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Everything posted by aluck

  1. Feeling good? Thinking I may do figure in the August competition.... So marathon July?
  2. Not that tasty, but its fuel. "I eat to live, not live to eat.. " Sunday 2 banannas 1 scoop sun warrior Legs - Front Squat with Bar (45) 5 x10 Regular Squats with Bar(45) 5 x 10 Stretch Lying Leg Press - @ 90 -12, @ 140 - 4 x 8, @ 230 2 x 6, @ 320 1 x 6, 1x10, 1 x15, @ 410 1 x 16, @ 320 1 x 10, 1 x 15 Standing assisted squat - w/ 180 4 x 30's (10 narrow, 10 wide, 10 reg ), halfies ... w/ 360 4 x 8 Front Squat - w/ bar (45) - 10, 65 - 8, 95 - 2 x6 12 almonds ( .5 serving) 45 minute jog - just over 3 miles 1 bannana 2 scoops sun warrior 45 minute jog 3.7 miles Lettuce and Edamame container with Raspberry salsa (a lot of it - like a jar lol ) Spaghetti with Tomato sauce and flaxseed 2 white tortilla 1 bananna
  3. Saturday Finally got like 6 hours sleep... white rice and edamame with soy sauce - ended up sick 1/2 thru a training session.. lovely. shouldve known better than to eat heavy in the am.. trying so hard to get stupid protein in... 2 glasses soy milk and sun warrior. 10 dips, 10 pushups Dumbell Kick backs w/ 20 - 8, w/ 25 - 8, w/ 30 - 6, w/ 25 - 8 w/ 20 - 6x 8 Wackbacks - w/ 15' - 10, w/ 20 - 8, w/ 25 - 6, w/ 20 6 x 8 Renegade Rows w/ 15's - 10, w, 20's - 8, w/ 25's - 3 x8, w/ 20's 6 x 10 10 dips regular, 10 with picking up a ten dumbell, 6 w/ a 15, 4 w/ a 25, w/ a 20 - 4 x 6, 12 regular Cable pulldown w/ 50 - 20 - just to loosen elbows Lying skull crushers - w/ 25 - 15, w/ 40 - 10, w/ 50 - 8 Seated - w/ 50 -8 Standing - w/ 50 - 8 Lying - w/ 40 - 5 x 10, 1 x 16 Close Grip Bench - @ 65 - 10, @ 95 - 6, 115 4 x4, 95 - 5 x 6, 1 x 10 1 serving almonds (24) tortilla chips and guacamole, 1 spinach tortilla grill veggie and white rice wrap, 1 bananna ab worjout 1 hour, bike 30 min easy, stairmaster 6 mins, sauna 30 mins
  4. Wow your horrible meals are better than mine on a good day. Sorry about your shoulder. Any news back on the tests? Let me know when you get your mail.
  5. top vegan moment of the month! found melissas organic edamame on sale for 99 cents per 4 servings.... bought all they have... and organic banannas... have food for like a week off ten dollars!!! sweetness! gotta love wyoming where no one buys vegan food.
  6. Thinking of you. Best wishes today. Hang on.. Not gonna lie getting a drain hurts! But you can do it its worth it.
  7. Friday 4 tablespoons peanut butter 14 g protein, 460 cal. 1 scoop synthetic creatine (actually a tiny bit sore for the first time in weeks - sweet dude! 1 scoop maybe 1/2 scoop? no explode... 30 minute ab workout decline bench mostly 1 container of Melissa's edamame - 350 cal, and 31 g protein 4 oz pace picante salsa 1 organic bannana 1 big salad - lettuce, onnion, tomato, black olives, and bannana peppers 1 lipton green tea (sweetened - terrible I know) 1 serving almonds a bunch.... of spinach tortilla chips and one plain tortilla white rice - 2 bowls with malt vinegar grilled veggies - squash and zuchinni and onion in white wine and olive oil 2 glasses soymilk 1 scoop sun warrior Flat Bench - 95 -8, 105 -8, 115 -6 , 125 -4, 135 - 4, 145- 4, 135 - 4, 125 -6, 115 6 x8 Incline Bench - 95 - 8, 105 - 6, 115 -6, 125 - 4, 115- 6, 105 - 6, 95 - 5 x8 &1 x 12 Dumbell Bench Press - 50's - 8, 55's - 5, 60's - 3, 55's - 6, 50's 5 x 8 (dropped em once - silly running vean spotter!) ouch and 1 x 10 1/2 Kettle Corn Pro Bar - 5 g protein - thanks octo 1.5 mile run 13:16 ran outta time.. back to the hell house. <3 yall
  8. I want mangos too! lol... hmmm... Who cares about the gym quality?!?!?! If you have the inspiration you can get everything you really need to done at home or outside... But with a gym close by you can definately get plenty done... I like 24 too though... Used to work two of the Fitness 2000's in Fortworth... and we always had to compete with 24... That was hard since I prefered 24.. Right now the place Im at Fitness One gets compared to 24 - alot... I love it at my gym now so far... Unfortunately Ive never been a huge Nautilus fan... but Im adapting..
