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Vegan? Hm, okay let's try it!


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Hey peopz,


I thought I register to the vegan community and "say hello to my little friendz"



The reason I registered was that I wanted to try the vegan way of life.

About me I am straight and tell you what I am thinking even if it won't fit your opinion, I'm just honest.

I don't care about the animals I just care of my health because without health you are nothing!


To go back to the reason I registered - I want to force myself to stay vegan for a couple of days then weeks and maybe forever if it's bringing me vibrant health. I think I'll start a log or something that you can "see" me and that I won't go off the track so easily though I am very disciplined.


Since 2 weeks I try to eat vegan style but had one egg and fish once in a while.


Today I eat what I want - crap. Even though I could buy myself what I want I don't even had the desire to eat meat, that's good I think.


Tomorrow I start my vegan way of life - let's see how long it will last.


I have many experience in nutrition say blood type diet, paleo (did this almost 3 months and crashed terrible...), metabolic typing and so on to name a few.


So I am looking forward to a new and good future with you all





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Hi, Vegeta and welcome:)

Stick to this diet for some time, and you will notice that you don't desire animal food anymore, because it's simply not a part of natural human diet.

And you will come soon to your natural mind, too. I also started macrobiotic (pretty same as vegan, but with occasional fish) diet for health long ago. Also didn't stick to it 100%. Eat some meat and cheese here and there (like once a month). But over time, I lost every single desire to eat that crap.

And I really LOVE my plant food now! It is natural food for me, I can feel it. But what is the most important thing is that by not eating animal products, I started to feel more compassionate towards animals. Now I really understand the phrase: "Animals are my friends, and I don't eat my friends".

For me, giving up meat was easy , I never liked it that much. But cheese was harder, because it gives you a pleasant feeling (I heard it is because of some sedatives that naturally occur in milk). But milk addiction is over now, too.

And to be honest, I eat still one egg in month or so. I like eggs the best from all animal food. But I guess egg addiction will go away too.

Also, don't be hard on yourself. Nothing is lost if you eat some animal product once in a while. It doesn't mean you've lost the war! Just come back always to plant food, and in some time you will naturally realize it's best for you. And animals. And planet Earth. By the way, watch the movie EARTHLINGS! It will make you sick at least for couple of months.

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watched the very first minutes of earthlings and it bores me.

I know that sounds egoistic and bla but I'm not eating for ethics but rather for health reasons like I said before. Certainly you are thinking "what a jerk" but I don't care.


Fact is I know what they will tell if you are seeking intensly for the optimal nutrition for yourself for more than 1 year you don't get over it to NOT read about animal rights and so on, so I know much about species-appropriate husbandry.


Maybe I take a look later on it.


By the way when I ate the two last weeks almost vegan I hadn't any cravings for animal food so... that's not the problem to get it out of my food intake. Especially if it's not considered as "healthy" or not optimal for me I can ditch any food for a long time, I'm hard at this, I mean I do everything what have to be done to get healthy. (I'm not ill, with healthy I mean to be strong and have a high performance level.)


@vege that is some interesting point to include some animal food, I thought of it too to eat once in a while a few eggs or fish. Especially do you tried whole grain pasta with fried eggs? That's so delicious!


A few days ago I ate some tuna, damn... the next 3 toilet-courses my piss stank exactly like the tuna, disgusting! I don't eat that fish again. I try to eat foods for my metabolic type and blood type.


I bought black beans and pinto, never ate it in quantity, let's see how it will taste tomorrow.


Today, like I mentioned before is my last crap day and I already overdone it, I feel horrible, too much cakes, cheese and fat of nuts (peanut butter, I know it's a legume ), I feel so lethargic, maybe it's the lack of sleep as well. (had today nightshift and didn't sleep for over 35 hours. But since I have been half vegan for the last 2 weeks I must admit that I didn't feel so sleepy like the last night shift, I felt fit! I hope that's a sign that I am on the right track.


