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Jason X

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Everything posted by Jason X

  1. wait. deadlift socks? Do they make your back tougher? Do explain. edit: googled it. that makes sense. ha. I hope you got the white ones with the super 80's logo on them. they're sexy.
  2. Maybe good idea to take a few days all the way off and ice the crap out of it? Also, if that 1/2 marathon isn't your big goal for the year, it may be best to forego it and not be injured. That said, if you're feeling up for, make it happen. Where on your knee is it hurting? Sounds like the knee injury is new. I know a thing or two about knee pain. If it's super new, and on the same leg as the bad foot, I'd suspect your just favoring the rest of your leg causing an imbalance and tweaking your knee. If it's the other leg, I suppose the same thing could be happening. Also, they're kind of expensive, but a professional fit might help. especially with your pedals. get everything lined up and working right.
  3. When you TT without aero bars do you stay in the drops or the hoods and duck, or do you rest your (underneath) forearms on the tops of the bars? I did that on a crit breakaway one day and it seemed to work super well. I was away solo for 11 laps...then another 6 after I got caught and re-attacked... Try that. It's fun, but you'll need to toughen up your forearms if you haven't already. (note, this will rely on a high strong cadence, you won't be able to push.push.push.push the pedals because you have nothing to drive down with from your upper body. BUT, if you spin.spin.spin.spin your pedals this is a non-issue.) YAY more bike people! (This is unsolicited advice/tip. Feel free to use it or not, and also feel free to tell me to shove off if that's your prerogative. I won't take it personally.)
  4. you don't have any "lil" biceps!! They're both FREAKIN' HUGE!
  5. Bought some mono creatine. A month or so's worth. We'll see what happens between now and then. Now I just gotta go buy some juice to drink it with. What does everyone recommend?
  6. So, touch rugby round 2 is over. That's it. I'm tapped out until practice wednesday night. Wait. No I'm not. I'll lift again wednesday am. Anyhow, this game rules, and I feel like I was more aware (and better because of it) today. I have blisters on the balls of my feet from changing direction, and I lost a footrace to the fastest guy on the team*. Anyhow, lots more running. It was awesome. Lots of passing. Brought a ball home to work with tomorrow. This sure rules. I think I picked right. (rugby>EVERYTHING ELSE for the next 3 months...) *I smoked him around the lake (3.2 miles with sprints). He took me in a 30 or so meter. The difference? off the line speed. I think I have him in a burst of speed, but he's got me off the line all day. How I do train to get faster at that!!?!??!? Basically, What vivalasvegans said. "YEAH BUDDY!!!"
  7. I feel like a trainwreck!! (Translation = awesome!!). Touch rugby yesterday kicked my ass more than I knew. Today I did that above circuit. All x 8. Barbell rows, upright rows, military presses, curls, good morning, side lunge squat(8 per side), squat/press, and I got the tri extensions on the first two sets. Did one set to warm up with just the bar. More work than warm up, I'll tell you. Added 10lbs and did another 4 sets. 1-1.5 minutes between. Brutalized my arms...good fun. Then I did 3 sets of 10 calves and leg presses x 3 45 and 2 25 plates per side. (I'm bad at math...)
  8. Oh, I know, but the thread is what made ME laugh recently. By that criteria it's completely in the right place. Too bad that stupid image didnt show.
  9. 4.5 miles offroad with significant hills in under 39 minutes seems like you were cookin'. This rules. I officially have an internet crush on you.
  10. Today I did an hour of BJJ (which is awesome, and I'm sad that my schedule won't allow for it once rugby matches start). It was hard, but not ridiculous. Then, Rugby practice was an hour of touch rugby. Man, that was hard. Lots of running. Some hitting. Decided today I'm going to pick up some creatine. We'll see how it work/what it does. Mary, this is close to the workout I'd do with that tube. I'd add curls and behind the head tricep extensions as well (cause I have little girls arms...) and clean and presses (cause they're my favorite.) Team Quest - Grappling Workout Uploaded by adccpl. - Discover the latest sports and extreme videos. Since embed doesn't seem to be working, here is the link. http://buildingbodies.ca/randy-couture-workout-for-mma-conditioning/ But yeah. I lift m/w/f. I have rugby practice m/w. usually, anyhow. But I am 90% sure I'm going to do this workout (with the above exercises) on m/w (because I need to lift before work, and I'm always very weak that early in the morning, and I'd rather not wake up at 4 to get the blood flowing and whatnot before I hit the gym. I will try to up the weights on the last set to failure to try and build some size yet. I wanna be bigger. (common theme here, eh?) tomorrow is a run around the lake (3.2 miles) then another hour of touch rugby.
  11. That is very possible. I'll try to fix that. In the meantime, I'll be reducing my salt consumption. So far, 3 real meals with no problems. No tofu, no oil, no salt, though.
  12. whoa!!! I'm glad you didn't listen to me!! You're riding offroad trails if you're going over logs! You got the perfect bike for what you're using it for!!! awesome.
  13. So, where do folks buy this stuff? I'm quite unfond of ordering things online, but is that the best way to do it? I'd like to give this stuff a shot, but really would like to hold onto the abs that I have... bodybuilding.com? Which one for starters? (I know. No one can answer that question but me...)
  14. In Wisconsin! http://photos-h.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs063.snc3/13052_101072806587144_100000532756640_29880_440281_n.jpg http://hphotos-snc3.fbcdn.net/hs043.snc3/13052_101072779920480_100000532756640_29872_5127168_n.jpg
  15. pardon the snarky remark, but it sure sounds like you picked a winner... anyhow, congrats on the bike! I still am not sure the suspension fork was the way to go, but the hardrocks are a nice model. The "disc" part only means that it has disc brakes. The aluminum frame will be nice and light, and the tires will soak up any road vibrations. I'd have the shop guys tighten the preload adjustment so it doesn't squish so much. (the fork, that is...The more is squishes the less efficient it will be) but that's a great model for getting started out on! Go enjoy it!!
