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Everything posted by RawSteve

  1. Since nobody has replied to this yet - I did some searching for ya!!! http://www.fantasticfoods.com/catalog/display_recipe.php?recipe_id=32 I have never had them and probably never will but I think this is what you are looking for?? Cheers, Steve
  2. I will be waiting Today I did my workout routine and did mostly yard work until it rained. I am going to Toronto tomorrow and I am hoping to find some good things to do. I know I am probably going to try and get into china town and get a durian. I hear that the durians they have are not the best though - so I am a little worried about eating one. Also yesterday I got a really good ride on my bike in after leaving my uncles house. Good times!!! I also got to see the rabbit that has been eating my lettuce - he is actually pretty friendly for a wild rabbit and I have video footage of him as I was able to get within a foot of him.
  3. I don't think it counts Liz as I didn't hear my name mentioned - I am going to need the hug and kiss dedicated to me Yesterday I took the dogs out for a walk and some jogging. Then I did some bodyweight exercises. I am pretty sore today - had a real good back, chest and arm pump. I just rode my bike over to my Uncles house and I am going to jump in the pool for some laps. I am lucky that he uses this special eco friendly chlorine free stuff to keep his pool clean. I can open my eyes under water and they never hurt or sting - plus my skin feels smooth when I get out and never dry. Cheers
  4. LoveLiberate: I had a great time - wish I had more vegans to tag along with me. Although I met a bunch that were great people!!! This week I vow to make one of my most active weeks of many. I believe I am an active person - yet this week I plan on hiking/swimming/running/biking along with my regular workouts everyday. Monday I will be going for a big morning hike and then getting a shoulder/back workout in. I hope to go for a nice swim after this - jogging or biking beforehand. The weather will decide the rest of the week for me it looks like. I may have to bring some workouts in doors - which it's always better outdoors...
  5. Just got back from Toronto... I didn't get to workout today!!! I went to the Kensington market in T.O and bought myself some blackspot unswoosher boots. These things are amazing and so comfortable - everyone should check'em out. http://adbusters.org/metas/corpo/blackspotshoes/ I got my shoes from Left Feet and the people in there are great. I will be buying all my shoes from them now on. I found some Durian - but I never bought one and when I am there next week I will... I was thinking about bringing one back but everyone would hate me for it I am wiped from walking around the city and having fun!!!
  6. Well, My shoulders are back to feeling good again - after a few days of pain. I believe that I won't be touching weights anymore. I am actually taking most of my weights out of the house - out of sight out of mind Todays workout was great and My chest/legs/back/arms are nice and sore. This is going to be very interesting for me as I have a new diet and new way of building muscle.
  7. He asked a question and I answered it!!! Meat / soy also acid forming!!! Pretty much almost everything most SAD people consume is acid forming. Hero: Potatoes are full of starch and I don't recommend or consume them - I am assuming your dad eats a typical SAD diet. They are known to be alkaline forming - how alkaline I could not say. I say get his fruit uptake up like Zack. I am very familiar with acid/alkaline foods as I have researched it and been to a naturalpathic Doctor to further my knowledge. Now it's kinda hard to help out here - taking into account you had no preference just wanted to know about alkaline cooked foods. I am not recommending to eat potatoes or to stop anything - I am telling you what you wanted to know.
  8. Tomorrow is my start of a training schedule I made up for myself. I will not get into the details until later on when I refine it. I have alot of back building and shoulder stabilizing workouts in it. I actually caused some pain in my shoulders by trying some weights out. My shoulders were feeling so good that I jumped the gun. Now I know not to get cocky when I am feeling good. Lesson learned and I will just stick to my BW workouts and minor weights. Liz: I do use a Pilate's ball for abs and stabilizing exercises and it's helping me... Potter: I actually missed the first 2 stages - but I am not sure if I am really into it as I should be. I feel like I should be getting myself out there instead of watching the tour. Lets hope tomorrow brings a good workout and shoulder day!!! Steve
  9. Stay away from the green tea!!! it is acid forming despite what they say... It may be tested alkaline - but when consumed is acid forming. Potatoes are alkaline forming in the body. Stay away from grains as they are highly acid producing. You can find charts by searching - Warning: some foods are miss labeled alkaline/acidic. I know that on a bunch of charts they said corn was acidic - it's actually alkaline forming... I am guessing these are charts not updated or miss information. I have a acid / alkaline food chart that I picked up from the health food store - go in and try asking for one...
  10. Looks like we got ourselves a Banana eating contest we will have to get this going if I ever get to meet you guys... Potter: I know you gotta be watching the Tour De France come Saturday I will be getting up early to watch the stages - plan some rides before hand as a nice idea!!! Veganitaliana: Thanks - I appreciate you reading... Shoulders still feel good!!!