I think I let milk product out of my nutrtion and eat some eggs once in a while for B12 or something. Yesterday I ate low-fat yoghurt again after a whole month without any milk product, I just can feel how mucus built-up in my system. And it wasn't even delicious though I used to love yoghurt...

And if I am eating meat then just a little bit poultry. For making my veggies I will use some organic butter from grass fed cows (Kerrygold).


Okay that's a long post. I hope you don't have a bad attitude against me.


Also I've made the mistake to not eating enough protein on my vegan transition so I hope the beans are my friends and digest well.


Questions for you vegan people here.


Do developed or develope gases at the beginning of your vegan carrier of consuming legumes/especially after green peas?


What is your REAL feeling not the conceited feeling of being energetic? Did you experience really far more energy than the non-vegan based nutrition you did? Please be really honest!!!





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Howdy!, and please allow me to make several suggestions and answers one or two of your question. At the age of 52 my plan was to go on a vegan diet for 30 days to beat a cholesterol test. So every time I wanted that hamburger I would remind myself that in 30 days you can have 30 hamburgers if you want. Som I would get something to eat and think of something else. I would suggest you first set a goal of 30 days to start. In the beginning 20 day I became weak and lost almost 20lbs. I kept reading and studying what to eat and about the philosophy of veganism and gained my strength back with diet adjustments. after 31 days my cholesterol went from 246 to 167. I was convince of the health benefits I had read about, I realized that having compassion for creatures less intelligent that myself, and vulnerable to my desires would prevent unnecessary suffering in the world. The environmental impact was apparent in ways as water conservation, land conservation, green house gasses to name just one waste product of factory farming. I am now in my 4th year and am happy for the path I chose. It has also been a culinary journey as I have experience food I never knew existed and learn so much about foods. Good luck with you journey and if you are sincere and diligent in you desire, in time you will find yourself in a better place.

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At 56 I wouldn't call it through the roof but I feel good. I deliver mail for the USPS on foot, 5 days a week, and have no problems with running out of energy. Hot days don't slow me down as long as I have plenty of water. I'm due for annual blood work. Last year as it has been every year sense becoming a vegan, all my test results are well within the normal range showing normal organ functions. Also I have Diabetes and Alzheimer in my family, none of which I suffer from yet. So what would be the logic in returning to a diet that has proven to increase the risk of these diseases by 10% or more. Low cholesterol, no animal hormone, (natural or industry added) no antibiotics from animal sources, no lead and mercury from fish, not to mention not adding to the collapse of our fisheries. I'm happy right where I'm at.

Edited by Vegan Joe
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if you dont watch all of earthlings, you can't really get the whole picture, watching snipets isnt going to cut it. just like watching part of any movie and deciding if its good before you see the twist at the end, that thing that made the whole move make sense...or who the killer actually was, etc...


anyways, you're here, hello.

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Okay Vegan Joe, thanks for answering


@ Ted Trendy I understand, assume the end goes like this, we (the mankind (most of us except vegans)) are the killer, end of story we are killing ourselves right?

Okay because you want to watch the whole movie I will do it soon.


Could you answer my questions I asked Ted? Would be nice

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What is your REAL feeling not the conceited feeling of being energetic? Did you experience really far more energy than the non-vegan based nutrition you did? Please be really honest!!!






I can answer that one; I have a ton of energy. I work 2 jobs at present, and I get about 5 hrs. sleep per day. I usually bound out of bed, not dragging at all. I did notice a definite change in my energy levels after going vegan 10 + years ago, and especially after going all raw.


Vegan is great, but I definitely believe that raw is best for maximum health benefits. Been raw for almost 2 years at this point, and the smell of cooked food is very repulsive to me now.


Good thing I am not in the restaurant business!


Oh yeah, welcome to the forum!

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Hi and welcome !


