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Everything posted by Adena

  1. Ok, I'm back! Feeling a little weak, but I decided to do a "do-over" week since I skipped last week. So I am using the same weights as last time, and trying to slowly increase my calories back up to a normal level. Bench Day Bench Press: 1x5x45 1x5x70 1x5x80 1x4x90 5x10x65 Found some small chains and decided to goof around with those. So I did something along the lines of: 3x5x65 with chains Push-Ups: 1x16 1x12 1x10 Yesterday I did HIIT and did 14 sprints instead of my usual 10. Go me! Feeling much more energetic this week.
  2. Well, my grandpa passed away on Saturday so this week has been rather hectic. And sad. So I didn't lift at all. I simply didn't have time. I managed to get a little cardio in, but that's about it. I ended up firing the invitation ladies my mom hired. They canceled multiple meetings with us and were taking forever. Bought some pre-made blank invitations at a store and took them to a print shop. It's all on me now instead of wishy washy people I barely know who are unprofessional. Now it'll get done on time. Still need to taste test that vegan wedding cake!
  3. Bench Day Bench Press: 1x5x45 1x5x70 1x5x80 1x4x90 1x10x75 1x10x70 3x10x65 Bench with Bands: 3x5x65 Push-Ups: 1x14 1x10 1x7 Squat Day Parallel Squat: 1x5x120 1x5x140 1x5x160 A2G Squats: 1x5x135 2x5x145 Leg Press: 1x20x220 1x16x260 1x16x280 I messed around with hip abductors and adductors for a little bit, then called it a day.
  4. Happy birthday! Hope you set some PRs to start your 24th year off right!
  5. Squat Day Parallel Squat: 1x5x135 1x5x140 1x3x160 1x1x175 A2G Squats: 3x3x165 Lunges w/35 lb plate overhread: 3 sets Deadlift Day Deadlift: 1x5x135 1x5x160 1x3x185 1x3x205 Rack Pulls: 3x3x225 Good Mornings: 1x5x135 3x5x185 Farmer's Walks w/two 45 lb plates: 3 sets to failure Plate pinches w/two 5 lb plates pinched between thumb and fingers: 3 sets to failure for each hand This week is Deload Week, which just means I'm lifting 40%, 50%, and 60% of my 1RM, then attempting to do lots of cardio. I'm still deciding what to focus on next month. Do I want to switch it up again and work on overhead press and olympic lifts, or just keep working on my bench? I think I feel like I need to gain some momentum on bench for a few more months before switching it up again. Ok, the decision is made!
  6. Bench Day Bench Press: 1x5x80 1x3x90 1x0x100 1x2x95 1x17x65 1x12x65 1x11x65 1x9x65 1x10x65 Push-Ups: 1x12 1x10 1x9 It's been a crazy week...not enough to eat on bench day, no time to work in some cardio, too much stuff going on! My grandpa is in the hospital so I went to visit him one night, and then on another evening I met with the "invitation ladies" at my parents' house so I could pick out my invitations. We're never going to get it all done on time...
  7. I just tried those for the first time the other day. It definitely wasn't that pretty. Someone told me to use one hand for balance until I got used to the movement. They're incredibly difficult.
  8. Haha! On another forum I used to get on, they all called it the "shirley machine." Kind of offensive, but it became a habit and now I always call it that.
  9. Deadlift Day Deadlift: 1x3x135 1x3x150 1x3x175 1x3x195 No chalk today, so that last set was a little tricky, but I made it. Rack Pulls: 3x1x225 Good Mornings: 1x5x135 3x3x185 Farmer's Walks with two 45 lb plates in each hand Plate Pinches with two 5 lb plates pinched between each hand for time
  10. Yes...but which one of us is really the evil one? Mwa-ha-ha! I'm doing the Jim Wendler's 5/3/1 again, but I'm leaving out overhead press for now...I think next month I'll switch and do overhead press instead of bench. I'm going to see if I see more gains by giving one of them a rest each month.
