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Everything posted by edxvx

  1. Particularly, I am a fan of buying some Non-GMO Rice/Pea sometimes hemp combination from www.trueprotein.com. Best value ever in my opinion. Then I buy bulk raw organic flax seeds for $1.99, bulk raw organic pumpkin seeds for $3.99, or bulk raw organic sunflower seeds for around $2.50, and grind about 1/4 cup (1 protein scoop's worth) in a coffee grinder, and toss them into my protein shake. You save a ton of money and keep the healthy essential fats and fiber that the seed provides. This works the best for me, and keeps $$ in my pocket.
  2. I won 1st Place at the NPC Bill Pearl High Desert Classic in Bend, Oregon yesterday, Saturday, May 8, 2010. I won 1st place in the Novice Middleweight Division, under 176 1/4. It was a non tested show. I have been vegan for over fourteen years and 100% Drug Free for over fifteen years, and working towards this competition for the last eight months. It is my first time on stage and I am so proud to represent Veganism and show the world what can be done on a plant based diet. Thank you for everyone who has supported me. Thank you Robert for your advice and assistance, Thanks Jimi for being out there getting first in your competition last month, and keeping my focused. We need to get on the same stage sometime in the future! You too Robert!! I know I want to do the NPC Vancouver Natural in Vancouver, Washington next year. I am not sure about any other shows this season. It feels really good to finally relax and not worry about what I am eating. I will get pictures up as soon as I can. Thanks again. Ed Bauer 24 Hour CPT Portland, Oregon http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash1/hs519.ash1/30568_1342905293196_1248127431_31018520_3769944_n.jpg
  3. I found this as a non vegan recipe. Now it is vegan and allergy free. Here’s your ingredients: 1. 3 TBSP Natural Nut Butter of your choice 2. 2 TBSP Rice /Almond/ Hemp Milk 3. 30g Scoop Pea and Rice Protein – The flavor of your choice. (http://www.trueprotein.com) I just made this in like 30 seconds with crunchy pb, chocolate rice/pea protein and a splash of soymilk (no known allergies here) They taste pretty good and I will be using some form of this for years to come. Instructions: 1. Put the nut butter and 30 grams of protein into a bowl 2. Mix together until dry and clumpy 3. Add 2 TBSP of Vegan Milk. Now it magically smooths out quickly when mixed 4. Take out of bowl and shape into a bar 5. Mix in cinnamon, stevia, whatever for preferred flavor. 6. Experiment with measurements for preferred texture. Also, they will set more when refrigerated. I am going to make a big batch all at once, and refrigerate or freeze them to use when ready. Aluminum foil or plastic wrap would probably work for storing. These are low carb and ideal for contest prep.
  4. My name is Ed and I am a vegan personal trainer at 24 Hour Fitness in the Hollywood neighborhood of Portland. I would like to help you continue to reach your goals and try to provide info to do that. It is a challenge to provide enough insight and understanding without actual gym time, but I just wanted to let you know I am out here and willing to help out. Shoot me an email at [email protected] and let me know what your current caloric intake, eating frequency and exercise routine are. Thanks and Great Job on the weight loss so far!
  5. I'm down. I am a Personal Trainer at 24 Hour Fitness in the Hollywood district of Portland. You can email me at [email protected]
  6. I kept sodium levels down for the 10 days of cutting, and as low as possible for the last 5 or so. I didn't weigh myself 24 hours after the shoot so it would be a guess. I think I was up 6 or 7 lbs in about 5 days.
  7. Couture547 wrote: My weight for those pics was 159. I cut carbs for the week before, then only added simple carbs in hours before the shoot. It took my about 10 days to cut 12 lbs.
  8. I am a personal trainer at 24 Hour Fitness, and I have been vegan for over 13 years, so feel free to ask me any questions. To stump your current personal trainer, get him talking about how "far superior" whey protein is to any other protein. Then have him logically explain why eating a rotting carcass is needed as well. It doesn't make sense, even from their perspective. Another thought for the uninformed fitness enthusiast: I believe cows naturally eat an all vegan diet. How can you eat a vegan animal and get complete nutrition? Would that not beg the implication that a vegan diet provides all the necessary nutrition?
  9. Hey Ruz, yeah I do not stay that ripped all year round. That was cutting down specifically for that photo shoot. It was a trial run for me because I plan on competing next year. Robert reminded me that we can always convince ourselves not to do something or that we are not ready. With that, I decided that I am ready to try. No more excuses. It is the experience that counts and you can learn from what does and what does not work. We all have to start somewhere. And by the way, your back looks pretty awesome.
  10. I just have to say thanks again. I'm honored to be a part of the Vegan Bodybuilding community.
  11. Quick Edit... just got it today. Current Dead Lift: 315 x 8 and 325 x 4
  12. Name: Ed Body weight: 172 Best Ever Bench: 275 x 1 Best Ever Squat: 315 x 4 Best Ever Dead Lift: 335 X 3 Current Bench: 225 x 5 Current Squat: 245 X 5 Current Dead Lift: 315 x 6
  13. This is from Carl at www.trueprotein.com. "none of the flavor systems we currently offer contain any animal byproducts, so you should be safe to use any of those materials! Thanks again and have a great week, -Carl" I just wanted to put that out there. This site is pretty awesome in that you can get exactly the type of protein you are looking for (except no raw/organic options) and the prices are really good. I have so far only ordered straight gemma pea protein isolate and have mixed it with my previously purchased brown rice protein and soy protein. I am still in the process of lowering my soy intake. I haven't tried any of the flavors yet, but they have a forum in which people comment on the flavors. They have an Orange Creamsicle flavor I'd like to try.
  14. Robert, great job on those 110's, and thanks for getting me reactivated. I'll try to stop being such a slacker on here.
  15. I've been a casual lurker and haven't posted anything yet, so I might as well get started. My name is Ed and I moved to Portland back in late August 2008 by way of Iowa, North Carolina, and New York. I have been Vegan since March of 1996 and lifting weights since 1995. Unfortunately that has not been consistent, so I am no monster, I only have dreams of it right now. I am a NESTA Certified, Previously AFAA Certified Personal Trainer and I just started working at 24 Hour Fitness. My goals tend to involve leaning down and eventually getting that elusive 315 on bench. But besides that, I just love working out. I will try to be a little more active on here than not at all. I look forward to talking to everyone and sharing the vegan and fitness experience that we each share, regardless of how much experience that may be.
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