  9. Not too worried... Health wise Im okay... Building muscle... Yikes! I figure Ive got about a month and a half to gain then I have to start leaning out for my competition... So thats where my worry is...
  10. Vegan for six years now... Vegetarian for most my life since age four with the exception of a few months of rebellion of my morals... so that 17 years... Glad people actually read this.
  11. Im a big fan of oatmeal... Simple, easy, and heavy enough to counterbalance the antiboitics...
  12. Thursday 1 orange 4 tablespoons peanut butter - 14 g protein, 460 cal. Started to work shoulders... Ended up on the phone with Octo... Will have to hit it after school.. Thanks dillweed. Just kidding. Really needed the talk. ANd now Im even more excited for my competition!!! So way to peptalk! Maybe you have a backup career as a professional cheerleader?? 1 serving almonds (24) 7 g protein 2 tablespoons peanut butter... 7 g protein, 180 cal. Molly.. Re real food - kinda. ... Trying to. Spending more money on my food.. But its hard - Id rather save it or apply it to important things... Huge Bowl of Wheat Pasta in Light Olive Oil/ water, pesto mix and red pepper 4 tablespoons of peanut butter 14 g protein, 460 cal., 1 serving almonds (24) 7 g./ protein 2 tablespoons pb 7 g protein 180 cal., 1 serving almonds 7 g protein Double Scoop Synthetic Creatine Trying to do 60 sec rest between sets with the exception of talking to Lisa for a while during my first exercise I was pretty close to sticking to this... BTW - Shes goign to meet with me Sunday - way excited! With Straight Bar (45lb) 8 curls, w/ 50-6, w/ 55 -6, w/ 65- 4, w/ 55 - 6, w/ 50 - 5 x 6, w/ bar only (45) - 3 StandingDumbell Hammer Curls - 20 lb. - 10, 25's - 6, 30's - 6, 35's - 3, 30's - 6, 25's - 6 x 6 1 serving almonds - (24) - felt shakey... hadnt eaten enough and recently.... 7 g protein Standing Straight Handlebar Cable Curl - 50lb - 8, 60 - 8, 70 - 6, 80 - 4, 70 - 6, 60 - 6x8 Seated Curl Bench Full Extension Isolated Curls - 10lbs - 8, 15lbs - 4, 15 lb - 2, 10lbs - 6x 8 Lying reverse benche full extension Isolated curls close grip - w/ 50lbs - 15, w/ 70 - 8, w/ 90 - 8, w/ 110 - 6, w/ 120 - 4, w/ 11 - 5, w/ 90 6 X 8 Standing Curl with Curl Bar - w/ 40lbs. - 4,, w/ 30 lbs - 3 x 10 1 killer ab set 2 miles 18:43 - intervals the last 1.25 mile between 8 and 6 mph.... 20 minutes of yoga in sauna 4 stalks celery in Franks hot sauce 2 Russet potatoes with soy sauce and spike seasoning 2 glasses soymilk Estimated daily protein... approx 85 -90 g... Not enough!
  13. Knee good. Whole life - Chaos. No sleep really too much insanity. Really bad. Ick.
  14. Get more sleep.. You and me both... I know follow your own advice jerkoff... But I plan to take a nap this afternoon... Reaching my first over 3 or 4 hours of sleep in a 24 hour period in months?
