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Everything posted by RAINRA

  1. I do realize what it takes to fight. I have been watching ufc since day one... when it was over in Jersey. I also have don some conditioning like that my self a few times but have as intense and it kicked my a**. I am no expert but I know enough to understand when a fighter is tired. He looked tired second and specially 3rd round. It is also demoralizing and frustrating when you can't find a way in to beat your opponent and he keeps coming at you. I wish I had his cardio but in oder to be on top you really need to go beyond shape you need to train like your running an ultramarathon. You have to go in knowing your cadio is going to destroy your rivals cardio. He Knew Guida was great on cardio and energy. Your mouth should not be open gasping for big breaths of air in which he was. That means you exerting a lot of energy to fight. He is an excellent fighter and I am a big fan. Just did not see Danzig at his best like he did on Ultimate fighter or in King of the Cage. Usually that is how it goes you can go into a fight and have not such a good night and it can be a matter of winning or loosing. It was a bad night for Danzig. The loss usually pumps you up to get back and wreck damage on future opponents. I look forward to seeing Danzig fight again.
  2. I am a nooby, and my stance is not that your going to Vegan hell if you end up eating whey by accident. I think the intent is to make one as much effort as you can to reduce all animal products from your life. If by accident you ingested or baught something that was animal based then I think it is ok. As long as your not going on and on about making the same mistake. Effort is the key. Vegan to me means making a conscious effort to not use animals as things for any purpose. No Vegan is pure. Most products are even being used in facilities where they process eggs and milk. Some vegan small companies can't afford to have their own processing facilities so occasionally one gets some trace. The trace is not the issue again it is you knowing and willing go and buy an animal product then I find it wrong. If you ordered food and they sprinkled cheese on the top and the waiter won't change it then one can not pay for it or you can spend time removing the cheese which at one time I did and what a pain in the ass that was. I was was swearing the whole time to myself. Now I know that restaurants sprinkle cheese on everything so I make sure that I specifically tell them NO CHEESE!! I am still learning how to get around stuff like this. I just think if you do eat meat willingly and don't make an effort then your not really vegan which is fine if that is your avenue even if I don't agree with it. Again no one is perfect and no has to be. Doing the best you can do and setting an example is the most important. The only way to be 100% vegan is being not born or dead!
  3. or you could take the shirt and slide in a really mody field and then you would get a cool brown look. Richard that was funny!
  4. Mac Danzig looked out of breath. I realize you can eat all the vegan diet you want but if you are not in complete shape does not matter how much technique and strength you have. Good job anyway. I hope to see him come strong next time. Go cadio!
  5. Sick .... lets see I think I am starting to figure out how not to get colds. The first thing is first. Rest is important reducing daily stress and avoiding public environments... and washing your hands if you have been in that environment. EX bus we all pretty much know that. My girlfriend and i litteraly road 4 hours in a car with two cold infected individuals who got the cold from LA and we are in D.C. so that knocks the chance that we have already encountered it. Then hung out at the event ate dinner and road 4 hours home. I really was 22 hours up with out sleep which would have weekend my immune system. I just pounded those greens. My girlfriend and I never got the cold. The moment I found out that they were sick I began to eat veggies. Specially as many greens as you can. I avoided eating to much acid forming foods and stuck to mainly raw greens. Including wheat grass. We completely avoided sugary drinks, chocolate or anything that would have had a lot of sugar. After understanding body acid alkaline balance I am starting to think that had a lot to do with it. Avoid sugar like the plague when your sick and chowdown those greens. That will atleast reduce the time you are sick if you are already sick.
  6. http://video.google.com/videosearch?q=soy+&hl=en&emb=0&aq=f#q=soy%20health&hl=en&emb=0
  7. why is there so much bad press. How much of this is trying to persuade people away from the meat industry and how much is fact. http://products.mercola.com/inner-circle/?source=nl
  8. I found this on google video. CNN Talks well about veganism... http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-5943073718588423589&ei=ZWjQSPTeCI-srQLO0dTcAg&vt=lf&hl=en step away from the negative for a second to post your media you found and positive news. or just comment on it. this link is great to see something better than bad press. not perfect but something in the right direction.
  9. UPDATE REMINDER FIGHT IS TOMORROW NIGHT!!!! WED NIGHT 17 check out www,UFC.com for all the info!!!
  10. I think of this when it comes to anger. I feel it on several times a week but then again that is why I have the gym. To take that energy and push my self there. I think every time I got one more set instead of giving up ... I am like I must do this for all the animals and veganism. People can' see me as small and scrawny under this diet. Must look healthy. That releases a lot of my rage. The other thing is chilling with other vegans such as meet ups where you can went.
  11. Here is some evidence that actors are not accepting non vegan props!!! http://vegetarianstar.com/2008/09/16/meatless-silver-screen-joaquin-phoenix-refused-to-wear-leather-for-movies/
  12. http://www.dbtechno.com/health/2008/09/16/study-finds-fountain-of-youth-vegan-diet-and-exercise/#comment-62660 Small study interesting findings. Mainly exercise and whole food plant based diet. I think they should have done the supplementation with plant omega 3 source such as hemp or flax seeds not fish oil. So technically not vegan diet.
