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Everything posted by aluck

  1. Oh I know, but everone up here loves Denver - so I was getting shamed bad... So at least its not a shutout. It covered a little pride. I hate to rain on your parade cowgirl, but no team in NBA history has ever come back from a 0-3 deficit in a playoff series.
  2. 4 tablepoons peanut butter spaghetti and sauce with garlic - 39 g protein 1 slice weight bread 8 oz soymilk cranergy drink 12 g protein - pecans 2 scoops sun warrior - thanks for the inspiration Nichole Stairmaster - 2.54 miles 122 flights 30 minutes! Thanks goodness for someone to distract me. Laying Leg Press - 10 @ 90, 10 @ 180, 10 @ 270, 10 @ 360, 10 @ 450, 10 @ 540, 8 @ 630, 8 @ 720, 3 x 2 @ 810 (hell yeah it wasnt a fluke!!! thats twice now!!!)3 x 8 @ 720, 1 x 15 Narrow, Wide Regular @ 630 2 packets plain oatmeal w/ 2 tablespoon peanut butter Back to Laying leg Press Narrow, wide, Regular 1 x 20 @ 540 Narrow, wide, reg. 1 x 4 @ 180 Single Leg Lady Press @ 180 = 3 x 10 ea. leg Regular Squat - @ 95 Narrow/Wide/Regulat 10 ea., @ 115 N/W/R 10 Ea. , @ 135 reg. 10, @ 185 - Reg. - 8, @ 225 Reg. 2 x 8, 1 x 10 Front Squat - @ 45 - 10, @ 65 -10, @ 95 - 10, @ 135 - 3 x 8 Standing Bar Calf Raise w/ 135 - 2 x 20 dual leg, @ 185 2 x 15 dual leg Seated Isol. Calf Raise w/ 50 - 5 x 10 .05 mile walking lunges 1 Killer Ab set 30 mins. 135 floors stairmaster 2.81 miles
  3. I have to give 3 full bodymassages by thursday for homework - if I could Id fix your headache!!!
  4. Squat - 215, Dead - 225, Bench - 135, Bodyweight - 140 - Alyx Squat Dead Bench Bodyweight 215 TBA 135 145 Aluck
  5. Kudos - looks great. Im considering going raw this summer/fall myself..
  6. Ive got that now, just want to be more lean.
  7. Defination of cooking - ROTFL this whole converation makes me giggle. Men who cook *sigh*. Wonderful. I rarely use cook books or anything, but my vegan guy buddy brought me Veganonicon - a great vegan cookbook... So some vegan guys use them. Myself, well Im more like the guys - I might glance at a recipe to make sure I done not cook something enougha nd accidently kill myself... lol but I wing it for sure.
  8. When my vegan running buddy drove an hour to go groecery shopping for me in a real city and brought me stuff to eat.
  9. Its not your fault you suck at life. Kidding, at least you followed demands this morning. I was kinda bossy this am... it wasnt just to you. Im so proud your such a responsible trainer...writing workuts like a good boy. If my clients had you ... lol. Glad I do. Can you look at my recent workouts and shoot me an email? Hope your mouth is healing quickly - it should. Wondering what dehydration is going to do for me?
  10. Tuesday 1 cup red quinoa - 20 g protein 1 package of raisins - 1g protein 1 cup soymilk - 7 g protein 30 minutes Stairmaster - 2.68 miles , or 129 floors 26 almonds - 6 g protein 2.5 cups red quinoa - 50 g protein 1 package of raisins - 1 g protein 1 avacado with light salt and pepper 1 Fuze Blueberry drink 1 package of raisins 4 tablespoons peanut butter pecans - 12 g protein 2 tablespoons peanut butter Incline Chest Press Dumbell's -w/ 25's - 10, w/ 30's - 10, w/ 35's 3 x 8 while declinining each set, 40's - 3 x6 while declining each set, 35's 3 x 8 while decliing each set Bench Press Dumbell - w/ 40's 2 x 10, w/ 50's - 6, w/ 40's 2 x 10 Dumbell Flat Fly - w/ 20's - 10, 25's - 3 x 8, 30's - 3 x 8, 25's - 3 x 8 Lying single Arm Skull Crushers - w/ 15's 3 x 10 Single arm Tricep Pulldown - @ 40 3 x 20 Chest Cable Fly Seated in Stick - W/ 40 ea - 2 x 10, w/ 50 ea - 10 .04 mile walking lunges 3.01 miles 30 minutes spaghetti and tomato sauce - 39 g protein
  11. You doing this whole work thing is really interfering with you text babysitting me thru my runs or as of this mornig slow jogs... lol. Hope things go well, in your mouth... And that you have a good day at work - think of some inspiration stat - tonight is back n bi's and a real run!
