad, doesn't it!? It's an olive oil stain or coconut oil or something, get your heads out of the gutter!


I found a countdown sig, still looking for the lbs lost bar....

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It's an olive oil stain or coconut oil or something, get your heads out of the gutter!


My head wasn't in the gutter. I just assumed it was left over deposit from a lack of a good anal clean after hitting the Jon( If ya catch muh drift. ) I didn't even know they were shorts. I thought they were your undies. Which is why I thought it was that kind of stain.

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I just assumed it was left over deposit from a lack of a good anal clean after hitting the Jon( If ya catch muh drift. )



I'm afraid I don't catch your drift. How does a stain from lack of "anal cleansing" end up on the FRONT of his shorts?

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Dressing in the dark and putting on stuff backwards.


Do you know how many times I've walked around all day wearing a T-shirt backwards or inside out?




We all know Lean didn't crap his pants. I think most people were thinking about "love stains" hahaha

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