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Ben's Progress Pictures.

benny boy

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I guess this is the start though as it is the first set. This is I guess after 3 weeks, I am not planning to do this often to be honest...gaining weight is the goal rather than posing. Also I have no idea how you are supposed to do this posing stuff and I am having to use the timer on my camera so it is quite tricky


Oh...and as you can see when there is 6"4 of me it's quite hard to fit it all in shot!!









Check out my ribs!!

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Not meaning to be harsh, but you need to do several things in order to grow:


1) Eat, alot, and then some more.


2) Ditch isolation lifts completely.


3) Focus entirely on getting stronger on heavy compound lifts that I will detail below.


4) Eat some more.


As regards to the compound (multi-joint) lifts, any routine that you do should be based on, or variations of these exercises:


- Squats and front squats

- Deadlifts and straight leg deads

- Bench and close grip bench

- Overhead press, push or strict

- Bent over rows

- Cleans and powercleans

- Shrugs and powershrugs

- Chins and dips


I swear you will gain at least a kilo a month if you train with these lifts three times a week and eat enough. And a kilo of lean mass too.



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I never had trouble getting big and strong doing isolation lifts...but I always did them after doing a ton of compound lifts...and more compound lifts after my isolation lifts...also lots of eating but unfortunately I never really got any sleep

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  • 1 month later...

New photos as requested by Richard.










Doesn't look that much different!


Well apart from definitely filled in some of those big boney holes in the chest region, and well my back is bigger I think. My legs are a lot less 'fatty' too. There is a stone and half of weight gain hidden in there somewhere!

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  • 2 months later...

So it's been a while...



Double chin!!








Sorry they're not that great...need to get further away from the camera.


I also need a haircut!

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Thanks for the encouragement guys!


Neven...Johnathan gives some good advice on the 1st page of this thread, plus if you dig out my old training log there is some good stuff on there too.


Also I recommend reading Daywalker's sticky in the General Bodybuilding section (I think).

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