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George Carlin died earlier today.


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It's pretty much all over every website, but he was my favorite comedian, and a lot of things he said had a very positive influence on me in my teen years in terms of questioning authority and thinking for yourself. I'm glad I got to see him in concert 4 years ago, but regret not being able to see him 2 months ago when he was in town. Anybody else sad about this?

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This is the first I've heard about it. This news incredibly saddens me. He was indeed a great comedian. He will be missed.


I first got to know Carlin from the hit 80's movie Bill and Ted's excellent adventure( And the sequel ).


I never saw him in concert but I did see some bits of him on a DVD. Hilarious stuff.


I sincerely hope he rest's in peace.

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I really liked most of his stuff. I think his sarcastic criticism of the right wing media has had a huge influence in creating the U.S. more humane. Also, he was one of the funniest stand up comedians ever lived.

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I yelled "what?!" when I read the title of this message. This is quite a downer. I have watched his stand up many times and used to watch his show when it was on. His books are hilarious. He was my favorite comedian. Never saw him live, but I had a chance a couple years ago and blew it.

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i was so sad when i heard this news. he was pure comic genius. think of how long he has been doing stand up, since the 60's. over 40 years! and he has always been in top form, head and shoulders above the rest. i rank him right up there with Lenny Bruce and Richard Pryor as one of the all time great comics. like Lenny Bruce, he was also arrested for doing his routines.




"I think it's the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn, and cross it deliberately."


with that quote in mind, here is one of my favorite pieces. The Ten Commandments

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