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Jason X

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Everything posted by Jason X

  1. I can't stop thinking about this. 46 minutes is ridiculously quick to do all that stuff. You must be some sort of super hero.
  2. Johan, that makes sense, and is what I'd been trying (albeit not that well) to do. Separation and recovery. Unless I'm trying to run myself into ground, in which case I'll run immediately after lifting (but that never goes so well). I'm not competing in any weightlifting competitions, only rugby, and this summer, hopefully bjj and mma. SO, running is going to be essential. And it's fun. Besides, I'm doing that 200 mile relay run, so NOT running isn't really an option. I will make more of a point to not run (for distance) and lift on the same days. I do currently lift on rugby practice days, albeit 11 hours apart, and I'm always recovered well from my lifts. Not to mention it's all intervals at practice. No "jogging". Medman, I can appreciate where you're coming from. Seems like you've put thought into your career, and also into your studies to do it in the least harmful way. It's the same conflict of interest as vegan veterinary students. The hurt vs. help dynamic. It's a touchy subject. Thanks for answering.
  3. Medman, a question, if you don't mind, and I realize this could start shit, and I mean absolutely nothing by it, but Given the amount of animal testing that happens in the medical field, on things such as anesthesia, how do you feel about working with such things? and johan, since I definitely respect your knowledge on this topic, and also understand (and am wary) that you're going to talk right over my head completely unintentionally, at what point would the less negative effects of HIIT training begin to become more dramatic (as a "typical" run would be)? Also, you mentioned in my other thread that merely increasing calories wouldn't be the only thing to do. I understand that a complete move away from "cardio" would be best case scenario, but that isn't feasible until this summer. I get the feeling, and I could be misinterpreting it, that there IS something diet related that can be done, but a simple calorie boost won't do it. Is it a specific component of diet that needs to be adjusted? Also, if cardio is "bad" for strength gains (simplistic viewpoint), how can some American football running backs, and even some rugby backs be so jacked? Is it just 'roids?
  4. I see where I went wrong, and now it's clear to me that Johan is the swedish doppelganger to one of my most dear friends jon.
  5. I can both acknowledge and respect all of that. Especially the repurposing of the Gorilla Biscuits line, and the 'tard' quip. Although I can't back the calling a lady (any lady) a bitch. That's just super offensive (in my world) and I'm the type that will call someone on it. I don't expect us to see eye to eye on it, and I'd also rather not argue anymore, I just had to throw that out there. Johan, I'll pm you later, because I totally get where you're coming from, and would like to get this out of the way. (Not about the 'bitch' thing. About the drama thing)
  6. Johan, I consider your elipses to be far more inappropriate and rude than any of the other comments in this thread. It was a total douchebag move and entirely intended to ridicule what mary said. You can deny that if you wish, but I imagine I'm not the only one that feels that way. Besides, Ellie came in here (this thread and this forum) to help and be helped. There is no reason for you to be a dick to her, or anyone else on here. I just don't understand your thought process here. Unless you're a teenager, or something. But seriously. Don't be a dick, and if you feel the need to be a dick, stay out of my topics, and I'll stay out of yours. This is ridiculous.
  7. + 55 during rugby practice. That's what we get for doing it wrong! 60,355
  8. Ok, first, so it turns out that 4" tube with 65 lbs of sand in it is too much for my grip to handle. so it rests on the ground... I'll be buying a 3" tube soon. plain fail. BUT, I didn't lift or run today, but I did go to rugby practice. we ran a lot, did a lot of ball handling drills. The coach knows my name. I think I did well. did 55 pushups, too. I'll add that to the pushup count thread!
  9. that sounds awesome. and mind boggling. Cubby's I can wrap my head around. and thanks for the answers. I was wondering where you guys learned all these fancy words.
  10. Boy, thanks. Glad I asked. Waste of my fucking time.
  11. YES! Keep it up! Great start! make sure to add more weight to the easy ones!
  12. smart move on not pushing the foot/ankle. i need to learn how to do that. also, i need to check my wifes house, but I may have an old computer I can mail you. I'll try to get over there later this week
  13. oh chit-chat. Just wanted to say that I could probably deadlift 210, too. for a rep...but my 210 is in good ole american pounds. I don't know how you did it, big fella. I mean, I can read how you did it. It's awesome.
