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Everything posted by chewybaws

  1. Fri 23rd September 2011 Bodyweight = 87kg This workout started at 9:30am. Not fun haha. Squats 1x5x92.5kg 1x5x107.5kg 1x10x120kg (belt on for this set) Good Mornings 5x10x62.5kg Bulgarian Split Squats 5x9 each leg Farmers Walks Warmed up with 88kg (44kg each DB) 3 walks with 108kg (54kg each DB) - see video for length So it's just moving from 1 problem to another on the squats. Now I'm leaving shit stains on the platform, but having to round my back to get the depth. I could've controlled the descent speed much better but after the first few reps I knew I could get 10 so just battered them out. Bulgarian split squats you can see in the video it took a few reps to get set up properly, was forgetting to keep my front shin upright but quickly fixed it. My right quad these feel like nothing, left quad they fucking ache and hard to balance on that side. Farmers walks were fun. Was nowhere near failure. Will build on these. Forearms got a bit of a pump off them haha. Plan with Squats - practice with an empty bar keeping back arched but still try to get a few inches below parallel. Practiced deadlifts yesterday just with 35kg just for practicing the setup with the belt on. Had no problem with straightening back with belt. Was also practicing getting the belt on properly. Also practicing doing my breathing at the top - see how that goes when it gets heavy haha.
  2. I got the exactly same thing (and had it reoccuring, had to take weeks off at a time, and it kept pulling). Also, doing stronglifts. The truth is, I didn't warmup or stretch effectively. And I think a foam roller helped as well when I finally got one. My lower body niggles and injuries practically disapeared when I started using this warmup; http://www.defrancostraining.com/ask_joe/archives/ask_joe_08-10-03.html#question04 Instead of the groiners I use Squat to Stands These really open your groin up. If you don't have the hamstring flexibility to keep your knees straight at the top, through a curl bar over your toes and grab that instead of all the way to your toes (I often do this during the warmup, then just do full squat to stands when I'm stretching at the end). While I'm here I might as well post other stuff that will avoid you getting injuries elsewhere; My shoulder pain disapeared from performing this warmup; I always do this first before anything else After workout here is my cooldown; Foam roll with to loosen the muscles then stretches; 1) Calf (http://img.youtube.com/vi/O0YRlnmb4_s/0.jpg) 2) Quad (http://site.herbalrack.com/exercises/Standing-quad-stretch.gif) 3) Hip flexor (http://www.defrancostraining.com/ask_joe/images/pics/week113/image014.jpg) 4) Calf/ITB (http://www.exrx.net/StretchImages/Hamstrings/StandingCrossLeg.jpg - then twist torso to side of back leg) 5) Seated ITB (1:58 )6) Squat to stand for hams/groin ( - hold both top and bottom position on last rep for 10 seconds)7) Groin (http://body-like-bruce.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/groinstretch.jpg) Glute/lower back ( )9) Abs (http://images.teamsugar.com/files/upl0/1/12981/02_2008/ab-stretch.jpg) 10) Rotator cuff, Pec, Lat stretches from this video ( )11) Upper back (http://www.withamymac.com/news/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/upper-back-stretch-2-300x200.jpg) 12) Triceps (http://site.herbalrack.com/exercises/Tricep-Stretch.gif) 12) Rear delts (http://www.mytrainersays.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/shoulder_posterior1.gif) When it becomes routine you can get this under 15 minutes easily but I've noticed a huge difference spending time doing a proper warmup/cooldown to how I feel, especially while squatting. Because I've started splitting my workouts to upper/lower body, if it's an upper body day I'll use this warmup; (if it's bench day i'll throw in a couple of dynamic stretches for back flexion/extension to warmup for arching my back in bench) I used to get A LOT of injuries, especially on stronglifts. Just from having bad flexibility and not looking after my muscles. I can't recommend these routines enough. The only take 10-15mins at the start/end of your session. Make sure when you're doing any barbell lift that you warmup with an empty bar (or at least less weight for deadlifts), and go up 20% at a time at least till you hit your work weight to grease the groove and lube your joints/muscles a bit. I know from experience groin pulls hang about for a long time. Go very light and do high reps in the meantime and build it up gradually, incorporating these warmups/stretches to improve your flexibility.
