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Jason X

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Everything posted by Jason X

  1. thanks a lot guys! I haven't been running distance, though. I'm afraid to! I don't want to train to be slow! I need to train to be fast! (which is gonna get me in trouble in june for my MC200 experience... oh well) Rugby practice wasn't too intense. I got there early and kicked the ball around a lot. Still trying to get it to go where i want it to (works well on a drop kick when I don't let it bounce of the ground first, but kicking it on the bounce is super hard!) then warm ups (lots of jogging and dynamic stretching) then some catching/passing drills that aren't very intense physically, but mentally tough. Then we did an awesome drill that had us running back and forth while catching and passing the ball. it'd be hard to explain on a computer, but it was awesome. then we did some rucking drills! YAY HITTING! I'm not super small enough to worry about this sort of thing anymore. I made the loud pop noise happen when I hit two guys and the coach gave me props for that being "how it's supposed to sound" cause I did it right. That was awesome, cause I'm a rookie and don't REALLY know what I"m doing. It means I'm learning. I just hope I'm learning fast enough to play! Anyhow. Two workouts in one day. It was awesome. Tomorrow is work and school and not much else. Have a good night, y'all!
  2. Felt great again in the gym today. I don't know what it is. Did someone spike my creatine? But whatever. I set deat challenge again. Squat. 200 x 10 reps. Bench 130 x 12 (amazing what happens when you do bench first, instead of last) Clean/press. 100 x 6 (upper body tired from yesterday, but I cleaned without the press for 12 reps) Calf raises 568 x 20 Leg press. 568 8 16 (not kidding. 16. Phew!) Tri pullovers 65 x 9 Leg extension 190 x 12 Leg curl 170 x 8 Deadlifts 200 x 12 Shrugs 200 x 12 Lat pulldown 115 x 11 Barbell curls. 80 x 8 Barbell rows. 100 x 12 Machine flys 130 x 10 Skull crushers. 50 x 13. That's it. In and out in an hour again. Sweet. Now I'm waiting for rugby practice to start! Gonna go do some sprints for pre-practice!
  3. The ref in the earlier fight messed it up when he let that leg lock result in what looked like a broken leg. Crappy officiating the other night. Hope its better next time. These are dudes careers they're messing with.
  4. During the intro. I was into it. Its good for him to fight fitch, and even better that he took it to a decision.
  5. is it still broken? weak? If it's healed and rehabbed you should be fine.
  6. Did anyone else catch that Rogan said that Ben Saunders adopted a vegan diet for that fight and feels much better? Not that it really helped him, but he'd never fought anyone as good as Fitch before, not to mention on short notice. Awesome. Vegan VS all organic. I used to not be able to stand Saunders, but now if he stays vegan, I'll change that tune.
  7. I can say that I used to experience the same thing as Wobbly. It always hurt more with less weight on it, though. Once I got to a certain weight it went away, and has now stayed away long enough for me to forget about until it was brought up. I'll also second Chewy's sentiment about backing off if it feels like injury.
  8. thanks Chewy, and yes, a lack of energy is not a problem I have. Life was made for crushing, right? CRUSH IT!
  9. Can Vegetarians Benefit From Creatine Supplementation? Given their reduced consumption of meats, vegetarians typically possess lower than “average” creatine levels. Vegetarians hence have additional room in their muscles to absorb more creatine from the blood stream after being ingested. It is thus not surprising that scientific studies have shown that vegetarians respond quite robustly to creatine supplementation. a lot, if not most creatines are vegan. get the powders instead of capsules or whatever. creatine monohydrate isn't full of "a bunch of shit" except for whatever it's bound to. When you start getting into mixes it gets confusing. As far as which ones are and aren't vegan? I know the NOW brand one is. The GNC brand one shows on the gnc website as vegan. Take it case by case. When in doubt, ask strawberryriddick (i think is his/her name)
  10. I sure am a jerk to myself. I don't "rest" well...being active is too much fun! Today I did an hour of BJJ. Starting to learn throws. kinda fun. And armbars. good stuff. Then I got home. I thought about a nap, but then I thought I'd rather go work on the top body! So, I jogged to the gym (.7 miles) then did another circuit. a top body one. With a barbell (55lbs) I did Curls. overhead presses. barbell rows. uprights rows. Then I dropped the Barbell and grabbed 2 15lbs weights (ick! so little!) and did front and side lat raises. Then I threw a medicine ball (10 lbs) overhead and caught it. I started with a set of ten, then a rest (2-3 minutes. too long), then a set of 8, then 6, then 4, then 2, then 4 again, then 6, then 8, then 10. Except the ball. I did the ball toss 20x per set regardless of how many reps of the other stuff I did. It was awesome. Obviously a much shorter rest time on the 2 and 4 rep sets. Then I jogged home. YAY! Time for protein!
