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Jason X

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Everything posted by Jason X

  1. eat a lot of food. find a program and stick to it.
  2. I'm NOT! rest day effective!!!! (I'll go fix that tomorrow though, I swear.)
  3. + 55. upping the weight on my incline presses has decreased my pushup ability greatly! total= 55,700
  4. in Phil's defense, he's right. they're both captive. And really, his argument isn't "better" or "worse" it's "leave them the fuck alone". I get it. I agree. but it isn't the way it will realistically end up, and it sucks. What's better? a species with a history of nothing but abuse that can't live in "the wild" to go extinct, or to be continually raised solely for human consumption? Again. Leave them the fuck alone. If they die, they die naturally. Not the most realistic or puppies, kittens, and clouds that rain boobs mentality, but quite possibly the best thing. I see what you're trying to do, Dan. It's give people that aren't ready to go vegan a conscience easing option that really is still raising animals for human benefit. Phil doesn't like that. And while I think Phil could try to be more reasonable in his arguments, I understand where he's coming from and can't help but agree (at least part of me.) The whole world will never go vegan by choice. Do your part to make it a better place. Make decisions you can live with and hopefully the animals can live with them, too.
  5. lower back. 2 days in a row of deadlifts. first 2 days. ever. wheee!
  6. Hey all. I have come to very much respect and appreciate the insight and (majority) of opinions on here. As mentioned in my introductory post, I kind of "have" cancer. It's a skin cancer (malignant melanoma, the one that CAN kill people...) that was excised (cut out) a bit over a year ago. I've had two ct scans since then, but my oncologist has wanted me to get a petscan since this whole thing happened. The surgery went fine, my sentinal node (the closest node to the site of the cancer- if the cancer is in there, it's bad news...) came back negative and subsequent scans have shown no new growth. So, now I need to get another scan. The Ctscans are covered by my insurance, but not as sensitive as the petscans, which are quite a bit more expensive. In the past, my oncologist has pushed me towards one, but I can't really afford it, or, maybe more appropriately, I don't want to afford it. This time, after the last checkup, she suggested I do it again, but told me she can "live with" another ct since they've always come back fine and my blood values have been consistently good. She thinks the petscan is a good idea. She would like for that to happen. She also thinks that it would be an acceptable solution to just get another ctscan and still keep up on it. She said if the petscan came back negative we could call it finished and be done with it (keeping on the dermatologist check ups only). So, should I get the petscan and be done, or deal with another ct scan and maybe a year of checkups every couple months? I don't want to spend the money, but I'd just as soon get the all clear. I'm not terribly worried about it, because since the initial occurance there has been no signs that the cancer is back or growing. Seems to me that it might be money that I don't really need to spend. Seems like more of a peace of mind (which I already have) and a "standard procedure" thing. But I digress. I'm not asking for hard and fast "do this"'s, but just a dialogue and any potential prior experience. Thanks!
  7. VeganEssentials is right. we'll never live in a 100% vegan world, but 1)flexitarian is a stupid construct. Just say omnivore. why is there even a "tarian"? Just to make it sound like that person is doing something? 2)i think my biggest pet peeve in the world is when people that eat meat are referred to as "carnivores". It's simply inaccurate and whenever I hear that word in that context I instantly feel like I'm dealing with someone particularly unintelligent. (which isn't inaccurate, because usually they're making some dumb argument about why eating animals is ok.) what it boils down to is that most people, for whatever reason, want to eat meat. They don't want animals to suffer, but basically, they're weak and can't hold themselves to the standard I feel like they'd like to, so they find an appropriate (to them) halfstep. It's lame, and that whole section of industry is giving them a way out of vegetarianism. But, as I've said before, people will only make the changes they are willing to make. You can't make anyone do anything, and no amount of logic will change that if that person isn't ready. I kind of sucks, but that's just the way it is. I, like most vegans, would rather see meat eaters eat only "free range and organic" than factory farmed meat, although seeing vegans and vegetarians reneg on their commitment drives me absolutely up the wall.
