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Everything posted by belleadonna

  1. Thanks. I am officially off of caffeine. Now if I can just break my addiction to food
  2. Yeah, this is a cool thread. I am eating only one cooked meal a day now and that is usually bean soup or beans and brown rice. Yum. I can't stand the smell of meat anymore. We were on vacation and a sure appetite killer was walking into a restaurant and smelling all of the dead animals.
  3. I too am getting off of the caffeine addiction. I dearly love coffee and diet coke. I stopped the diet cokes (sodas) and I am down to just 1/2 cup of coffee a day. I do a cup of decaf after dinner. I plan to cut it all out soon. I am getting more serious about my diet and I am now mostly raw, about 75%. I have awful sinus problems and though I have been eating vegetarian with a little dairy, I have knocked that off. I plan to start juicing again too. I hope my sinus problems will now clear up because they give me horrible headaches. Couple that with the caffeine withdrawal headaches and aarrghhh!!
  4. Amen to that. Alot of protein is really tough on the kidneys.
  5. I love Natures Path Flax Seed Plus. Its like Raisin Bran. Fills me up because it has 11 grams of fiber per serving. One bowl satisfies me. But I love oatmeal too.
  6. I concur with the 80% carb, 10% fat and 10% protein diet. Please read Dr. Julian Whitaker's book on Reversing Diabetes too. Just make the carbs unrefined.
  7. I don't think that there is any good substitute for mamas milk. The babies get certain nutrients that cows milk or any other for that matter can give. You'll just have to hope and pray that the light goes on. Off to the gym. Have a great day.
  8. If anyone has read, "The China Study", T. Colin Campbell would say that rather than focusing on one nutrient, look at the whole picture. It is probably the amount of protein causing the problems and not the soy. Their whole study showed that excess protein, mostly animal , can cause cancer to rear its ugly head. Everyone probably carries cancer causing cells but protein and fat can turn them on or off. It worries me that bodybuilders ingest such HUGE quantities of protein, mostly animal. Its very hard to OD on plant protein. Plants have more than enough protein for our needs bodybuilding or otherwise.
  9. Not sure there is much you can do to make anyone listen who doesn't want to. It seems like people just turn off when I try and talk nutrition with them. So, I don't until they ask. They are also linking milk (non mama's) to type one diabetes. Maybe giving them a book might help but don't be suprised if they tell you to bug off.
  10. I read a book on this and didn't like the premise. It is based on evolution which I don't believe in and I just didn't find it to be very credible.
  11. I sent for a sample pack of Vega back in July and have never recieved it. I would like to try it. I went to the website and requested it but nothing ever came.
  12. Is that how you hang your storm windows??????
  13. Actually there are alot of people allergic to melons. I am also allergic to honeydew melons. So far, I have not had any problems with cantaloupes. I know some people that if they even get near the vines, they break out in hives.
  14. I love watermelon too but it doesn't love me. My husband and I went on a tear eating watermelon one very hot summer and I woke up with the worst case of hives you ever saw. Even the doctor said that he had never seen a worse case. I had them on my head, my feet, my stomach, etc... I had to crawl to the bathroom on my knees because my feet were so swollen. I didn't eat it for many years but now that I am a vegan, I have started to eat it again but only once in a while. I don't want to push the envelope!!
  15. I read somewhere that fruits are already a predigested food and full of enzymes therefore SAVING the body's energy by not having to break it down. Therefore, this should give you more energy, not less.
  16. Oops, didn't notice where you were from. Sorry. But you can get almonds there, no? There are recipes for making almond milk on the net somewhere.
  17. Try almond milk. It's delicious. You can buy it almost anywhere. You shouldn't need to worry about calcium unless you are taking in high levels of protein. Protein robs the body of calcium. You get plenty of calcium from veggies and other vegan goodies.
  18. Right now, I don't use anything on a salad. I load up a plate with raw veggies and just snack on them plain all day. But, if I do have a salad, I prefer olive oil.
  19. I don't know what happened on my last sentence. Whew. Must be the pasta I only eat pasta about once a week and bread maybe twice a week with a boca burger between it. I have heard so many opinions on the amount of protein that should be ingested in a day. I keep mine about 10 to 15 %. That's after reading some good books on veganism. I keep my fat at about 10% and the rest is carbs. I have read that the protein that we get from veggies, fruit, grains, and beans are plenty without adding protein drinks. Any imput people?
  20. According to T. Colin Campbell and some others, if you are eating a well balanced diet, supplements are really not necessary. Whatcha think? I tend to think that they are right.
  21. My remarks were not aimed at anyone in particular here. Just in general, people are freaked out about carbs. Give me carbs and they can have the meat. Yuck. I eat about 50 percent raw but I am not into the all raw thing. I eat a ton of fruit and raw veggies but I like cooked food and I am not an endurance athlete or anything. I am 53 years old and love to lift though. I have been doing that for 15 or more years. I am doing better at lifting now that I have gone back to vegan then I ever did on meat and animal products. My sinus problems and mysteriously disappeard again too!!
  22. I don't know about you (everyone), but I get sick of people ragging on pasta and bread. There is nothing wrong with whole grain pasta and bread as long as you are not slathering rich sauces or butter on them. I think that the low carb myth has invaded everyone's brain. I concentrate on fruit and veggies but for pete's sake, whole grains are just as important. What do ya'll think?
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