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alkalinity questions

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Is there any food, when cooked, that turns alkaline in your body?


Green tea is alkaline, but if you boil water and make the tea, is it still alkaline? or did boiling water turn it acidic?


so how does one make alkaline green tea?




those are some questions my dad had. he is trying to adjust his eating, since his acidic diet is slowly poisoning him and needs a more alkaline diet.


Im sure I will have more questions along the way.

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If he's looking for more alkaline foods, Vega powder is alkaline, and you could mooch some of it from him.


I don't know how much boiling water changes the pH of the actual tea leaves, but I can't imagine it being something that would destroy his health if he started drinking it.

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Stay away from the green tea!!! it is acid forming despite what they say... It may be tested alkaline - but when consumed is acid forming.


Potatoes are alkaline forming in the body. Stay away from grains as they are highly acid producing. You can find charts by searching - Warning: some foods are miss labeled alkaline/acidic.


I know that on a bunch of charts they said corn was acidic - it's actually alkaline forming... I am guessing these are charts not updated or miss information. I have a acid / alkaline food chart that I picked up from the health food store - go in and try asking for one...

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Stay away from the green tea!!! it is acid forming despite what they say... It may be tested alkaline - but when consumed is acid forming.


Potatoes are alkaline forming in the body. Stay away from grains as they are highly acid producing. You can find charts by searching - Warning: some foods are miss labeled alkaline/acidic.


I know that on a bunch of charts they said corn was acidic - it's actually alkaline forming... I am guessing these are charts not updated or miss information. I have a acid / alkaline food chart that I picked up from the health food store - go in and try asking for one...


I thought cooked potatoes were like one of the worst things a person could eat? and i also thought they were acidic

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Stay away from green tea and grains? That just doesn't seem right to me.


He asked a question and I answered it!!! Meat / soy also acid forming!!! Pretty much almost everything most SAD people consume is acid forming.


Hero: Potatoes are full of starch and I don't recommend or consume them - I am assuming your dad eats a typical SAD diet. They are known to be alkaline forming - how alkaline I could not say.


I say get his fruit uptake up like Zack. I am very familiar with acid/alkaline foods as I have researched it and been to a naturalpathic Doctor to further my knowledge.


Now it's kinda hard to help out here - taking into account you had no preference just wanted to know about alkaline cooked foods. I am not recommending to eat potatoes or to stop anything - I am telling you what you wanted to know.

Edited by RawSteve
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Stay away from green tea and grains? That just doesn't seem right to me.

The discussion is about acidity in foods which is not necessarily the same thing as a certain food being healthy or not. As with all assumptions there is a 50/50 chance that it might be right (in this case the acidity theory of disease). If you don't believe red will win then put your bet on black and keep eating your grains

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