  12. Monday 4 packages of yes flavored oatmeal... 30 minute jog 2 miles 22 oz mango smoothie w/ 4 BCAA capsules and a multi 30 min nap 4 tablespoons of peanut butter 4 packages of flavored oatmeal.. 3 slice wheat 1 hour nap 2 slices wheat with 4 tablespoons peanut butter Bent Rows Standing - 3 x 8 @ 95 Reverse Grip - " " Preacher Curls Seated - (50/40/20lbs - 10/10 -1- ) x 3 Seated Rows - ( with wrist straps hand sore) 10 @ 100, 8 @ 110, 6 @ 130, 3 x 4 @ 150, 3 X 4 @ 170, 4 @ 190, 4 x 6 @ 170 Lat Pulldown wide grip - @ 80 - 10, @ 100- 3 x 8, @ 120 - 3 x 6, @ 140 - 4, @ 120 4 x 8 Pullups - lightly assisted 4 x 5 Standing Bent Rows ( wrist straps " " ) - @ 40 -8 @ 55 - 6, 2 x8 Chris' ab circuit Handful of blueberries (Jason is great <3 vegan friends) 3.26 miles in 30 minutes with Jason - sped up every .5 or .25 miles between 6.1 and 8.0 miles an hour Blueberries and baby carrots 3 slices of wheat bread 1 cup red quinoa
  13. Not sure dont eat soyjoy just saw them and assumed theyd be vegan - thats ridiculous! fuzzy stuff./. now mold counts as vegan right? lol... down to eat expired stuff hell i drank water in mexico and did okay.. And Jimi I wil blame you all I want lol! Glad your getting your mouth today. . Sunday Slept 12 hours - sweet 2 bananas 4 russet potatoes 26 almonds Stairmaster 45 minutes = 181 floors or 3.78 miles 8 tablespoons Jif PB 1 chard and banana burrito 5 x 50 decline crunch 5 x 20 hanging by elbows straight leg raise Reverse Cable Curl - @ 200 - 10, @ 220 w/ spot - 10, @ 200 - 10 Decline Sit up = 25, To each side - 25 1 chard and banana burrito Decline Crunch w/ 25 lb plate 4 x 25 Decline Twists @ 45 degree angle w/ 25 lb plate 4 x 25 each side 100 decline crunches 45 minutes - 4.5 miles 1 pickle 5 packets oatmeal, 3 slices wheat, 1 baked poato, 1/ 2banana
  14. Your text about your run inspired my clydesdale ass.... thanks... that and chronicles of riddick then aeon flux.. (sighs* hot inshape women)
  15. Sup? stoked that you have sun warrior - run to a corner market - try a peanut buttter, bananna and soy milk smoothie - dont even need a blender... just mush it up. (my mom used to make me eat bananas the mornign of horse races and i hated them back in the day (because they were forced)... so its a good way to get something in ya... Will be hoping to hear you get your mouth fixed this week. And damnit you dont need to cut!!!!!!!!!!!! Not right now.
  16. Lara bars sound good... Cant find anything but soyjoy up here, and for the measly 3 g of protein cant rationalize the extra calories so dont buy them... Saturday 1 serving almonds (26) 166 cal, 6 carbs, 6 g protein 2 tbsp. peanut butter 190 cal., 7 g protein, 7 carbs 1 spinning class w/ Kelli Kelly 1 V8 2 bananas French Fries 2 black bean, w/ tomato, avacado, lettuce and salsa salads, one in tortilla shell 5 pullups (40/30/20 lb curl bar preacher curls 10/10/10 ) x 3 10 dips regula 20 pushups 5 dips, picking up a 20 lb dumbell at bottom 20 decline pushups 5 pullups 5 dips w/ 20 lb 10 pushups w/ 25 plate on back 5 dips w/ 30 lb 10 seated dips w/ 70 lbs on lap 20 pushups 10 seated dips w/ 90lbs 20 pushups 10 sd w/ 90lb 10 sd w/ 135 into 7 w/ 90 10 sd w/ 135, into 7 w/ 90, int0 5 w/ 45 10 standing curls w/ 25 plate 10 upright rows w/ 45 plate 10 sd w/ 135 into 3 w/ 90 in 1 w/ 45 10 pushups w/ 25 plate on back 7 straight bar curls x 2 (20 pushups, 10 dips, 5 pullups) x 2 3 x 8 lying skull crushers w/ 50 lb dumbell w/ curlbar @ 40 lying skull crusher - 10, @ 50 - 3 x 8 5 x 50 crunches on decline 6 tablespoons peanut butter
  17. Definately try it!!! Friday 1 bananna salad - lettuce, black beans, corn, tomatoes, onions, and olives french fries and ketchup Mass quanities of peanut butter- I blame you Jimi 2 slices wheat bread 1.5 raspberry and bananna smoothie with 3 BCAA's, 2 Shredder 7x's and 1 multivitamin in it = insane hyperness... Balance lost while leanign on standing row bar, bar went to fly up caught it, pulled it down - insane amounts of bone showing on hand... decided hospital too expensive... so did ham's a day early.... Front Squat @ 65 - (10 reg, 10 wide, 10 narrow) x 3 Leg Press High - @ 180 - 10, @270 -10, @ 360 -10, @ 450 - 10, @ 540 - 3 x 10, @ 630 - 3 x 10, @ 720 - 3 x 8, @ 810 - 3 x 8 ( now remember Im not going all the way to my chest due to knee injuries but everyone seems to think Im still in normal range of motion, but I feel like Im only going halfway ) Straight Leg Deadlift - @ 95 - 10, 5 pullups, @95 - 10, 5 pullups, @ 135 - 6, 5 pullups, @ 145 - 5, 5 pullups, @ 155 - 5, 5 pullups, @ 185 - 2 Laying leg curl's w/ 10's - 3 x 8 Single Leg Arabasque Deadlifts w/ fluffy aka 20 lb curl bar - 3 x 8 ea. leg Platypus walks w/ 40 lb curl bar - On Back going forward - 25 ea leg, On Chest going backwards 25 ea. leg 5.58 miles in 1 hour 20 minutes in Sauna 1 Kashi TLC Blackberry Graham Bar - 2 g protein, 21 g carbs, 110 cal. 7 packages ready made and yes flavored oatmeal... My hand the morning after..
  18. Well duh I coulda told ya that.. Hence the marathon plans. I know you'll recover quick... benefits of being an athlete and a vegan But if you want compliments..... Hey by the way your my superwoman of the week!!!
  19. It is good... For the raw thing. And 10 points for the emergancy can of beans.
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