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Jason X

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Everything posted by Jason X

  1. Yesterday am I did. Strange circuit training thing at Neutral Ground in milwaukee. Owner is vegan and into MMA. Place is rad. Look it up if you're ever in mke. Did some warm up stuff and then did a cicuit of 5 of each squats, kettle bell clean and presses, one legged squats and inverted rows. It was fun, but didn't feel as brutal as my usual gym day (for better or worse). Tyler did advice on my squat form (knees out, which made everything harder!). Then I went to tattoo shop and am currently sitting for my 14th hour in two days...
  2. that sucks. really bad. any way you can stack up some plates on the ground or something to get the bar higher without using 45lb plates? might be easier on the back. or, is there a way to isolate the torn muscle once you get the green light, in order to strengthen it a bit? (slowly!). get well soon.
  3. wednesday I did arms/core. 3x8 incline press @ 115 lbs 3x8 flat bench 115 lbs 2x8 overhead press @ 70lbs ( i tried...) 3x10 overhead press @ 60lbs 5x8 curls @ 60lbs 5x12 tri pullovers @ weighted crunches 5x12 @ 25lbs back extensions 5x12 @ 45lbs think that's it. then i went rock climbing that night. bad idea. sore. legs today in milwaukee before my 2 day tattoo session (that's a terrible idea, right? lifting before tattoo? i'm hoping i fall asleep)
  4. Ok, back at it. Too yesterday off because I was busy sleeping quite literally, all day. It was awesome, and I feel great now! Today I went to the gym after work squats (deeper than parallel) 135 x5 175 2x8 1x6 got stalled out 155 2x8 135 1x10 ALL the way down. Calves 3x30 @ 6 plates plus 118lb contraption (from here out to be implied without saying) leg presses 3x10 @ 6 plates 1x5 @ 8 plates 1x2 @ 10 plates (not to parallel, this was a bit of a coworker challenge. just seeing what I can handle.) Deadlifts 4x10 @ 135lbs 1x10 @ 155lbs (upgrade!) Bench 3x8 @ 115lbs (just for fun. I think flat benches are easier than incline benches. your opinion?) then I came home. YAY! good times.
  5. fighting a cold today. didn't go to the gym. If I'm not sick I'll go tomorrow. At any rate, went bouldering for a bit indoors today. I'm not strong enough to make it a crazy workout, but I have fun with it). tomorrow i'll probably go to the vertical wall gym for an hour or two. that's good times. leg day tomorrow as well. not excited. I've been feeling strong, but getting awful sore after I go do squats.
  6. Today did arms. Felt good doing 'em, too. incline press 5x8 @110lbs 5x12 curls at 50 lbs overhead press 2 30lb dumbbells 5x8 (felt really good after the first two sets) inverted rows 5x10 tri pullovers 5x10 @ 40lbs assisted chins 5x5 @ 70lbs weighted crunches 5x12 @ 25lbs back extensions 5x10 @ 45 lbs think that's it. I wish my arms would stay puffy after the workout for longer than a half hour. bigger arms are better arms.
  7. After totally being WAY too exhausted to go to the gym before of after work yesterday I went after work today. Short day. Only did Squats, Deadlifts, calves and leg presses. I think I am going to a 6 day split. Squat bar x 10 135lbs x5 175 5x8 135 x10 deadlifts 135 5x8 leg press/calves 6 45lb plates and 115 contraption 3x30 on calves 3x10 on LP. that's it. in and out in under 45 minutes.
  8. Yesterday I did the following (after a 1 mile run on the treadmill) Incline Bench 5x8 @ 105 lbs Overhead press 4x8, 1x10 @ 30 lbs Curls 5x12 @ 50 lbs Inverted Rows 5x10 Tri pullovers 5x10 @ 40lbs chin ups @ 75lbs 5x5 My legs are still god awful sore for some reason (either heavy squatting or hot yoga. Maybe both...)