  3. Started using this warmup for upper body workouts in addition to the diesel crew ultimate shoulder warmup; Also started using the rowing machine in warmup. Towards the workouts on the end of this post I started off with 1000m, 1100m, 1200m, 1300m. So been on it 4 times so far. Gets me warmed up and sweating a bit before I start. 5/3/1 - Week 1 Sun 18th September 2011 OHP 1x5x32.5kg 1x5x37.5kg 1x9x42.5kg Close Grip Incline Bench 5x10x30kg Chins 3x7 (not bad!) Tricep Kickbacks 5x10x4kg (each arm) BB curls 3x10x17.5kg Fast paced workout, from now on pretty much not taking longer than 60s rest between sets in assistance exercises. Mon 19th September 2011 Deadlift (no belt) 1x5x127.5kg 1x5x147.5kg Done a good job of keeping my back flat. It's a problem that's needed fixed for a while, and I'm going to do it now regardless of numbers. Got kicked out my garage for making too much noise lol, club was back open following day. Was annoying cause I only had 1 set to do. Tue 20th September 2011 Deadlift 1x5x127.5kg (no belt) 1x5x147.5kg (no belt) 1x2x167.5kg (belt) 1x1x167.5kg (no belt) Romanian Deadlift 5x10x75kg Leg Press 5x10x105kg (easy stuff) Reverse Crunch 5x10 (10kg counter) So this was a weird one, although fatigued still done a decent job keeping a flat back up until the last set when I put the belt on. It fucked up my breathing. At the bottom I couldn't get a good breath in me. And for the life of me I could not flatten out my back before starting the pull. Attempted a good few times. After doing a couple of reps, flung the belt off and 30 seconds later done a good single; So the plan is just to practice setup with the belt on a 40kg belt. One of the lifters at the club says he does all his breathing at the top. I normally take my first breath in at the top then just setup quickly and do it. Then I don't do a very good job of getting a breath in after that if I have the belt on. For deadlifts I won't be following 5/3/1 but more just a linear program that starts off light and builds up so I can get some strength into my back. After this workout went to a new vegan restaurant in Glasgow called "Heavenly", same folks that own Stereo/Mono/The 78 I think. http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j287/chewybaws/20092011477.jpg Soy Burger for starters, after this I had a mean chilli. Many ciders were had this night. Wed 21st September 2011 Bench 1x5x50kg 1x5x60kg 1x10x67.5kg Dips 5x6 T-bar rows 5x10x40kg Tricep pushdowns 1x10x5kg 4x10x7.5kg BB curls 10,10,7x20kg Quick and effective workout. Dips were surprisingly hard. I used to be able to do 5 reps with a 30kg belt on lol.
  4. I love it as well man. Glad your mind is in the right place despite what's happened. Must be as strong mentally as you are physically =D Looking forward to following your progress again
  5. I started using Vega Sport Optimizer last week, pre workout, just a half serving. Noticed a difference in energy levels immediately.
  6. What's the source? I can't take any of that stuff seriously when I train with a 60 year old who's lifted heavy since his teens, and he's a strong mofo. No reoccuring injuries. Set a world record for the Squat a few months back.
  7. I've read some of your blog, unless you're planning on breaking records at your first meet I wouldn't recommend cutting to make a weight class. If you lose weight weeks before a comp chances are you're going to lose strength, and most meet's will have you weigh in the same day so cutting water isn't really going to be an option unless you want to feel like death (and lose strength for the day). Just concentrate on setting your own numbers to beat in future. However, if records are up for grabs in any lift (or total) by all means go for it. Dave Tate is undoubtedly a legend, but if you read his article here he doesn't claim to know much about nutrition, and keep in mind all the strong guys he's talking about will be on juice. http://articles.elitefts.com/articles/training-articles/efs-classic-the-eight-keys-a-complete-guide-to-maximal-strength-development/ (check nutrition section). You can build muscle and get strong eating just about anything, clean or not. And there will be a lot of really strong guys with different methods. You look like you've had a lot of success building muscle already and seem to know what you're doing. You should start a training log on here
  8. https://www.strengthshop.co.uk/index.php/powerlifting/powerlifting-belts.htmlVegan belts to IPF spec (that whole site is vegan) Little will change between your bodybuilding diet going into powerlifting. You're still trying to get stronger and build muscle.
