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Everything posted by aluck

  1. Me too. Hey what happened with changing you advatar... I changed mine.. Do it!!
  2. Delicious, just wrap a banana in a few leaves of chard. Its a great raw snack.
  3. Keep it up chica, you will get thru this. I am really excited about this opportunity for you as well. I think things happen for a reason and maybe you have to go thru this for a Crossfit future.. You know? Keep your chin up, your thoughts focused and your goals high.
  4. Im so there. We'll find a way... If ya have to fly to Denver and we'll drive my ghetto vehicle from there.. lol Raw asparagus... Lunch. So you shut up with your happy peanut butter and jelly kid! Glad you're working out again! So stoked to competing.
  5. The hormoney one... Yea its a little much, but her abs... wow... And the girl in the red.... *sigh*
  6. 1 chard and banana burrito 2 tablespoons peanut butter 1 cranenrgy drink 2.26 miles in 30 minutes, between 1 and 1.5 at 10% incline Raw asparagus 2 tablespoons peanut butter cup of salsa 1/2 container edamame stuffing mixed cooked veggies 1 banana Military Press - w/ 45(bar) - 15, w/ 65 - 2 x 8 & 1 x6, @ 55 - 1x 7, 1 x8, @ 45 - 17 Front Shrugs (with straps) = 3 x 10 @ 135 Upright Rows with plate 45 - 3 x 15 W/ Dumbells Front Extension, Military Press, Side Extension, Bent Side extension - 3 x 10 w/ 15's .02 walking lunges 2.54 miles in 30:10
  7. aluck


    Welcome, nothing madatory but definately worth a try. Either way happy to have you!
  8. Wednesday 1 scoop sun warrior 16 g protein Hams with Frankie - 3 x 15 Front Squats with Bar Leg Press 1 x 15 @ 90, 1 x 15 @ 180, 1 x 15 @ 270, 1x 15 @ 360, 3 x 15 @ 450 Standing Machine Squat 1 x 10/10/10 Narrow, wide, regular @ 180, @ 270 3 x 7/7/7 N,W,R Single Leg Extension w/ 25 3 x 15 Run with a client 2.51 miles in 30 minutes 2 slices wheat bread - 6 grms protein 2 tortillas 2 tablespoons peanut butter - 7 g protein 2 baked potatoes with salsa Just took a test on the urinary sytem... Goody. 2 baked potatoes in hot sauce, 3 slices wheat, andjapelenos 2 chard and bannana burritos - 2 banannas 4 pieces chard - yummy! Single Leg Calf Raise w/ 30 lb - 20, w/ 50 - 20, w/ 60 3 x 15 Dual Raise w/ bar @ 95 5 x 20 Ab set decline Ab cable curl set up to 220 again. 1 chard and banana burrito
  9. Sounds delicious. When I can, thinking about trying a raw diet..
  10. http://forum.bodybuilding.com/photo/showphoto.php?photo=3374313 http://forum.bodybuilding.com/photo/showphoto.php?photo=3374433
  11. Lol this morning was insane, missed work, missed my workut, late to class... Drug dogs, full shakedown, no chance to call anyone and warn them I wasnt going to be there or to get food. TG for the refried beans stashed in the gymbag...
  12. http://forum.bodybuilding.com/photo/showphoto.php?photo=79857 http://forum.bodybuilding.com/photo/showphoto.php?photo=4747083&limit=recent http://forum.bodybuilding.com/photo/showphoto.php?photo=16832 http://forum.bodybuilding.com/photo/showphoto.php?photo=11350
  13. Tuesday - 1 can refried beans 20 g protein 1 apple Motts Veggie Blend (essentially a V8) 5 g protein 4 tablespoons peanut buter 14 g protein 1apple 4 tablespoons peanut butter 14 g protein 2 tortillas mixed cooked veggies Biceps Curlbar (40lb-30lb-20lb sets of 10/10/10) x 3 Pullups 3 x 6 assisted, curl position, narrow grip, wide grip 1 arm rows @ 40 5 x 8, @ 50 3 x 6, @ 55 1 x4, @ 60 1 x4, @ 50 1 x 10 Lat pulldown @100 - 10, @ 110 - 8, @ 130 - 6, @ 140 - 4, @ 130 - 6, @ 110 -10 StandingRow @ 95 3 x 8 .01 mile walking lunges 5.05 miles 1 hour
  14. thanks hun for all your support and love... knew you were special.
