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Jason X

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Everything posted by Jason X

  1. ellie, it's not all haters. we usually get along. seems like only a couple people stir the pot. and they make themselves known pretty quickly.
  2. Jason X

    new Vegan

    with hard work and a solid diet, you'll see results, definitely. I don't know what the time frame is you're hoping to lose 60lbs in, but I wish you the best of luck in your journey. Keep up with all the others in the log section, and check the transformation pics, too!
  3. brazillian jiu jitsu for an hour, went home and ate lunch, then went to rugby practice. bodyweight squat/lunge workout. Warm up jog, then 12 reps of squats, 12 each leg forward lunges, 12 each leg side lunges, 12 each leg backward lunges, then 6 star jumps. Then sprint 20 meters. x4 then a tackling drill. 30 seconds on, run 3 meters, hit/lift a dude, run the other way and hit/lift another dude. 1:30 rest. x3. then a cooldown jog. fun day.
  4. If it's working, why even ask about it? the original post is a few weeks old, johan. Ellie, I will look into this black cherry juice concentrate! and Mary, I'm not very familiar with crossfit, but as I understand it, it's more of a circuit training. My interest is piqued. I'll see what I can find about it.
  5. I'm not sure what you mean by "straight" but there are complications regarding the combination of endruance training and muscle strenght/volume. Trying to put it simply mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) regulates your muscles adjustment to strenght training meaning that heavy ass training results in translation of mTOR. When you do endurance training the different metabolism that is demanded results in activation of AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK). So far this isn't a problem right? Wrong. AMPK effects a substrate called TSC1/2 which in turn has a negative influence on mTOR (and your protein synthesis). Allthough there probably are ways to minimize the "damage" simply increasing your food intake won't cut it. uhhh. words. sorry dude. that is entirely over my head. I'll keep doing what I've been doing. It seems to be working.
  6. WOW! thanks for the in depth reply, but I should have clarified. It isn't a marathon. It's a relay ultra race. From Madison to Chicago. It'll have me running 6 intervals of 4-7 miles a piece over the course of 30 or so hours. It works out to 37.75 miles over the whole race, but it's a "run an hour, take 3 hours off, run 35 minutes, take 4 hours off", etc. So, I think the shorter (under 10 miles, definitely) runs with more frequency is going to be the way to tackle this. not getting stiff, and eating enough are going to be the hard parts, definitely. The big issue is that I have a 3 day rugby tournament the weekend after, which I kinda need to be in good shape for. SO, it's all too much to ask of myself, but I'll work it out and be fine. thanks for the plan, and I'll be sure to ask questions as they arise. Oh, it's 3 months away, by the way.
  7. I guess I'll start tracking all of my workouts now, instead of just my lifting. Just got back from a quick 3.9 mile run. took between 30 and 35 minutes. felt good. some left tightness in my left achilles, and the usual side stitch flare up (which is freaking annoying and obnoxious.) tomorrow I will get more in depth on later, but calling for a brazillian jiu jitsu class, then rugby practice. Maybe an extra run in there somewhere, but I'm sure rugby will have me running enough. Man, I'm a sore little bugger the last few days.
  8. stay strong man. less than a month and a half. You got this. and about the tattoo, I've wondered for a minute how bridging the arm/hand would look and I quite like it. I might have to merge my arm tattoos and my hand tattoos.
  9. Well, in all honesty. it's a past tense. I WAS super into biking, but as of last august, I am kind of done with it. after careful cost/benefit analysis, I decided the consistent knee injuries and trying to rehab them while training and racing just wasn't working. So, I changed focus after devoting 2 years of my life to racing. I found my limit and was happy with how it turned out. Life goes on. BUT, I'm happy to help people with their biking. I invested a lot of my life into it, and if I can use that experience to help others, I am all for it!!
  10. i wish I'd opened this sooner! You're doing some awesome stuff over here!
  11. i don't contrast shower, but if I do something CRAZY brutal, I'll take an ice bath. exactly what you'd think. 2 10 lb bags of ice, a tub full of cold water, and me. mix all the ingredients and chill out (haha. shit. no pun intended. ok. you're right. it was intended). BUT, i was here to say that I'm sore EVERYWHERE. except for my forearms and my calves. ugh.
  12. this makes me smile. You're a champ! let's see a closeup of that arm tattoo, eh?
  13. lobster, it was this http://www.weight-lifting-workout-routines.com/weight-lifting-routine-3.html it makes sense, and it's kinda funny. granted, i modified it a little, and forgot some, because i forgot to print it and bring it with me, but there it is.
  14. lobster, not 100% sure. I know that more reps is better for big muscles, and low reps is better for strength. I have it saved on my work computer. I'll find out where i found it and get back to you. I have a few things to report. 1. i worked out on wednesday. I did squats 5x5 @ 190, deads (with a shrug) at 175, clean and press at 80 (with 5x5 barbell rows to close the set), bench at 130 (but I nearly killed myself on the 4th rep of the 4th set. Just stalled it. had to set it on my chest and roll it down until i could sit up and re-rack it...ANYWAYS!) Then I went for a 3 mile run (interval style. sprint. jog. sprint. jog. etc) with the rugby team. Things are looking good on the "my speed" front. Then today I went to the gym again, and was aiming at 12 reps in a single set to see what would happen. I'll tell ya, after about 8 reps, that stuff starts to hurt real bad! So, started on the bench. 130 x 10 reps, then I took a breather and did a second set of 5 reps (max. no spotter...) squats @ 185 x 15 reps tri pullovers @ 65 lbs x 10 for the first set (when I almost crushed my head, but only skimmed my ear...!) then another 7 on the second set. clean and presses and dumbell rows at 85lbs x 15 reps. deadlifts 185lbs x 15 same with shrugs leg extensions and leg curls (? the hamstring ones) @ 130lbs x 17 reps each leg presses at 6 45lb plates and 4 25lb plates x 25. calf raises at 8 45lb plates x 25 curls 70lbs x 15 I feel like that might be it. my sheet it as the gym, I'll confirm tomorrow. That was crazy hard and haven't felt that much like (vegan) jello in a LONG time. Holy wows. Will keep this up for a few weeks (i felt like I was starting to plateau on the 5x5's anyhow) and see how it goes. In all honestly, I'd rather build bulk than superhero strength at this point. Then I stretched and drove home, then i got home and went for a 2.5 mile run. That was hard to motivate myself for, but i just had to do it. MC200 is 3 months away! (relay race from madison, wi to chicago, il. that'll be 37.75 miles in about 35 hours. ugh.)