  8. xcx, 20kg in a year is a big gain! I'm going to go look for a before/after for you. I haven't checked yet, but if you don't have one, I'd be interested in seeing that transformation. my diet plan is to pretty much eat constantly. My diet pretty much consists of a huge bowl of oatmeal for breakfast. usually a buider bar when I get to work. 3 meals during my workday (either a big bowl of rice/tofu/avocado or veggie sandwich and fruit. eat at 10, noon, and 2:45, and I keep a bag of nuts at my desk to snack on in between) and then I eat rice or noodle and veggie stir fry type deal for dinner. that's about it. eat eat eat. I'm up 8.5 pounds in the last 3 months (with most of it in the last few weeks) according to the scale at the hospital, and up 11 pounds in 2 weeks according to the scale at work. (We're running a program at work about being healthy. the goal for most people is to lose weight. I think I'm the only one trying to add it. I think that's hilarious) So, I think that's an improvement. I'm certainly feeling stronger, and I think I'm getting bigger. Maybe next time I see my wife I'll ask her really nicely to take a picture so I can update this thing with a new pic. That is, if I can overcome the embarrassment of posing.
  9. well, I had been wondering how to play this one... First, I think I'd like to take the time to mention that, by name, this is at least partially a website on bodybuilding. I personally (despite not being a bodybuilder) find it incredibly offensive that you'd (the OP) either had the nerve, or lacked the foresight to post that wanted a body "not like those mammoth bulky, ugly body builders". Some of the most active people and the creator of this website are bodybuilders. I can appreciate the fact that isn't your desired body, but to insult that physique is just plain rude. BUT, I'd say that in order to get a totally shredded body, there are a few paths. One of them is to mix a lot of cardio with a significant number of weights. Personally, I'd probably do body weight exercises with a weighted rucksack and sled drags. Keep the intensity high and made sure to eat enough. You don't really want a calorie deficit unless you want to lose weight. Rock climbing may be a fun, effective exercise as well. Or, you could make like Bruce Lee and just beat people up all the time. MMA, Ju Jitsu, Krav Maga, et al, are all killer workouts (so I hear. I'm not into that sort of thing myself, but I know some people on here are.) So, there is a stab to answer your question. Simply put, you need to kick your heart, and your muscles ass on a regular basis.
  10. While I feel this thread is getting silly, I also feel this topic is better suited for vegetarians over vegans, and the 'organic meaties' out there. Vegans already have decided its best to not eat or harm animals and are unlikely to change that, short of selling out entirely. I feel like these questions would have more effect on the 'less converted'. As vegans, we already know that farming animals is abuse, and have taken a strong stand against it. I know and understand what you're getting at, dan, and I do think it's silly and irrelevant. In a perfect worl, maybe, but surely, this is not. Everyone makes the choices that they can live with, and that's the end of it. And I follow where you're going with the 'eventually' scenario. But you're putting too much stock in it. You're trying to solve a problem that widespread veganism would already solve. Why complicate matters further? Additionally, what you propose just further adds to the gray area about eating animals. If 'this' is ok, then what about 'this'? Its a slippery slope and its not worth falling down. Edit: one more thing. If you feel your proposal and ideas are 'the answer' (to a problem no one brought up) and are justified, why are you trying to seek justification from a forum? If you really feel what you're doing is right, then continue on that path. In the end, we all only have to answer to our own conscience.
  11. Same quesion as above. I'll buy a plane ticket as soon a I know dates and find a floor to sleep on. Never been to portland. This sounds like the perfect excuse!
  12. No offense, jimi! You're both total monsters, but I gotta go with the vegan straightedge option! (Is this in Portland, I am thinking it would be a great excuse a field trip! At least two vegans on stage!?)
  13. i don't know either of these guys, but I need to throw my hat in Ed's corner only on the basis of the DRUG FREE on his back. I must have missed it. Is this in Portland?
  14. thanks chewy, i will try this tonight. update! well that certainly felt effective! didn't do it exactly as prescribed, but I did WAY less exercises today. same time spent at gym though. Feeling good today! can't wait for next time!