  15. Monday 5-4 1 bananna, rest of sun warrior from last night Plan Chest Heavy Incline Bench Bar @ 95 1 x 8, @ 75 2 x 8, @ 85 1 x 6, 1 x 7, @ 75 3 x 8 Flat Bench Bar @ 95 3 x 8, @125 2 x 5, @ 75 2 x 20, 1 x 18 Incline Fly Dumbell w/ 20's 3 x 8, w/ 30's 3 x 6, w/ 35's1 x 6, w/ 30's 3 x 8 Then my clients showed up... Light Triceps and Abs and Cardio later... Tried to eat edamame - about half so maybe 15 g protein... with hot sauces.... still grossed out... So 2 tortillas with peanut butter. 3.01 miles 30 minute run raspberry juice smoothie with shot of vega mix 14 g protein, bcaa, and 7x stra burner or some such crap 1/4 apple 1/4 apple 3/4 container of edamame - tried to cover taste with ketchup... worked kinda got more down another 20 - 25 g protein.. Once I get sick off something... its hard to convince myself to eat it.. Military Seated Cable w/ Rope Tricep Extension @70 3 x 10, @ 90 3 x 8, @ 110 3 x 4, @ 100 3 x 8, @ 80 3 x 10 Standing Cable Rope Tricep Pulldown @ 70 3 x10, @ 90 3 x 8, @ 110 2 x 4, @ 120- 4, @ 100 3x 8, @ 80 3 x 10 Ab declin set with plate - Crunch set on decine 50 and a Twist set Seated Leg Extended Dips w/ Plate on Lap 3 x 20 1 Killer Ab crunch set on floor Knee Ab Crunch w/ Bicep curl at top @ 160 3 x 10, @ 180 3 x 10, @ 200 3 x 6, @ 220 2 x4 and 1 x 6 (had to have feet supported to stay on floor), @ 200 3 x 6, @ 180 3 x 10, @ 140 burnout 30 mins - 3 miles, from 2 - 2.5 @ 2% incline Sauna 30 mins Lettuce and corn salad with 6 tablespoons flaxseed and apple cider vinegar 4 oz beans 4 oz leftover spaghetti
  16. Dropsoul - I love you just thought Id let you know.
  17. I think they about covered it, just wanted to say welcome, and kudos on a healthier, smarter, more ethical lifestyle. Stick with it man!
  18. Good was scared youd be bummed if I bailed. Look like Washington 8/8. Yikes
  19. Well that make one of us. Gotta get lean if Im gonna show 8/8... Stupid Octo... Kidding I mean no yeah stupid Octo. This was the plkan I was given today - going to try to follow it. M - Heavy Chest on inclines, Light Tri's - cables, Abs, 2 x 30 min cardio T - Heavy Back - lat pulldowns, pullups, 1 arm rows plus reg routine, Light Bis - Curl bars (w/40 - 10, w, 30 - 10, w/ 20 - 10 ) x 3, walkign lunges, cardio 2 x 30min W - Quads - Leg Press, Squat, Front Squat, Leg Extensions, Calves, abs, 30 min cardio x2 Th - Shoulders - Military press, rear fly, side and front lateral extensions, shrugs and Traps, walking lunges, 30 min cardio x 2 F - Bi's Straight Ba curls, preaches, hammers, and cable, Tri's Dips, seated of lying Skull crushers, close grip bench, Cable Extension, Abs, 30 min cardio x 2 Sat - Hams - straight Leg Deads, Leg Press High, Laying curls, Walking lunges, 30 min cardio x 2 Sun - Abs, 45 min cardio x 2 Average 4 hours working out maybe?
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