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Everything posted by aluck

  1. You best agree with me missy! But seriously Im super ewxcited, when do yall think itll be complete?
  2. Black magic marker... Then itll just say Renegade. Perfect solution, and a classy touch for a favorite workout shirt! ":)
  3. Id go.. Who knows it could happen to be something fun and kinky! Then again it could be a fight - thats fun too... But if you are buying weed... Be careful - homeslice is a cop or a nark!
  4. Yeah.. no offense if it works for you - by all means stick with it.. But Im so lost..
  5. For sure. Even when I feel heavy I know its because I have a goal that I am progressing quickly towards so Im satisfied.
  6. Not to hijack... I FREAKING HATE SMITH MACHINES!!! They suck. But not guna lie, theyre helpful when people dont know what they want or how to do it properly..... Safer (sometimes) and always free because no one else likes them.. teeheee.
  7. Shes way hot. Im begining to feel like Im my own ideal. Thats a good day right there.
  8. Lol your journal is always good for a giggle!
  9. Lol had to think of something... Hold plank position... hold ten or fifteens (i liked the fifteens ) and row up to your chest, then switch sides... First 3 set did straight to chest, last set did mor of a row, dumbell kickback (for triceps)... There... changed my advatar for ya chica!!
  10. Havent been logging.. But counted up the past wek and a half sets.. Well over but just to be honest and on the safe side Ill add another thousand. 26.921
  11. You make me smile because as a Tolstoy fan I was excited to read one of my favorute quotes....posted by someone other than myself. And just your general outlook - I think its great! Looks like you're training hard - stick wth it! Im totally there too! Way to stay motivated.
  12. As a good friend told me, yes people will be hostile - its because you make them feel insecure with their morality or lack of... .
  13. Monday 2 bananas With Frankie... I was running late so it was short Renegade Rows 4 x 15, altenating between 12 and 15 pounds supersetted with Front Sqauts with Bar - lightweight 1 Ab set. 1 serving natural almonds (24 ) 2 oranges 2 banannas 1 serving natural almonds (24) 3 scoops synthetic creatine still sipping on it - yucky 10 x 15 squats with bar only deep - felt good - alternated between front and regular 3 x 10 each side with bar, lady curtsy lunge step into sumo squat Probably enough knee in pain... mustered thru it. Thanks Frankie and MS for the texting encouragement. <3 yall. Vegan Turkey - 300 cal Vegan Hot Dogs - 4, with mustard 1 bagel Sleep!!!! Calf Raises etc..... 2 oranges 1/2 cup peanut butter ANother half ass calf raises and ab workout... Vegan hot dogs 8, with mustard
  14. 1 scoop sun warrior plain 1/2 scoop vanilla sun warrior (split with Frankie) Dumbell One Arm Row - 1 x 15 w/ 20, 1x 25 w/ 20 supersetted with Incline Dumbell Press 1x 15 w/ 20, 1 x 15 w/ 25 ( 25's felt good) Standing Dumbell Shoulder Press 2 x 15 w/ 20's super setted with Standing single leg Calf Raise (holding a 30) 2 x 30 Standing Hammer Dumbell curl 1 x 15 (w/ 15's) 1x 15 (w/ 20's), super setted with Overhead Lying Dumbell Extension 1 x 15 (w/ 15's), 1x 15 (w/ 20's) Dumbell Squat 1x 15 with 20's (wide) 1 x 15 with 25's (chair) supersetted with Stiff leg Deadlift 1 x 15 (w/ 20's, 1 x 15 w/ 25's 1 mile run just under 10 minutes 1 Killer AB set ( 50 reg, 50 side reach, 50 bum lifts, 50 frog pulse, 50 biking it) 1 glass oJ, 1/2 glass cranberry, 1 eng muffin with peanut butter, 1 slice rye bread, 1 salad - lettuce tomato, onion shitake shrooms, and red wine vinegar 1 scoop chocolate sun warrior Bench Press - Build up to reps with 125... Giggity giggity... Should warm up routine, upper body warm up routine... Dumbell Flys and Press with 25's Light Pilates with a client.. Vega Smoothie 2 banannas Insane chest and Tris workout!!! (got on an ego trip... working out at a different gym location than normal so pushed myself) cup of peanut butter 3 celery stalks 3 japelonos Oh yeah, after the workout lol
  15. Welcome... Welcome back whatever the case is welcome.
  16. LEO TOLSTOY: Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself. You make me smile.
  17. My new vegn buddy at the gym just brought me some vegan soy pudding by zen soy??? Sweet. Will have to try it...
  18. Well you definately found a wonderful group of supportive people! Wishing you th ebest of luck with your goals!
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