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Everything posted by endcruelty

  1. I saw this statement not for the first time and really wonder, what is so hard being vegan? I really do not understand it! agreed.... i really dont find any difference to be honest.... i admit price wise its a punch to my wallet but morally and health wise i think its well worth every penny
  2. seriously.........ass like even when i said to him i wish i knew we were gonna do the bbq earilier i woulda brought some polish sausages and he said he had veggie hot dogs.... wouldnt you guys assume he woulda given you one? lol.......bah well what can you do
  3. moron........ 1 and only word i can describe my "friend" 2nite... everyone and anyone who knows me knows i dont eat meat........ ok so im over at my buddies place and long story short we started a bbq.... start of the night he says he bought veggie dogs right??? mainly because he has high chlesterol.... time comes to fire up the f00d he brings out MEAT dogs for me......FFS ....... he brings meat for everyone except himself...... cant spare even 1 of the veggie dog for me??? does anyone else see this as, i dunno, disrespectful??? everyone is l00king at me and him as if he were a moron for doing that .... his WIFE then told him to get me a veggie dog can you believe that? ..... lol what a d00sh
  4. i hope you guys are right.... but im a n00b when it comes to all this.... can someone shine the light on this for all the n00bies on these forums?
  5. yup they were talking about this on "the hour" i think this week ..... its pretty crazy.... once that happens guess what??? all our views, opinions, etc... where we have place to voice them, will dissappear......all the right winged bastards will come and take over and all the important news will be ever more mainstream then it already is...... its such garbage i hate it
  6. why do i always see chicks saying how awsome shoes are and when it comes to actually wearing them all i hear is "oooooooow get em off get em off get em off i hate these shoes"? .....hmmmmm?? someone explain
  7. i got an hr before survivor comes on so i figure i'd waste my time and some of yours whats your fav type of music??? i lovessssss jungle.... hard, rough and soft all the same time
  8. i dunno why these animals need 2nd chances in the 1st place they should be adopted by a loving caring owner that is committed to taking care of the animal..... granted if someone dies in the family or whatnot but some people just get fed up cuz the puppy isnt small and "cute" anymore..... my guy is 11 right now i could never imagine giving him away hes part of the family.... i feel so bad for all these animals....... thats it.................... im gonna adopt 1 .... 2 much talking i gatta do something now
  9. i would never keep a raccoon as a pet all i wanted was to feed it and all until it got big like you said ya we debated if the mother was out looking for food i feel like such an ass knowing thats where she might have been, and we ruined everything awsome tnx for that number its going into my cell
  10. i sent my friends links to the humane society and some petfinders site i cant stand l00king at all those pictures, i just want to go and take one of these guys home omg what a p00r babi http://search.petfinder.com/petnote/displaypet.cgi?petid=6052996
  11. i have an eskimo 2 .... this is my big lazy fat ass sleeping on my bed .... his farts stink 2 lol http://img98.imageshack.us/img98/7336/img2237b1kk.jpg
  12. ya raccoons are awsome.... me and my gf (at the time) founds baby raccoons on the side of a part road and when he went down to the ground couple of them ran over to us in such a hurry ...... we t00k them home to give them some f00d and drink ...... but we had to take them back, i dont think my mom or dog would like to be living with a bunch of raccoons ...... we t00k a box (which was cut so they could leave) and left them water (or something to drink cant remember) and went home...... next day after sk00l we went back to see them and they were gone..... i hope someone t00k care of them, cuz i can imagine another thing that could of happened to them, hopefully not though ever since i just love raccoons..... my gf even got me a stuffed raccoon lol still have it
  13. i know that elephant story was so sad i watched the video of that
  14. now this is actually bugging me...... like im watchin the oilers play the sharks in triple ot and i keep thinking about them buying this dog ...... im gonna see them friday night so maybe i'll do some convincing, and if not, i'll just start to whine and cry ..... plus they are married so if i can get to the wife maybe she can convince him lol... im gonna send them links to the humane society and let them see all the doggies that need our help ....... and you know i'd love to go there and all, but i know myself too well, im gonna get all depressed and sad and i wont be able to handle it..... im sensative lol ..... and i'd probably end up taking 1 home then my mom would kill me
  15. i need some help ...... couple friends of mine want to get a dog, but they want a pure bred i think from a breeder..... i recommended from a pound or something so at least 1 dog will get a 2nd chance at life.... but i think hes really set on this breeder thing...... do you guys know anything i can say to let him know how much better it is to rescue an animal instead of supporting a business that the breeders are in??? any help would be awsome
  16. o im not saying the fire pit isnt vegan lol..... i was just thinking because this is the 1st gift we're buying since me going vegan
  17. i dont really need to ask we all usually tell eachother what we're planning to get the other person but would you recommend a vegan alternative or just get something for the person on your own??
  18. so 1 of my friends birthday is coming up and a bunch of us are chipping in to get her a fire pit or something for her new house ....... but i wonder how i might think if it turns out we all gonna chip in for a gift that isnt vegan for a friend....... what ya'll think??? would you chip in for the gift or bow out?
  19. how come they dont have the same warning on meat commercials like they have for tabacco and alcohol? i also love how that site is against MADD..... morons
  20. dunno what section to put this in so w/e but im a little pissed..... when i posted that alicia silverson video when she was on ellen i got happy...and yes what ellen said bothered me about being vegetarian "as long as possible".....BULLSHIT ok so the reason im pissed now is because i love Reese Witherspoon and since i thought she was vegetarian i loved her even more....... but watch this bullshit....... then you'll see why im pissed http://www.consumerfreedom.com/downloads/reference/video/060313_Witherspoon.wmv i know consumerfreedom is a bullshit site and i dont stand behind what they promote and i was thinking they were bullshitting about what she was saying on the show but video is video and this video didnt lie *sigh* ok im done
  21. ya that may of been the problem..... you know when you're young and you wanna be like the guy on a magazine cover you wanna do just about anything ..... i believe i was taking 10g for 5 days then 1g for a month then quit for a week or 2 then did the process over again...... granted it works and all that but i'll stand my words when i say you dont really "need" it
  22. im not a fan of seeing people get hurt either but when you're hunting a lion and it attacks you, i couldnt care less..... or when you keep a lion as a pet and it attacks you...... you gatta have some common sence to know you cant domesticate a lion ... the guys who get attacked by the bulls, im r00ting for the bulls ... its a different story of the guy who had a whale fall on him in the water but when you use these animals for your entertainment i couldnt care less...... but thats just me
  23. am twisted or what... cuz i enjoyed watching this http://www.thatvideosite.com/view/1317.html i saw the entire video of that lion attacking the people, which were hunting it btw lion got killed
  24. im reading "The Pig Who Sang to the Moon" by Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson
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