  9. Being honest, it doesn't really matter. With your opener you should get way down. There should be no doubt about it. It's over now and time to get it sorted out. Wed 14th September 2011 Sumo Deadlifts (no belt) 5x5x100kg Squat (depth practice, no belt) 3x5x70kg Romanian Deadlifts 5x10x70kg Leg Press 5x10x100kg Reverse Crunch (5kg counter weight) 3x10 Easy workout to be honest (that was the point). Put a box with some plates on it on the floor for squats and lightly touched that at the bottom to ensure I was getting depth. Fri 16th September 2011 Squat (depth practice, no belt) 1x5x100kg 1x5x105kg 1x5x110kg Bench (for speed) all sets done with Purple mini bands, doubled up each side 6x2x45kg 1x2x50kg 1x2x55kg Bulgarian Split Squats R 8,8,8,20 L 8,8,8,11 BB curls 3x10x15kg 2x10x17.5kg Again with squats put something on the floor to touch to make sure i was getting depth (blue stool). Got my mate to take it away during the set at 100kg, done a pretty good job of still hitting depth from then on. 105/110 done with no stool. This is prob how I'll do it, using something for warmups to set the depth in my head until it becomes second nature. Feels more like what I used to squat like when I used to workout at home all the time. Hits the leg muscles deep.
  10. I think active recovery is doing some form of exercise which won't tax you but aims to speed up recovery by getting blood into the affected areas or increase flexibility. Generally combat any of the negative after effects of exercise like muscle soreness or stiffness. After a hard lower body day sometimes I'll foam roll or do some high rep bodyweight or squats with the bar just to get my flexibility back and I'll often feel better after it. If I just sit about I often feel even worse the next day lol. Rest days aren't just about giving the muscles rest, it taxes your whole body. If you don't like doing absolutely nothing then just do something light.
  11. Just be safe and go with free weights
  12. At least it's starting to get better man. Keep your chin up! You'll be back in action before you know it.
  13. Lean as fuck mate, keep adding mass the way you have been and you'll be huge.
  14. Mon 12th September 2011 Bodyweight = 87.5kg OHP 1x5x40kg 1x8x45kg Close grip incline press 2x10x40kg 1x9x40kg Chins 4x6 Tri extensions 5x10x10kg DB (horrid form) BB curls 3x10x15kg I can't get my head programmed to 5x10. You need to take a ridiculously light weight lol. I'm glad I'm testing out these exercises before I start 5/3/1 properly with these assistance exercises.
  15. Yeah I haven't half packed on a bit of weight haha, cheers. Scottish Seniors - Comp Report Kilmarnock Amateur Weightlifting Club Sun 11th September 2011 93kg class, unequipped Weighed in at 88.1kg. Wasn't expecting to get much since my training cycle had been horrid but was up for making the most out of it. Squat First attempt - 150kg (no lift - depth) Second attempt - 150kg (no lift - depth) Third attempt - 150kg To be honest every rep I felt like I was getting right down (in my head), the weight wasn't a problem, I didn't feel like I was rushing it. I must've just been getting higher during training without noticing. Something to work on. Bench Press First attempt - 80kg Second attempt - 85kg I was expecting to at least get a shot at 87.5kg but 85kg was harder than I anticipated. A fucking slow rep, triceps are getting a kicking during training from now on. Back seized up during it. Deadlift First attempt - 200kg Second attempt - 215kg Third attempt - 220kg 215kg was harder than it should've been so made the right choice just to go with 220kg. Awful competition, only just matched my bench/dead from my first comp in the start of the year and got less on the squat for obvious reasons. I know what I need to work on now though. It's a shame because it was a well and quickly run competition in my club.
  16. Fri 9th September 2011 Some squats with empty bar & squat to stands for flexibility Chins 5x5 Barbell rows (close underhand grip) 5x10x30kg Surprisingly struggled with the last couple of sets of chins, abs were pretty sore during.