  11. I love how the USA Rant turned into OH CANADA!!!!!! hahaha
  12. Positive thoughts coming your way!!! All the best... SS
  13. DID I mention My shoulders are amazing right now!!! I feel so good about starting up a good workout program!!! 8 months people thats how long it's been since I have been able to do a hard workout This week holds alot of bodyweight training and a ton of cardio Time to get into the best shape and health of my life!!! I will be training for my career which is a secret - everyone says I am full of secrets - I just say I am good at keeping them I have been on a watermelon kick lately, eating at least 1 whole one a day and they are pretty big... Forgot to mention so I am editing... I was out for lunch with my band members the other day and I am the only vegan (one is vegetarian) - so I just go to chat and they like me hanging out with them... So I am sitting there with my bottle of water - this old lady walks up to our table and asks me if she can buy me something to eat - I said no thank you and got to tell her about me being vegan and what it means... So she went on saying how I was raised very well and my mother must be proud - is that not the greatest thing ever - there are still good people out there - really got me thinking!!! put me in a Damn good mood that day... Potter: I would love to come down and eat as many Bananas as I could handle in one sitting!!! and did I mention kick your A** as well I have been doing easy short rides so far and I have been dogging the long rides... I need to get motivated again with my cycling BIG TIME!!!
  14. HAHA well I think you just started a eating war between potter and I IF he wants to come get his A** kicked by my Banana eating Skills!!!! Wow I gotta say these shoulders have been healing and fixing themselves like no tomorrow. I think the push ups and pull ups I have been doing are helping out alot. I notice my posture is getting better - not that I'm the hunch back of Notre Dame or anything... But a perfect posture and improving the slightest bit goes a long way in healthy shoulders. Anyone want to send me a fresh Durian????? cause I want in on the glory!!! We can't get fresh at all where I am!!! They all come frozen and dunked in pesticide from what I have heard? Also anybody know how to change the subject name of posts? can I do that somehow? cause it would be better not to start a new blog...
  15. I have not seen these vids - this must be after he moved out of the city and is building a special self sufficient house or something. I forget exact details!!! thanks for posting Bigbwii
  16. I knew it - I knew it-------I Knew Liz was a Tree Hugger
  17. Yup this guy is great!!! He is what led me to the low fat / high fruit raw diet. I also have an organic athlete video of him giving an hour? speech. He gives some great advice and explains everything... Steve
  18. Well - That one Vote for Rob would be from me every time I see new pics of you - I see you improving every time... and I know you needed the vote Cheers, Steve
  19. Well Liz - I am glad to hear you are out of the food coma I know that eating 80% raw can have a huge healthy impact on your daily life. I say the same thing - do what works best and try everything once - well some things Now tell me this - are you no longer going to be living in Sweden? as you say you are in Baltimore and you found a flat to move into? Cause I was hoping I could make it to Sweden some day and now you are wrecking my plans Cheers, Steve
  20. I just finished a simple bodyweight workout including these exercises: - Pull ups - Push ups - Lunges - Squats - Wall sit and added in Face pull with a rubber band... I know this sounds really simple and easy for most - but I have not been able to even do this without some shoulder pain. Once I get pain it increases through the day and all I can say is it sucks. Well todays small workout was great - I walked away the hero on this one with no shoulder pain - I have had weight workouts with no pain to little pain but nothing like how smooth and painless todays workout went. Well I am happy and I am sure gonna change to bodyweight training with added weight later on. I am sure free weights are done for me - I am having to much fun with BW exercises. Soon it will be time for the fun stuff - did I mention I love making diet and exercise programs. I always make a couple programs switching everything up every 2-3 weeks to keep the challenge and muscles growing. My diet this time around is going to be so simple to put on paper because all I have to worry about is enough calories - who would of thought it was that easy I can now eat 20 Bananas in a day with ease and 6-7 bananas in one sitting. All I usually need for a day is 2500 calories and 20 Bananas is perfect if I am feeling a mono day. I know my calorie demands might go up - but for now I feel perfect with this amount. Cheers, Steve
  21. I am in the (GTA) Toronto area... Yeah there are not many of us here in Canada. It will be great to talk with another 811rv - I know 1 near me, but I am in little contact with her if at all. I am going to send you a pm!!! Steve
  22. Welcome!!! Glad to see another 811rv on the Forum... I'm interested in hearing about your journey!!! Cheers, Steve
  23. Potter: The cycling unfortunately has been on hold for 2 weeks - because I have not been making time for it. I will be starting the rides up this week - I miss the bike and can't believe I let work get in the way. I am job hunting right now - so lots of time to work out... So far I am up to 60km in 2 hours and my riding buddy and I are going to step up the rides every week as he has been busy as well. I have a new computer - so now I am going to be doing interval training and the good part is not in doors - I hate seeing the same wall for 30 mins of HIIT... I also have max and average Cadence - which is helping me keep a good pace - the training is way better.
  24. Thanks Tasha... So I am going to give up the bench press and just do push ups - working my way up to a weighted vest and different positions. I am loving the pull ups right now as well. The push up is so underrated and there are so many ways to make the movement extremely challenging. I find it harder to perform most of the bodyweight exercises than to lift some set weights - which makes sense. As I recall - when I was lifting heavy I still had a hard time with the push up and endurance - even though I loved my circuits mixing cardio and strength training together. I can really see myself giving up my regular weight workouts I have been making as I go for the last 2 years. I am making up a bodyweight workout with some weights for a little while, work my way to a full bodyweight routine. I need a couple weight exercises to get my posture muscles strengthened - this will be the face pull and some different shoulder shrug movements. I really want to make sure my back and posture are in perfect strength, balance and alignment. Side Note - I am fasting today and giving my body a break for the day - if I feel up to it I may carry it on to tomorrow as well. Plus I am stuck with a box of green bananas Steve
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