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Quitting tobacco


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I've been using snus since like 15 years back. The government have now decided to raise the tax on it and I can no longer defend doing it since it becomes too expensive.


One problem that alot of snusers have when they want to quit is motivation. If one smokes the health consequences of quitting are enormous but with snus they have found no conclusive connection to any form of cancer or heart disease except for a slight elevation of blood pressure in some individuals, probably caused by the salt in the snus.


Now when they raised the price though more and more people will quit and some of them will turn to smoking when they fail. The reason for this is that cigarettes are brought throughout europe and can be found really cheap but snus is illegal in all of EU except Sweden so alot of people will find cigarettes cheaper than snus.


So anyhoot, I'm on my 5:th snus free day now and it hasn't been as bad as I thought it would be (allthough it's anything but comfortable). The first 3 days were weird, almost like I was outside my own body. Today and yesterday have been filled with mild stomach cramps and mood swings. This is all accomanied by "flashes" of nicotine cravings.

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Thanks y'all

I think it goes like this: The first few days the discomfort comes from the nicotine leaving the body. I think I'm passed that so it's no longer detox I'm dealing with. The second stage is just the brain readjusting to the new levels of dopamine (and other natural substances in the brain that are hightened by nicotine).

So right now I'm neuro adapting, pretty cool huh?

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  • 3 months later...

Yeah, my dad has used snuff for years on and off. He recently quit smoking, about a month ago, and has managed that, but now he is more heavily back on the snuff again. I hope he also gets off that. Good luck, sounds like you are doing well

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