  17. For Sure. On Arnold Presses I can do 25lb dumbbells for 12 but one time when I tried to move up to 30, I could only get out four....granted this was after some heavier regular DB presses but still... When you do the math, that's a 20% weight increase - it's actually a huge weight increase and makes sense with the huge rep drop. Of course when I said intensity in my posts above, I mean the actual weight (not how hard you're working or how much you leave in the tank). Cellar, have you ever considered doing a cycle where the reps change every week? like a peaking program - http://www.exrx.net/WeightTraining/PowerliftingPrograms.html. Probably the most basic example (the important part is what weight you use).
  18. Like I said, rep/set schemes mean nothing without the intensity being stated. Doing over 3 sets of how many reps will burn you out? But more importantly how close to your max are you lifting? If you're doing 5x5 regularly with over 80% of your 1RM of course you're going to burn out. You'd be attempting 5x5 maxes every time, and even doing 3x5 at this intensity regularly would be crazy and burn you out. If you just go in and try and lift more than you did last time with a constant rep scheme (let's say 3x8) you're probably going to burn out just as quickly as if you done 5x5. There's a million different loading and rep schemes. I wouldn't say you're a beginner, so pick a program that's not going to have you at your maximum all the time, and take recovery and speed days (less weight, more power) into consideration. Rest time doesn't matter that much. Take at least 30-45s, anything after that is preference.
  19. Wed 7th September 2011 Sumo deadlifts (no belt) 5x5x95kg (for technique) Good Mornings 5x10x60kg Bulgarian split squats 3x8 (each leg) Barbell rollouts 5x5 (on knees) Been trying to reduce my rest time between sets (after the first exercise) to 45-60s. Been spending about 2 - 2.5 hours in the gym each session, and was reading on Westside Barbell that their sessions should typically take around 45 mins for the main part (excluding warmup/cooldown) and that's all the rest they take between assistance sets. They say obviously if you need to take longer to actually make a set then do it, but that's the general guideline. 1.4 hours today so a good start. Sumo's, still working on form. I think I'm doing a slightly better job keeping my knees back. I think my hips could actually do with coming up a bit and getting my back into it a bit more, but I think this will happen naturally as the weight increases. Was concentrating today on taking my time and reversing the movement as much as possible for the negative. Good Mornings, first time doing them in a while - bet I'll have a stiff back tomorrow. I reckon I done a good job keeping my back straight and was getting some real speed. Beasting stretch in the hamstrings. I reckon I could actually do with not going quite so deep. Bulgarian split squats are fucking hard. Barbell rollouts, first 3 sets were fine. I found out quickly that twisting my grip over the barbell takes the strain off my shoulders. Sets 4/5 I felt it in my back a couple of reps. Maybe build these up a bit more gradually.
  20. Seeds seem to have a better amino profile; Pumpkin seeds Flaxseed
  21. Rep/set schemes are fairly useless without 1RM percentages unless you're still a true beginner and doing a linear program (where you add a small increment every workout without stalling too much). If you still want a linear program that adds weight weekly but mixes up reps/light days and stuff, there's the Madcow program (however I don't think squatting 3x/week will be suited for you). To be honest, for you I'd recommend 5/3/1. You only squat/deadlift once a week and you pretty much pick your own assistance (however I'd try sticking to one of the templates at first - Periodization Bible could be cool to switch things up for you with some higher rep work).
  22. I have squatted 1.9x BW and deadlifted 2.5x bodyweight and I still have chicken legs! Some of it's down to genetics haha. How much is that lever belt costing you with shipping?
  23. Mon 5th September 2011 Bodyweight = 86.2kg Squat 1x5x100kg 1x3x120kg (belt from this set on) 1x140kg 1x150kg Bench 1x5x50kg 1x3x62.5kg 1x72.5kg 1x80kg Dips 5x5 T-bar rows (overhand grip) 5x10x40kg Tricep Pushdowns 3x10x15kg (with screwy form, elbows left my sides frequently) Lifted what I plan to take for my openers at the comp on Sunday. Training cycles been crap so not expecting to hit PBs, will take what I can get though. Dips pleasantly didn't aggravate my elbow, going to build these up each week - 5x6, 5x7, 5x8 etc. Till I fail. T bar rows tougher than expected, really felt it in the lats. Done the pushdowns on the lat pulldown, that machine is pretty heavy in our gym so I'm gonna start with just 5kg 5x10 good form then build it up week by week.
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