  15. + 120. upped it to sets of 15. (mostly) sweet. total = 55,250
  16. Dan, Jonathan Safron Foer addresses is this very issue in his most recent book, Eating Animals. If you can find it, buy it, if not, send me your address and I'll mail it to you, but I'd like it back, if possible. I agree. I don't find a moral probelm with this "what if" scenario, but it's still a "what if" scenario. But, I'm one of those vegans that will buy and wear used animal products and no real qualms with it (does that make me not vegan? I refuse to buy new...but that's a different topic) But really, read that book, or even just the reviews. it's very good. This same sort of thing happened in California. The owner was super respectful of the animals (although they were raised for slaughter) but it was all organic, cage free, etc. He ended up getting voted out of his own farm by shareholders because it wasn't profitable enough. If that isn't a wake up call, I don't know what it. Neimann farms, or something like that, if I remember correctly?
  17. I realize that being sore isn't the goal, it occured to me later today that I'm probably going to wake up tomorrow feeling like I got hit by a train. Total honesty. Don't judge my weakness. In routine or in weight. I get changed and warm up for about 10 minutes. plyometrics and quick stretches. I don't have an order of lifts, but I do have lifts I try to do. Also, I don't split my days up into body parts. I'm a whole body. when I go to the gym I work my whole body. I don't rest more that 90 seconds between any sets. If my legs are too tired to work more for a few minutes, I go do arms or core, etc. I keep my log at work, so this is by memory, but I usually will do * back extensions (on the machine first) I've been doing 6 reps of 150lbs x4 sets. (up from 110 3x10) *sit ups on the decline bench. I do the first set of 15 with a 25 lb plate, and the second set of 15 with no added weight. *hamstring machine for 150lbs 6 reps by 4 sets (up from 130) *leg extensions same weight and reps. I'll up it to 170 for the last set if i'm feeling it. *I do the core oblique machine thing that makes you twist at 3x10 each side at 150 lbs. (up from 110 3x10. just upped this one) *Incline benches at 95 lbs 3 sets of 6 (up from 65 3x10s) *My hip flexor has been messing with my squats (95lbs 2x5 ass to grass) and leg presses and calf "raises" (3x10 by 385lbs) *I'll do dumbell millitary presses at 35 lbs 3 sets of 6 (up from 25 3x10) *bodyweight shrugs until failure *standing overhead tricep extensions at 50lbs 3setsx6 *lat pulldowns at 70 lbs wide grip 3x6 (up from 50 3x10) *back extensions (on the table) 3x10 with a 25lb weight (all the way down, all the way up) *machine rows at 70lbs 3x6 (up from 50 3x10) *(when I can I do turkish getups with a 10lb dumbell 3x10 each side. that's really hard...) *curl 50lbs 3x5 and a 4 rep set at 60 to close it out. (oh, and I usually spend my evenings doing as many pushups as I can in sets of 10 or 15. because it's easy and I can do it in my bedroom. anywhere from 50 to last nights high of 120) I feel like that's it. In and out in about an hour. Just keep moving. then cool down/stretch. I do this pretty much same routine 4 days a week (for like 2 weeks now...I'm still really new to this, so probably shouldn't be messing around too much.) As soon as the owner of the gym gets back from vacation we'll go through learning deadlifts, cleans and whatnot (the explosive movements that you need to be explosive, but need to know the proper form for or else will hurt yourself. I'm not out to hurt myself. I do that enough unintentionally. Ok, so, does anyone have any tips/pointers/advise? (and thanks chewy for getting me to type that up. it needed to happen. I also tend to add more reps or weight to the last set when I'm not exhausted enough.)
  18. Ok. I have a bit of a dilemma. I had been doing 3 sets of 10 of whatever the exercise happened to be, usually the last 3 reps of the last set were nearing failure. I was recently told by a fellow vegan lifter that for strength I should be at lower reps at more weight. Today I tried that. About a 70% increase on weight across the board, but only 3 or 4 sets of 5 or 6 reps. It hurt (in a good way) while I was doing it, and got to failure much quicker, but by the time I cooled down and showered, I wasn't barely sore. That sounds like a failure, right? When I did more reps I was wrecked for the day. That felt effective. What do people thing? More reps? More weight? More sets? All of the above? Does anyone else have similar experience? Thanks!
  19. Improvement already! The abs are peekin' out! Awesome!
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