  11. Hey, thanks for the tip man! I thought using a hand to balance would be "cheating," haha!
  12. Nicely done! Don't you just love when you surprise yourself (in a good way?)
  13. Deadlift Day I guess I didn't have time for much dilly-dallyign on Friday. The only thing I wrote down was deadlifting. Deadlift: 1x5x135 1x5x165 1x5x185 Bench Day, Tuesday 8/24 Bench: 1x3x45 1x3x70 1x3x80 1x3x90 1x16x65 1x10x65 1x8x65 1x6x65 Bench with bands: 1x4x65 2x3x65 Push-Ups: 1x14 1x12 1x10 Assisted Chin-Ups, three sets Two chin-ups, unassisted Squat Day, 8/25/10 Parallel Squat: 1x3x45 1x3x135 1x3x150 1x5x165 A2G Squats: 3x5x155 Pistol Squats, first attempt ever 8 reps each leg, poorly executed, not even halfway down...How the heck do you balance on one leg while doing these? Haha, at least I got a good laugh out of it. Lunges with 35 lb plate held overhead, three sets
  14. Yes, it is from Veganomicon. That cookbook changed my life! I have to admit, black beans with nooch and sriracha sound totally gross, but I'm going to have to try it now!
  15. I'm lifting extremely heavy, like three to five rep sets with whatever I can manage at that weight, and my boyfriend still finds me attractive. I'm not a bodybuilding type at all, I'm much more interested in powerlifting and olympic lifts, but I have managed to not become manly-looking. Strong women just look like strong women.
  16. Not too many people look around for 200 lb dumbbells, haha! I like the Gold's here. There's one trainer who competes in powerlifting and I've watched him deadlift over 600 lbs. I don't remember exactly how much it was, but regardless, it was a lot. We also have a separate closed off "Power Room" and I kind of wish there were more people around at the same time so we could work on strongman stuff together. Might be fun. But anyway, I like that there's no one around to watch my weird faces while squatting.
  17. Well, if you're feeling under the weather, it's best to just veg out anyway. Give yourself some time to heal! Sounds like you're doing great, so don't let one or two rest days get you down.
  18. So far, this week has been awesome! I really didn't expect it. When I took time off from strength training and worked endurance for a month, I expected to lost a little of my strength gains, especially since I also was cutting. As of Monday, my bodyweight was down to 128. I'm back to gaining strength, even though I'm not taking in as many calories. (I think I'm doing it right!) Bench Press Day Bench Press: 1x5x45 1x5x65 1x5x85 1x3x90 3x12x65 J & Press: 3x12x45 Push-Ups: 1x12 1x10 1x8 Squat Day Parallel Squats: 1x5x135 1x5x155 1x5x165 Oly Squats (A2G): 3x5x145 I'm taking my time with working on form and flexibility for these. 3 sets of Lunges with 35 pound plate held overhead I have to say, I think the last four weeks of mixing it up and working on endurance really, really helped so far. I didn't feel nearly as winded as usual during this session. Awesome! We'll see what I can deadlift on Friday or Saturday!
  19. Ooooh, yeah, I understand that feeling. Way to go!
  20. Woo, good for you! I'm glad you're feeling better too!
  21. Thanks guys, that really is encouraging. It's been pretty tough lately because they've been asking us to do a lot of overtime at work, and I'm trying to help my mom pick out invitations and argue with her over catering and the cake...so I'm pretty busy and stressed. But a humid cardio session usually takes away any stressful thoughts, at least for about ten minutes.
  22. hot sauce glazed tempeh, sauteed collard greens, and roasted potatoes with garlic, salt, thyme and lemon pepper
  23. Oh, I almost forgot. I did ten minutes of HIIT yesterday and I'm really proud of myself because the humidity was really making me want to throw in the towel, but I pushed through anyway. Yay, me!
  24. Squat Day Front Squats: 1x10x45 3x10x95 Oly Squats: 3x12x135 Lunges w/35 lb plate held overhead: 3 sets
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