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Vegan Humor


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  • 2 weeks later...

Ya definatly not "funny" humor, but something that was done really really well I think, and in one of those fashions that is easy to watch and easy to understand, yet with a serious message behind it.


I guess it's serious humor. I don't know

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i like that ad, hope you don't mind me posting it in other boards.


i guess the following quote from George Carlin could be considered animal rights humor:

"I cheer when a bull at Pamplona sinks his horns deep into the lower intestines of some drunken European macho swine. And my cheers grow louder when the victim is a young American macho-jock tourist asshole. Especially if the bull is able to swing the second horn around and catch the guy right in the nuts."

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i like that ad, hope you don't mind me posting it in other boards.


i guess the following quote from George Carlin could be considered animal rights humor:

"I cheer when a bull at Pamplona sinks his horns deep into the lower intestines of some drunken European macho swine. And my cheers grow louder when the victim is a young American macho-jock tourist asshole. Especially if the bull is able to swing the second horn around and catch the guy right in the nuts."


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  • 3 weeks later...

some more observations by George Carlin on the differences between humans and animals:


"we like to think we've evolved and advanced because we can build a computer, fly an airplane, travel underwater, we can write a sonnet, paint a painting, compose an opera. but you know something? we're barely out of the jungle. what we are, is semi-civilized beasts with baseball caps and automatic weapons.


humans do some really interesting things. like besides killing ourselves, we also kill each other. and we are the only ones who do that. we are the only species that deliberately kills members of their own species for personal gain... or pleasure. sometimes it's just fun. we're also the only species that deliberately kills members of another species for personal gain... or pleasure. that's what hunters do, they kill for pleasure. that's us, human beings.... murderers.


assasination: we always kill people who tell us to live together in peace. jesus, gandhi, john kennedy, bobby kennedy, martin luther king, john lennon, they all said "try to live together in peace" BANG! right in the fucking head. we're not ready for that. it's difficult behaviour for us.


genocide: killing a large number of people simply because they dont' look like you, they don't talk like you, and they don't wear the same kind of hat you do. ever notice that? anytime you see two groups of people who really hate each other, chances are good that they are wearing different kinds of hats. keep an eye on that, it might be important.


torture: another one of our heartwarming human activites we picked up along the way. torturing each other. animals don't do that.


one more of our charming activities: necrophilia. now there's a hobby for you. fucking a corpse. takes a special kind of guy. ing, but it happens, more than you might think. well... it happens among humans. animals don't do that... animals don't fuck their dead. a rat will do a lot of gross things, but he will not fuck a dead rat. it wouldn't even occur to him. only a human would think to fuck someone who just died. we gotta be the most interesting critters on the planet.


by the way, you may notice that all these activities i'm mentioning: murder, assasination, torture, genocide, necrophilia. these are all things that humans do. not animals, those creatures we feel superior to."


taken from the cd Life Is Worth Losing, George Carlin live at the Beacon Theatre NYC.

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