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It's a good thing to do if you've got a big toxic load. I don't really see any reason why you should do it. I did it for 8 days once just to see what happens. It allowed me to switch from a largely meat/dairy diet to vegetarian. Cleaned me out a lot and changed my taste buds. You're probably pretty healthy though, I see no purpose for you to do it.


Properly done, it is a very healthy thing to do and can help heal people from many ailments. Many people have cleared themselves of cancer and other diseases by juice fasting and healthy lifestyles. It is a cool experience. I'll pos t up more if I need to.

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I did juice fasting for about 2 days straight (only raw fruit and vegetable juice from Jack LaLanne's machine, no coffee or anything.. just raw juice).


It was one of the most nauseating and pointless experiences of my life. Almost fainted a couple times outside while I was walking my dog. I'd say fasting is only good for coming down from a serious illness or case of food poisoning. Other than that, I think it's a joke.

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I did juice fasting for about 2 days straight (only raw fruit and vegetable juice from Jack LaLanne's machine, no coffee or anything.. just raw juice).


It was one of the most nauseating and pointless experiences of my life. Almost fainted a couple times outside while I was walking my dog. I'd say fasting is only good for coming down from a serious illness or case of food poisoning. Other than that, I think it's a joke.


How much physical activity were you doing? When you fast it's supposed to be performed in a relaxed state.

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I did juice fasting for about 2 days straight (only raw fruit and vegetable juice from Jack LaLanne's machine, no coffee or anything.. just raw juice).


It was one of the most nauseating and pointless experiences of my life. Almost fainted a couple times outside while I was walking my dog. I'd say fasting is only good for coming down from a serious illness or case of food poisoning. Other than that, I think it's a joke.


You definitely have to go into fasting prepared. Fruit juices are too high in sugar to be used much for fasting (same can be said of carrot and beet juice, which should be used with discretion).


I did a 3-day water-only fast years ago, following Victoris Kulvinskas' recommendations: enemas and all (you need a way to get the toxins out that you are disurbing). I didn't think Id want to do the enemas when I first read about them, but when it came time to fast, it seemed like the thing to do. Let's just say some 'interesting' things came out---including some popcorn hulls from popcorn I had eaten more than 2 weeks earlier.


During that time, I rested a lot, read, did mild activity. It was a very positive experience.


Dr. Joel Fuhrman wrote an entire book dedicated to fasting.

It is not 'a joke.'

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I did juice fasting for about 2 days straight (only raw fruit and vegetable juice from Jack LaLanne's machine, no coffee or anything.. just raw juice).


It was one of the most nauseating and pointless experiences of my life. Almost fainted a couple times outside while I was walking my dog. I'd say fasting is only good for coming down from a serious illness or case of food poisoning. Other than that, I think it's a joke.


How much physical activity were you doing? When you fast it's supposed to be performed in a relaxed state.


Wasn't doing any. I took a walk or two, that's about it. I know 2 days isn't much to speak of, but it was painful to me. All I could think about was foooood. Something to chew on.


I really mixed up the veggies and fruits, not just mostly fruit. A heavy mix of both, about 5-6 10 ounce glasses a day. All organic. I planned it all very well.


After being awake all night and waking up feeling like a zombie, I just couldn't go on with it much longer. I needed some protein in my body, something solid.


Next time i do it I'm definitely adding some protein and fat (avocado and possibly powdered soy).

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I've done several fasts. They've been 4 day water-only fasts.


I did these in a very protected environment (remote cabin in the mountains of colorado....near pikes peak), so I didn't have any temptations.


During the fasts I did lots of yoga and meditation. Not that this is required...but it helped me to amplify the "cleanse" that fasting provides.


You can read about my last fast (in October) here.


I have found them to be life changing experiences.


From a purely physical perspective, I noticed a heightened sensitivity to flavors and textures. My sense were super-powerful as well (I could hear the littlest whispers and eyesight improved). My intuition was on fire. I also noticed my skin clear up remarkably well. You;d be amazed at how much crap gets backed up in your system. It is ing, but true. After a few days, your bodystarts to clean this stuff out.



Personally, I thinking some form of cleansing is super-healthy at least 2-times a year. Some do it with water. Some with juice. Either way would be helpful for most.

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  • 1 month later...

Juice fasting has absolutely no benefit.


I've been obese my entire life, Christmas 2005 I weighted 425 pounds.

My father also was overweight, at 5'4" he weighted 225 pounds.

We were both sick and tired of being fat and sick so we had to do something drastic.


In October 2006, my father and I (both junk food junkies/meat eaters) went out into the desert in Arizona and did a 40 day water fast.

Thats right, nothing but water. no supplements, no juice, no fruit, no salt, nothing but water.


It was the best experience of my life. I lost 70 pounds in those 40 days.

about 20 pounds were muscle, the rest fat.

My father lost 50 pounds.


If you want to know anything else, we made up a blog for our friends,

go check it out.




if you have any questions you can email me

[email protected]

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Welcome Alex

I was reading your blog just now and it amazes me what you can do when you put your mind to it. Alot of us in here have lost alot of weight and we have and are still going against the norm with our eating and living habits.

I hope to see more of you and your father at this forum

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