  9. today (1/31/10). after almost not going to the gym, I went. With a friend, so not as quick in and out as usual, and I skipped an exercise. squats. 1x10 bar 1x5 135lbs 4x8 165lbs 1x7.5 180lbs (a record! technically, it was 1x5.5-stalled and didn't get back up, took a 1 min breather and finished the set- 1x3) 1x10 135lbs deadlifts 5x5 135lbs weighted crunches 5x10 @ 25lbs back extensions 5x8 @ 45lbs i benched 135lbs twice, just to see if i could. calves 3xfailure (30-40x) and leg presses 3x10. 3 45lb plates each side + 118lb contraption i think that's it. oh, and I ran a mile to warm up. I need to start running a bit more for the MC200 (a relay run -6 people in our teams case- from madison, WI to chicago, IL)
  10. it's really lame (trust me) it's just helps you pull up when you have the upper body of a 12 year old girl. Kinda like using a resistant band under your knees to help you up, it uses a knee shelf and a counterweight. I'm a bit ashamed to admit it, but I'm going for accuracy and real documentation. also can use the machine for dips as well (but I can do dips the real way...) does that make sense? like this, but a different. same idea though. http://www.fitbeast.com/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/5e06319eda06f020e43594a9c230972d/7/_/7_3_10.jpg
  11. Triceps are crazy sore from yesterday. especially the left one (the weaker one) natural icy hot planned for today though. Hot Yoga at 6am, polar plunge (jump into a freezing lake) at noon. maybe that'll help
  12. Incline presses. 5x8 at 100 lbs (made these sets very clean. unlike earlier in the week at 105 lbs. I really struggled with mondays presses.) Inverted rows. 5x10 overhead press (dumbell) 30lbs each arm 5x8 Tricep pullover 40lbs 3x8 2x10 pull ups (wide grip palms out) 3x8 2x5 on the assist machine. set at 85, i think, lbs. (I am REALLY bad at these and hate doing them) finished with curls. 3x10 , 2x10 40lbs. 3x10 50 lbs
  13. well, I forgot to update from monday, and yesterday. Monday I did an upper body/arms workout. Felt great, in an awful way. Incline presses. 5x8 at 105 lbs (yeah, I'm working on it...) Inverted rows. 5x8 overhead press (dumbell) 30lbs each arm 5x8 Tricep pullover 40lbs 5x8 pull ups (wide grip palms out) 5x8 on the assist machine. set at 85, i think, lbs. Again, working on it! finished with curls. 5x8 first 3 sets, 5x10 4th and 5x12 last. 40lbs. Gonna go 5x12. if I can do that I'll up the weight. by the time I finished that my arms felt like they were gonna explode. it was rad. I still have a total bike racer body with no upper half so far. 3rd time. I'm working on it. Today (feels like yesterday) was a Lower Half day. Started with Squats. 165 5x8 (1/2 squats, I'll admit it) then did 1 set of 10 all the way down/explode up squats with 135lbs. calf raises 6 plates each side on the leg press machine to failure (about 30-40) x3. 3x10 leg presses same weight. deadlifts 5x8 135lbs weighted crunches 5x10 25lbs oblique twists on cable crossover 5x8 each side at 42.5lbs back extensions 5x8 w/45lb plate that's it. Friday is arms again. This 4 day split has got me wanting to go more often! Thinking about rotating every other week between 4 and 6 day splits. but class gets in the way of that.
  14. I'm not surprised. I did the same thing. Just eat and eat and you'll gain weight. how much of it is muscle, only a body composition test could tell you, but you're on the right track to meeting your goals.
  15. THANKS! proof that I used to race bikes. I did terrible in that race, but I got some good pictures out of it...Cyclocross is awesome.
  16. Yeah sosso. I know. The more I think about this the more I feel comfortable squatting deep. We'll see how it goes. maybe I'll meet him in the middle and go back and forth on the depth every other session. That was the main point of contention. I like deeper, too. feels more satisfying. His theory was that you'll never find yourself in a situation where you'll need to power through something with your knees past parallel on the field, therefore there wasn't a real point in training that far. I'm skeptical, but willing to try it his way for the time being.
  17. This is awesome. that PAT sounds amazing and like a ton a fun! keep us all posted with your times and progress!
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