  15. monday was more of the same, except a bit different squats 5x5 @ 190. (that last rep is a killer. but I recover fast as hell) bench x 130 clean/press x 85 followed by a set of 5 barbell rows to finish the set deadlifts x 170 followed by a shrug every rep. tri pullovers x 60 curl @ 70 x 7 reps. on the way to 80 5x5. (next monday, probably) I'm starting to hear that I should maybe be doing more reps for size. to the tune of 1 x 12 of every exercise to the MAX. I feel like I'm making decent progress, but serioulsy, I'm up 30 lbs from when I started this (between christmas and new years) and I don't really feel 30 lbs bigger. part of me wants to try something new, the other part thinks i should be patient, it hasn't even been 2.5 months yet.
  16. Call it a very unscientific guess, but probably the same reason that non athlete vegans are generally smaller than the general non thlete public. I'll blame the growth hormones in the furries they eat. gross. just like eating meat is gross. And perhaps it's totally worth it to be a little smaller than you could be, without inflicting suffering on animals for vanity. (not directed at anyone. just sayin')
  17. That's what power cleans are for. If you don't squat heavy you won't get stronger Rather than going for 1 rep or set maxes why not stick to 3x5 or 5x5 and slowly add weight. You'll make steady progress instead of completely burning out every workout. Thanks chewy, I am doing them 5x5. It's a 5x5 all I can do. You're right, though. Just man up and do it. I just worry about poor form in the last few reps. Will continue as I have been.
  18. So, I didn't update wednesday. I did the same routine, except I remembered the shrugs on the deadlifts, and I didn't feel as strong. Maybe lifting after work is better. I certainly feel stronger than when I first roll out of bed. It's really satisfying to get up and go to the gym before work though. I dunno. Anyhow, today went well. Felt pretty good. Got stalled out on one of the squats in the 4th set. reracked it, finished the set, and did the last set. Dunno what happened. Lack of focus. Anyway, still feeling pretty good on everything, but squatting 190 is feeling all sorts of heavy. I wonder if I wouldnt' be served by taking 30lbs off and focusing on explosive power on the way up. Contact sport athletes care to weigh in? I'd appreciate that. Gonna do a psych test then go run. Sunday is first outside rugby practice of the year. (it's supposed to be mid 30's...)
  19. wait, what? Your body fat percentage has to be pretty darn low already.
  20. absolutely not. pretty proven we don't need milk. the whole "humans being the only creature that drinks milk past infancfy" thing still applies to cheese and butter for me. ick.
  21. I wouldn't try to front that I know what you've gone through. I don't know. Simply put. I've never denied I'm lucky that the worst thing that's ever happened to me a bout with malignant melanoma. That's physical, not psychological. I also wouldn't say that you're full of self pity. I'd say you were more filled with rage than anything. Correct me if I'm wrong, but since you have aspergers, that means you're autistic, right? One of my friends adopted an autistic child that I occasionally play "Uncle Jason" role with. He's the only autistic person I know. Given that comparison, I'd say you are functioning very well in your day to day. Granted, again, I don't know how you grew up and what happened, and I'm no psychologist, but it seems to me like you're taking the traits that the people that have hurt you in the past hold and are reflecting your feelings about the people that have hurt you onto other people, simply because they share traits and do the same things. I'm not telling you to change. I'm just saying things aren't that cut and dry. Not everyone that smokes is going to be struck down before they life a full life due to a crippling disease. Not everyone that drinks is going to turn into an abusive jerk. (trust me, I'd be happy if they did. It'd be a good catalyst for people to stop doing these things). You're free to believe what you want, and to say what you want, but this thread is filled with some pretty unreasonable expectations/statements. No, they don't all come from you. I've made them, whoever tried to put the "rock climbing should be outlawed because it's dangerous" argument out there made them. That's life, and in order to live one that won't drive you crazy, sometimes people just need to agree to disagree.
  22. This thread made to look up Asbergers on webmd. I get it now. Arguing with or trying to have a reasonable conversation this guy is hopeless. And Ryo, I started totally on your side with this. Do you make it a habit to alienate your supporters?
  23. Hey Saulo, first of all i wanted to say that I really dig the name of the journal. It's awesome. Second, not down on it, but where did you get your routine? That's certainly in intense routine, but it's not a get big routine. With what you're doing you're going to be strong and have a lot of muscular endurance, but I think you'd be better served (and get bigger and stronger) if you did more compound lifts and less isolation with more weight and less reps. I understand the desire to not get hurt. That's big. But maybe just try a program like stronglifts or starting strength for a few weeks and see how you feel doing it. Also, how many calories (approx) a day are you eating?
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