  13. It bugs me too. I think where people apply that meat bragging. I mean people at my work piss me off too. Like one guy comes back from his weekend and I ask him what he did and he said... we had lots of crabs... and other fish and I quickly change the subject and he goes on about it. It was so good. My manager goes oh that is great. Yeah they are great and yeah I love crabs. My coworker goes yeah and I ate so much I was stuffed. I even had a lot of leftovers, for home. This goes on for 5 minutes. With no remorse and he use the word boil and crab in the same sentence. This goes on a lot at my work. It really bugs me even the fact they know I am vegan... at least they should know that is a sensitive subject, I think really it is just because they are clueless. I had my vbb shirt on one night when I went to a bar and the bouncer laughed at my shirt thinking it was a joke t-shirt. He laughed that t-shirt is pretty funny. I was like no this is not a joke. Check it out for yourself there is nothing funny about it. Go to veganbodybuilding.com and will see that the guys on the site are no flimsy weaklings. He quickly stopped laughing. I am thinking to my self like ignorant...fool. So I go to the gym and damn straight I am going to wear that shirt proudly. Cause people need to know that they are unresearched and they have no clue what they are even putting in their body. Some of the whey shakes they take have unknown forms of growth hormone and they have no clue. Even MMA fighters got caught with steroids when tested and not even knowing there were any in their supplements.
  14. How long will food last once it is opened. I have a bunch of sauces vegan bbq, thai penut... How about tofu once opened how long will last? how about penut butter and jelly organic ones? Anyone know? how to understand beside testing yourself?
  15. I am not one to be big on pushing little things like this but I want to bring it to question. A noun is discribed as a person, place or a thing. What do you think of that. Animals are categorized as things.... whmmm... seems wrong and that is the some evidence that man always for many years considered animals as objects but not beings. After reading my girlfriends paper on Earthlings the one detail of her discription was a pig that was torched alive with a torch to see how it skin would heal... It was charged and cracked. I think it was done to for some product or something. I think something is generally wrong with people... I mean really wrong. I can't really believe that people would generally accept this as o.k. I think sometimes people are vegan but tend to forget in all seriousness why we truely are Vegan. Not just a fad... It is hard I know sometimes for people to tell others their are Vegan. Again no one should be shy. If someone challenges you all you got to say is here check out "Earthlings"... when you have watch the movie then we can talk. If they are not affected by that movie ... my first thought is that they are f***ING insane and they are the ones who should be locked up. just venting some of my fury.
  16. not going to stop eating soy just want to know what other alternatives if to change it up.
  17. I just want to know if I stopped eating soy... what alternatives do I such as seitan and that is not super processed? I am looking for something to make a main meal out of, like Seitan? What name brand is not full of chemicals? and taste great. Never had seitan so I don't know what to expect. Just want to try soy free for a week. basically because I rely on soy too much as a staple food. where is a good place for soy free recipes?
  18. I want to bring lunch to work. I kinda get tired of eating same things cold clammy sandwhich or spending money eating out. and PB and J and left overs getting old. What other choices including more exciting sandwhiches and not using fake meats? Anyone have any ideas or great recipes for lunch? (got a fridge at work and a freezer, toaster oven and microwave.)
  19. Took mine to the gym today first time got no reactions.... safe so far from comments.
  20. I sure did. I had terrible heartburn for months. I talked to a nutritionist and they said that to much protein can create stomach acidosis. I even read it can harm the liver. The more I study and research nutrition I realize how over rated it is. Comsuming enough calories and a whole food diet should be enough. When do you see gorillas in nature adding extra protein powder in their diet. I do agree that there are some protein foods like hemp seeds or brown rice protein if it is unaltered and not added with tons of extra stuff it can help a bit. Yeah you need enough to repair human tissue. Yet not at the level that muscle magazines state you need to. These problems occured with mainly whey. I have not had that with hemp seeds or nuts or seeds or even natural foods. Again that is because I consumed them as whole foods. Eat more calories not all at once of course...lol spread out through the day. That should compensate for muscle tears.
  21. Just wondering if omni's tend to bother you with that when you wear that shirt... Tell your story...? Or has it been positive?
  22. Show family and friends who are skeptical on fast food http://video.google.com/videosearch?q=vegsource&hl=en&emb=0&aq=0&oq=vegsou#
  23. I will often listen to these dr.s on google video I know it is not youtube. http://video.google.com/videosearch?q=veg&emb=0&aq=f#q=dr.%20mcdougall%20&emb=0 http://video.google.com/videosearch?q=veg&emb=0&aq=f#q=dr.%20mcdougall%20&emb=0 http://video.google.com/videosearch?q=veg&emb=0&aq=f#q=dr.%20mcdougall%20&emb=0 http://video.google.com/videosearch?q=veg&emb=0&aq=f#q=dr.%20mcdougall%20&emb=0 http://video.google.com/videosearch?q=veg&emb=0&aq=f#q=vegsource&emb=0 Sometmes I find other speeches or documentaries on youtube. if you have not tried yet go on itunes and download mcdougall podcast, or Dr Furhman. there other vegan podcasts like compasionate cooks etc....
  24. Damn some people think money grow on trees. These expos charge and arm and a leg for a y little booth. Time to put some woop a## on those price gougers!!! Lol! I am sure a lot has to with renting a venue, but I do know my friend use to rent a gym size room in a rec center for 500 dollars which I know because he threw a bunch of breakdance competitions and charged people 10 bucks at the door. We ended up having to pay a dj too but at the end I think my friend made money. D.C. we are coming out strong...Rob do appreciate all the honorable mentions of our area. We are doing are best. whmm I think sometimes people forget D.C. even exists. I always here the big things going out over in California. Must because they got all the celebs! and nice weather.
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