  15. 2 tablespoons peanut butter 2 oranges 1 serving almods (24) Light Bi's n Tri's with Marcella 21 style curls except did it as 30's, with 35 lb straight bar x 3, supersetted with close grip bench press with bar curls with 15's 20 x 3 supersetted with bent arm pulldowns 3 x 20 at 60lbs cable curls @ 60 20 x 3 supersetted with standing skull crushers with a 30 3 x 20 Nautilus curls @ 50 3 x 20 supersetted with single arm tricep extensions @ 20 3 x 20 walk 1.5 miles... not feeling up to par... good thing I have a nap planned this afternoon! Back with Frankie Nautilus Lat Pulldowns... 15 w/ @ 25 ea side, 5 assisted pullups, 15 @ 35 ea side, 5 assisted pullups, 15 @ 45 ea side, 5 assisted pullups, 15 w/ 55 ea. side, 5 assisted pullups, 15 w/ 65 ea side, 5 assisted pullups, 15 w/ 80 on ea. side (hard hard), 5 assisted pullups Cable rows w/ 80 3 x 15 supersetted with standing tilted back extensions and side extensions 15 x 3 ea. postion good mornings with bar (45) 3 x 15 supersetted wtih standing rows with bar 3 x 15 1 killer ab set 1 20 oz soy chai tea 1 20 oz soy green latte 2 tablespoons peanut butter 2 tablespoons flaxseed 1 serving almonds (24) 1 orange 2 tortillas with peanut butter beans and Franks hot sauce. ANother half assed back workout and almost 2 hours in the sauna.. .Insanely shitty day. Lotta stress. More reason to focus and nail this. 8 tablespoons peanut butter. several pieces celery hot sauce jalepenos..
  16. Ya that was sweet of you to discuss your peanut butter intake while I was starving in class!
  17. Yaya that and the fact I feel like killing someone.. Stupid meal plan.
  18. Looking way good. My friend Jessica just said hot hot you were. Lol I wont tell Dani.. Oh wait. Damn, well compliments from the peanut gallery anyways. BTW Looks good defination was amazing, with more size and holding that defination youll do amazing.
  19. Wow competeing again - Thats gonna be rough.. I thought I as nuts for thinking maybe Septmeber then end of Oct or mid Nov.
  20. Tuesday 1 bananna Light chest workout with Marcella 3 x 10 with ar bench, supersetted with 3 x 10 pushups decline 3 x 10 with bar incline bench supersetted with 3 x 10 with bar military press 3 x 20 chest flys with cables 40 on each side supersetted with 3 x 20 1/2 v abs Machines (gag) 3 x 15 Chest press @ 50, 3 x 15 @ 35 Flys 2 mile jog - 30 minutes, .5 mile walk Better workout with Frankie Incline Chest Press 3 x 10 20's, then 25's, then 30's supersettedf with hanging dips 12, 12, 13.5 (yeah buddy lol) Fly's with 15's 3 x 15, supersetted with big girl pullups rotfl 3 reg 3 assisted, 3 reg. 3 assisted, 2 reg. 3 assisted 1 set just to show Frankie my new butchness lol set of 8 dumbells 50's bench press... sweet dude! decline bench with 25's dumbells 3 sets 15, 20, 25 low raise cable flys with 35 lbs, 3 x 15 supesetted wtih 30 second static pushup planks 1 serving almonds (24) 1 scoop sunwarrior brown rice protein plain Got my lymph worked on again, knee feeling better... 1 orange 2 tablespoons of peanut butter 1 orange 2 tablespopns peanut butter 1 serving almonds (24) Leg and Neck Massage 4 tablespoons peanut butter 1 bananna serving almonds(24) beans, 2 tortillas, lettuce, aand hot sauce!!! eww stuffed spinach and lettuce with a bit of soy sauce Chest Press Incline then flat Dips with 25 chained to waist 30 minutes of light yoga in sauna 2 baked potatoes 300 cal steamed corn hot sauce 1 vegan cookie
  21. MS - Just face it youre like superwoman... Normal people cant jump chest height in the center of circuit. Your completely insane. Not that I dont love you for it... But just face it... Im lucky when I can step without faceplanting.... And forget walking and well Id say chewing gum but I gave that up...
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