  11. Given tonights events, I'd have to Carwin. Or the dude that broke other dudes leg WAAAY after he tapped. Fuck that guy.
  12. STAIRS! up the bleachers at a local college. 6 x up both toes every step (super little steps) 6x up one foot per step 6x up sides - 3 per leg. (push up on lead leg, drag rear up stairs) Mountain climbers (find a bench, start with a toe on the bench and a foot on the ground, rotate -fast- x 30) 20 times for 3 reps twice. Lots of 20 yard sprints. couple 40 yard sprints. 2 laps of the track. things of that nature. I need a shower and lunch now. start at the 0 sprint to the 20 and back (this was a football field) x 6 start at the 2, sprint to the 20, do that funny side step hip thing (fuck if I remember what it's called. I'll find out next time) x 6 start at the 0, walk to the 10, jog to the 20, stride to the 30, accelerate to the 40 and sprint past the 50 to the other 40. x 3
  13. I try to go for walks on my lunch break. I always run the stairs when I'm going up them. Also, every time I go to the bathroom I do 2-4 pull ups on the stall top. (Which is pretty often, because I drink almost a whole gallon jug of water when I'm at work...). I also try to do at least one pullup or chinup every time I enter my bedroom (since I have a nice door frame for it.)
  14. Did the one set death challenge again. Thinking of making it the two set death challenge. Same weights to failure x2. I dunno. But then we run into time constraints. GAH! I dunno, I'll think of something. I just feel like I've still got more left to give after only one set to failure. Shooting for 8-12 reps. If I do more than 12, I'm doing it wrong. what I did today, Squat 200lb x 9 reps Bench Press 130lb x 5 reps x 2 sets (no spotter makes this one scary...it's stupid because I know I can take 130 5x5) Calf Raises 5 45's per side (568lb after weight of machine) 1x17 Leg Press same weight. 1 x 12 (I didn't think I'd get it back up, but I BARELY did) Tri Pullovers 65lb 1 x 8 Leg Extension 170 x 12 Leg Curl 150 x 12 Deadlifts 200 x 10 Clean and Press 100 x 10 Shrug 200 x 10 Lat Pulldowns 115 x 10 (first time ever attempted) Barbell Curls 80 x 8 Skull Crushers 50lb x 12 (first time ever attempted) Machine Flys 110 x 8 (first time ever attemped) Barbell Rows 95 x 12 That's all she wrote. In and out in an hour including warm up and cool down. Awesome.
  15. didn't mean to offend. Keep rippin, octo, you're almost there!
  16. Crossfit workouts seem awesome!I wouldn't think they'd get you too big, but some of the dudes in the videos are kinda jacked! Love it!!
  17. To me, its a drug (in this sense) if it affects your mentals. At any rate, seems to me that there is information to either help you quit the coffee (as I wanted to do, and others want to do) or, to defend your consumption. When it boils down to it, make the choice you feel is right.
  18. You'll get it, pal. Keep reading up and trying hard! Good stuff!
  19. So, I haven't checked to see if something like this exists on here, but since we all have different goals, maybe we could set up a clothing exhange? Its expensive to buy new clothes for the new, improved person you are and will continue to become. I know, personally, I went from. 30 or 31 to a 33 or 34 in a few months. Now a lot of my clothes don't fit. Lots of J Crew button downs, a couple Brooks Brothers suits, couple pairs of Gap and Banana Republic pants...it sucks, but I'd rather get them to someone that's losing weight and looking for clothes that fit than to anyone else. Maybe just another way for us to support each other? What do y'all think?
  20. Roar!!! Feelin' like a champ today! Did the one set challenge again today (mostly). 1 set per exercise, for the most part. Squat. 195 x 13reps. Deads. 195 x 13reps. Clean and press. 95 x 12reps Barbell rows. 95 x 12reps Leg press. 528 x 1 set 13reps + 1 set 12reps. Calves. 528 x 1 set 15reps + 1 set 25reps Curls. 1 set 80 x 7reps. 1 set 70 x 11reps. Leg extensions. 150 x 15reps Leg curls. 130 x 17reps. Tri pullovers. 1 set 65 x 8reps. 1 set 65 x 4 reps. Bench. 1 set 130 x 8reps.1 set 130 x 6reps. The end. I'm rather happy with that.
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