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Jason X

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Everything posted by Jason X

  1. Always start at the front, if you deserve it. It sounds like you do. What cat are you racing? Sounds like a lower cat, given antics. In my experience (in minnesota) womens races either blow apart (lower cat) or stay together pretty much until the end when the stronger people step up the intensity and kill it. Either way. Sounds awesome and makes me kinda want to race bikes again this year. Maybe one or two. We'll see.
  2. Rob, primal strips are fake jerky. Mushroom, soy, or seitan varieties. They're good shit. Viva! I wanna hear about the race!!
  3. Good work mary! That rules! And I missed it before, but what on earth is chocolate tofu? Color me intrigued.
  4. Quick mobile update. That was amazing. Beyong amazing, but super duper. I'm a little sore, but not too tired.20 minutes halfs. We played (and lost) 3 games. I earned a starting wing spot off the get go. Ended up playing all of every game. So much fun. No tries though. Closest I got was just inside the 22. I'm fine with that. Made a couple good hits. Took a few. The hardest one came from a teammate, though. Wrapped up and spun a guy perfectly for me to be in the fine of fire. Oops. That was long for a phone update. I'm thrilled. We played a team from st louis called the hornets (who were really good) I know other names, but not cities, so I doubt it would help. Sunday morning rugby clob, and some team I can't remember the name of. More later, probably.
  5. 'atta boy!!! Keep it up. Doing what you feel, and what keeps you progressing is important. If you give it a shot on your heavy day and don't feel it, make it a lighter day and try to go heavy next time. no point in beating yourself up.
  6. WHOA! you? a rest day? what's that all about? since when does that happen? (I'm 100% kidding). you're insane. You deadlift a ton. I'm shocked by that, but it shouldn't surprise me. you're a superhero. (just accept it) maybe you're so tough because you have "stab" in your last name. Everyone knows knives are tough...
  7. FATURDAYS! i love those! and grass is your friend lobster! besides, the faster you go on a bike, the more it wants to stay upright (just have faith.) YOU CAN DO IT!
  8. So, about hardening up... Skipped the gym on monday, then again yesterday (cause I'm tired and sore and I can't do half the exercises I want to with my hands the way they are! -htfu THAT!) that said, I haven't exactly been slackin'. just not liftin. Rugby practice again last night. more sprint drills with the captain (just us...again.) I want to try to be the strength and conditioning coach next season. I can see where people are lacking... Anyhow, lots of hitting, and plays. Coach had me learn how to play outside center (which rules. easily my favorite position). BUT, first drill of practice was hitting. captain tackled me and he drove his bony ass elbow into my thigh with the ground! hurt REAL bad. Made it through practice and beyond. Groin is also still acting up. I'm resigned to it being there all season. I'll deal. So yeah. lots of that. Today I met with a teammate and ran more drills. Tomorrow at 7:30 am I leave for St Louis for my first rugby tournament. I'm hoping it goes well and I'm put in the game(s). I'll report as I can through the weekend. I'm excited. Time to pack!
  9. Run to work a success! Easy stuff. Drove to work last night and left clothes and food in may car for today. Wife works across the street so I met her over there and rode to her house with her. Awesome! Now I have 8 hours to decide if I want to run home and then to school after work today or to drive. Decisions, decisions.
  10. today i didn't go to the gym. I've been sore as all get out! anyhow, today didn't help. showed up early for rugby practice. Ran a few sprint drills (not all out though, trying to rest the groin a bit. it's feeling better) then ran tackle drills all day. It was fun, and hitting people rules. Hit some guy hard enough to draw applause from the coach. that's always fun. It's nice to be the one to get used as an example when it's for something you did right! tonight I'm going to sleep at my wifes house, and therefore run the 4 miles to work in the morning. commute by running shoes. Lets hope I can make that kind of a trend. oh, and thanks Barb, and lobster.
  11. Oh, I know that feeling! Glad its gone. Lots of chili fixes that cil, too! A for effort!
  12. ugh. tired and rain is a bad mix. I feel for you.
  13. Yesterday I ran 7 miles. Took an hour and ten minutes. Then, a few hours ater a friend and I went bouldering for an hour and a half. My hands show it. 3 ripped off callouses and a few new blisters. I hurt today.
  14. Hey! Thanks! I appreciate you, and the others (chewy, mary and lobster mostly) keeping tabs on me! It helps!
  15. Fuck a sore groin! Get tough! Squat. 200lbs x 16 reps. Bench. 135 x 9 Calf raises. 600 x 20 (!) Leg press. 600 x 14 (!!!) Tri pullover. 65 x 10. Leg extension. 210 x 10 Leg curl. 170 x 9. Deadlift. 205 x 10. (My grip gives out on my left hand! Sucks!) Clean/press. 105 x 9 Shrug. 205 x 10 (same. Grip.) Lat pulldowns. 130 x 12. Barbell curls. 80 x 10. Skull crushers. 60 x 9 Machine flys. 130 x 11 Barbell rows. 105 x 10. Plus a rugby practice on wed. Tackle drills. The captain and I showed up early and did a quick sprint workout. Good times.
  16. So, I've been kinda being hindered by a strange sensation in a very specific area, but it hadn't occured to me until today that I'm dealing with a mild groin pull! Awesome! THAT'S why sprinting has been pretty uncomfortable for the few practices! I didn't just lose a step! Good to know. Stretch and rest. Is it safe to lift tomorrow? How do I ice a groin without freezing my balls off? (Did I strain A groin, or MY groin? How many do I have?) good times.
  17. so, you'll all disapprove, but I skipped the gym this morning. Didn't sleep for shit (when, on a good night I get 6 hours of sleep). Just tossed and turned and didn't sleep much. Figured it was better to at least try to sleep those last 2 hours than getting up early for the gym. Friday it's game on. Besides, rugby practice tonight.
  18. Sheesh! Be careful! The grass could be your friend while you're learning as well. When you finally get moving, just take a foot out (while moving) and touch the ground with it (don't drag it, that'll ruin your cleats!) And the reclip. Drill It as necessary. Its all the motions with none of the stopping! I'm pulling for ya!
  19. What is in your rounds for back tri's abs? Also, 300-500 watts is a big range! If you're putting out 500 watta for more than a few seconds you should be a pro!! Good work!
  20. oh no! was your first outside ride on a road bike in clipless pedals!?! Good try, but it's no doubt it wasn't very succesful! they're WAY "twitchier" than mountain bikes! You'll get it thought. start with regular shoes, then start with only one leg clipped in and pedal in circles, then ride with one foot in and the other one just on top, not clipped in. then you'll start to get comfy with it. promise. it's fun. and the only way to ride a bike. also, I know it's scary, but it might be easier (for you) to ride on the tops (as opposed to the hoods or drops), but it'll be scary cause the brakes are going to feel REALLY far away! practice makes perfect! Also, if you take a picture of your form on the bike, I bet viva and/or I could immediately spot any troublesome fitment issues.
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