  16. No to the first question, and I don't think so, to the comment after. It's usually just as I start eating. It's never an "eat until failure" type thing...\\bizarre.
  17. First. NO. I have no eating disorder. It started a few weeks ago. I was eating a stir fry. Veggies, oil, tofu, salt/pepper, rice. I got sick and through up less than halfway through it. I couldn't figure it out. I chalked it up to the trader joes tofu I bought. ( I bought 3 packs, froze two. The first one caused me no problems, but the frozen one did, seemingly) This happened 2 or 3 times. I tossed the frozen tofu's and was fine for a while, then it started happening again. Couldn't figure out why. Always with the stir fry's. (and no, I don't share dishes with a non vegan roommate). 2nd sequence I started thinking it was the oil (I had cut the amount I'd been using. extra virgin olive. nothing wacky). Was fine again for a while, until today. Today it was simply a sweet potato. microwaved. cut in half, topped with the same sea salt. Happened again. WHAT THE FUCK!? It really sucks. The last few times I haven't thrown up, but saliva product increased and I'd dry heave a bit. It sucks and I can't figure it out. Needless to say, the amount of fresh food I'm eating is going down. Eating a lot of fruit and rice/beans/tofu lately. LOTS of canteloupe. I can't figure it out and it sucks. Seriously. Today. Potato and salt. NOTHING else. (for that meal, but I'm eating WAY light today...) Could I be right in it being the sea salt? I mean, i eat plenty of salt at work, but it's table salt and I'm fine. I don't use it at home, and I haven't been using it much lately. Any ideas what gives? This is kinda no fun. I guess if it keeps up I'll schedule a doc appt...
  18. WHOA! Jimi, you're a genius! Lobster! You're a genius, too! I bet this wouldn't be terribly hard. Too bad i could only experiment on myself because I bet VeganEssentials is the closest forum member to me and he's 5 hours away!! : ( I'll see what i can do, though. Might not get to it until next weekend, though..
  19. this. http://s3.amazonaws.com/twitpic/photos/full/76381402.jpg?AWSAccessKeyId=0ZRYP5X5F6FSMBCCSE82&Expires=1269123796&Signature=Oohhy810c8DLiGZLCA%2BjNzDiT3Q%3D also, to go with that. http://www.vogelisms.com Dudes hilarious.
  20. You're right. He's wrong, and he's being a jackass. Just a bike is like just a car, is like just a pair of shoes or just a "whatever dude is into". You don't want to ride that. it'll fall apart, and riding it is going to suck. Return it. Immediately. And then tell him you're a grown up and can handle it yourself.
  21. Thanks, Chewy. Believe it or not, you're the guy that I first started following/being inspired by on here. So, thanks. That means a lot, and right back at ya! Just got back from a run. Was aiming for more miles, but that's what I get for not pre-planning my routes. 5.7 miles. Not bad. Wanted 6 or 7...I'm gonna have to start deviating more north/south as opposed to just east/west. Good times though. I don't hurt too bad. The achilles is a bit tender now, but the rest of me is fine.
  22. Sorry Mary, I never answered that! I swear I meant to! Anyhow, The sand is now inside the pipe and sealed off. I will be using it for a quick circuit training session when I don't feel like, or don't want to go the gym (actually, what it's really a test for a fitness program I'm working on with a friend. Portable exercise equipment for group training that can be done wiht minimal "stuff" and still get results. Nothing mind blowing, I swear.) Anyhow, things like curls, overhead presses, weighted squats and lunges. it can also be put on the ground and jumped over side to side, front to back, etc. Since it's a wide pipe, all of the lifting will help with forearm and grip strength development as well. That's it! BUT, I lifted last night, and I feel like I did a really good job. Finally feel like I'm getting somewhere with lifting! Squats 5x5 @ 195lbs. I did fail the last set on the third rep. Just didn't push hard enough and got unfocused. Reracked it and did 3 more. I'm ok with that. Clean and Presses/Barbell Rows/Curls (!) @ 85lbs. 5x5 each. I started the set with curls, then did the clean and presses, and then the barbell rows. 3 lifts into one set. Awesome. and hard. Deadlifts and Shrugs @ 190lbs. 5x5. Deadlift. shrug at the top. repeat until finished. Awesome. Bench Press @ 135lb (FINALLY! The big boy weightS!!) 5x5. no spotter. Tri Pullovers @ 60lbs 5x5. By the third set I was really kicking myself for not picking up the 65lb dumbell, but hell, last time I used the 65 lber, I just about dropped it on my head! Next time. But, it was an awesome session. There were 4 of us in the gym, and we were all chatting at each other and laughing and hurting at the same time. It was really fun. I keep meaning to go for a long run, but I'm just NOT feeling it right now. My left achilles is feeling great, and so is my right side groin. I'd REALLY like to keep that way, but I'm sure I'll be on foot to somewhere within the next two hours.
  23. Go to a real bike shop. I'm assuming you mean paved trails or limestone trails, not mountain bike (off road) trails. Look at the Trek FX series. Those are great bikes for commuting and tooling around the city. Magna is NOT the way to go. Real bikes aren't toys, and as such, aren't cheap. Look to spend around $500 for a decent bike that will last and work consistently. Also, if you're not riding off road, don't (repeat, do not!) get a suspension fork. All that will do is absorb the energy you put into pedaling and slow you down. BUT, good luck. I recommend finding a shop near you, going in there and asking questions. BUT, be wary of taking advice from someone with something to gain from you.
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