Me too I've tried the Blood Diet, I still avoid eating too many tomatoes (which I replace with strawberries) or bananas, because I find I don't digest them very well, but I don't really believe in this diet, animals of a same specie eat the same food no matter their size or blood type. Have you tried Ayurvedic diet ? Very intersting, this is many centuries old, based not only on body type but also your personality. Judging from your avatar I think you are a Pitta, like me, so that means your elements are Fire and Water. During Pitta season (summer), you must avoid heavy and hot food because this would add even more fire into you, you don't want that, becaue "opposite heals". So eat lots of fruits and raw veggies.


Earthlings is good but if you don't watch it because you find it too long, here is one which is only 30 seconds, so you don't have any excuse



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By the way if you continue to eat poultry, eggs, butter, occasionnally, it is not a vegan diet Try it 100% to see the results.

To achieve "vibrant health" though, you might want to stay away from anything processed, non-organic, avoid eating too much, eat raw food, and some people might say the only way to achieve vibrant health is low-fat raw vegan, so a lot of sweet fruits and green salads.

To answer your question, yes I do feel more energic than when I was eating meat or vegetarian with cheese, eggs, etc... My blood pressure was higher so when I was lying down or sitting and then standing up I was feeling dizzy. Sometimes I was feeling tired, depressed, etc. Since I'm vegan I feel better in my mind because of what I eat and I also have more strength and endurance.

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If you want to permanently be Vegan it's easier when doing it for ethical reasons. My mother is a health vegetarian and she'll break her diet for turkey or a chesseburger because she lacks the motivation to make an enviromental/ethical difference.


However, eating what's left of your meat/eggs is good in moderation to decrease the dependence on meat; Slowly widen the gap.

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Hey all,


@katz thanks a lot


@I'm Your Man Yes, but we are not "animals" they eat usually "their" food, you can't compare it with humans, it's like the argument of the gorilla and the human.


Indeed the Ayuverdic diet is very interesting, read a little bit about it now, saw the food list of my type, I am supposed to be a Vatta type. The food list fits perfectly with my blood type diet and the descriptions of this type as well.

My avatar may be misleading, my body constitution is thin and small boned. Later I will post Before/After pics after a month on a vegan diet I think. I try to be 100% clean.


Okay watched the vid: Must admit really shocking... it hit me inside...


To the point of avoiding eating too much, it's such thing, because I think I have to eat really large on a vegan diet to reach my calorie intake I have to overeat on lentils/legumes so we will see.


Btw yesterday (on my crap day) I ate yoghurt and cheese tonight when I went sleeping I feeled more mucus in my nose caused of dairy.

Very bad, time to stay away from it though I was for over a month.

That's the prove for me that it is bulding up mucus in my system.


@Dallas thanks for your opinion, I am disciplined in things of eating for health. When I was on the paleo diet my friends tried to force me to eat pizza and burgers but I could resist easily. I punched them then was silence

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If what you mean is that we are more intelligent than other animals, does this give us the right to kill just for gluttony, lust and greed? The level of intelligence is just one difference among a thousand others that make each animals and each being different. Being more intelligent dont make us better (we are the worst specie, we kill billions of other creatures and we even kill millions of our own specie in wars) or dont give us superior rights such as using animals without any respect. We are different than other animals but all animals are different, with different language, diet, etc. We are primates, mammals. If you are not an animal, then you might not need to sleep, eat and go to the restroom...

There are two types of animals: the ones that have no respect for others, such as mosquitos, bats, carnivores and other parasites and vampires, that keep bothering others to steal their blood or take their life. They kill all day long without any remorse, like psycho serial killers, they do nothing except the Bad. Even scavengers are not that worse, because at least they let others live in peace and they will only come bother you after you're dead...

The other type of animal are herbivores, frugivores, vegetarians, vegans, etc. They eat superior food at the bottom of the food chain, so less toxins , and they live their life peacefully without bothering or killing others , "live and let live". They have respect for others, "Do not do to others what you do not want done to yourself"

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No it's not the intelligence question. It's just that our colons if we would compare gorillas with us are too different.

But I don't want to discuss this or the intelligence debate either.

But yes cold fisson and I'm Your Man, when I think about it... somehow you are right.

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