  14. what on EARTH do you guys have degrees in? This makes my head spin. Good on ya for knowing what this means. Medman, thanks for using little kid words. That made sense.
  15. It is now tuesday and inquiring minds want to know how day one went!
  16. good call! http://www.moovik.com/m_pictures/thumbs/Funny-cat-with-orange-on-its-head.jpg
  17. Oh, wow! Really? THANKS! I never would have guessed. This made my day. Ok, so I FINALLY lifted for the first time since Friday. (GO TEAM THIS GUY!) What did I do? I'll try to remember. Bench. 5x5 @ 130. I'm confident I can do 135. We'll try on thursday (or friday...) Tri Extensions. 5x5 @ 60. Curls. @ 70lbs. 2x8 3x6 (working up to 80lbs...soon!) Leg Press. Weight? I dunno. 3 45lb plates and 2 25lb plates on each side. plus a 118lb contraption. whatever thatequals...3x20 Calf Raises. Same as Leg Presses. Clean and Press. 5x5 @ 85lbs. Barbell Rows. Same as Clean and Press. Deadlifts. 5x5 @ 185. Shrugs. Same as Deadlifts. Squats. 5x5 @ 190. (still freakin hard, and getting easier. I know what Chewy was saying about your body not wanting to get back under the bar, except my bar is 20lbs lighter!!! Again, way to go Chewy!!) Then I was exhausted so I cooled down and stretched out then I went to Menards. I bought a 4" x 5' tube and some ends. I will be filling it with sand for a grip worker-outer/lunge-toughener/upper body worker-outer. It's gonna be SICK! (haha.)
  18. Is that it? Can this crap be finished now? Thanks everyone for your help. Johan, sorry the words you typed didn't make sense me. Chalk it up to my own inadequacy. I'm ok with that. This is all really silly. I appreciate everyone trying to help. I could have done without the rest, though.
  19. Humor's got a place like all things. Be aware of the pain it can sometimes bring. A joke to you might not be so funny, so take the time and think it out before you open up your mouth. I can't believe the things we say. A cutting word can ruin days. I can't believe the things we say. Now I wish I hadn't spoke. Can't you learn to take a fucking joke? We say things we don't mean but friends understand. Strength and humor don't always go hand in hand. A joke to you might not be so funny, so take the time and think it out before you open up your mouth. I can't believe the things we say. A cutting word can ruin days. I can't believe the things we say. Now I wish I hadn't spoke. Can't you learn to take a fuckin' joke? But no ones laughing. I wish I could crack a smile, but I can't. I know he's just a fucking jerk. But jerks hurt too. And I'm not that cool that I can laugh. I see because it's happened to me and I think I was an asshole when I said what I said. It's just a sick sense of humor rolls around in my head. Cause we've had our fun at your expense and that's wrong. And we know it. You said we were friends. For friendship's sake. Let's give it a break. I can't believe the things we say. A cutting word can ruin days. I can't believe the things we say. Now I wish I hadn't spoke. Can't you learn to take a fuckin' joke?!
  20. how are trainer rides going? keeping it nice and easy with a high cadence? did you pick up a computer? (do you have a way to measure cadence, besides a clock?)
  21. slept through my alarm this AM, so no gym. then when I got home I thought about it, but decided I should go running since it was 60 degrees out. So, i did that. Ran 5.25 miles in an hour (i suppose directly in "jogging" pace, but whatever. guilty). then I got home, at a clif bar and grabbed an ice pack and two bananas and drove (too fast) up to another BJJ class. Did that for an hour, then came home. I'm sore. but, I love my life and being active is super fun. Thinking of making it a minor focus in school to end up with something that I can use to work with kids (through HS) to keep them fit and active. Preferably deaf kids, but whatever.
  22. coming from a non runner, but is 4.5 miles really taking it easy when your back hurts? sheesh. well done.
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