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Everything posted by endcruelty

  1. lol ...... ok 1st, doesnt seem like she knows what shes talking about... 2nd, i love how she says we need meat and milk protein in order to have a "satisfied" diet.... 3rd, watch out for her face at the end ...... ya...... she sounds so sure of herself now i have to believe her after that stupid face she made....... dumass http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-3001408222530519265&q=nutrition and another where it seems shes missing some brain cells..... lol i enjoy laughing at morons http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-8289075657768929224&q=nutrition
  2. i guess this is ok .... considering most of the questions i checked were things ive done years ago and i probably would never do again You Are 56% Evil http://images.blogthings.com/howevilareyouquiz/evil-3.jpg You are evil, but you haven't yet mastered the dark side. Fear not though - you are on your way to world domination. How Evil Are You? http://www.blogthings.com/howevilareyouquiz/
  3. and hes the author of animal liberation....pretty much the b00k that started all this.... i think peta was even formed because of his b00k
  4. garlic - in a basket....seems to stay g00d for awhile, i think couple weeks at least, or a month??? cant remember potatoes - have them in the dark under the kitchen sink, they last forever there greens - counter for a day or 2 then in the fridge bottom shelf lasts a couple weeks i think tomatoes - counter ..... place them almost everwhere, baskets, dishes holder, on towels, anywhere kiwis - in a basket bananas - i buy just enough to last a week only because they go ripe farely quickly
  5. olive oil on garlic eh?? sounds interesting my way of eating the garlic is g00d 2..... grind up a clove or 2 and add it to a piece of bread, but thats if you can take the burn otherwise i'd do your recommendation add it to pizza AFTER taking it out of the oven though...thats crazy awsome 2 also i'll share this magical liquid if you just take as little as a drop or 2 it'll kill your cold..... ready for it......... oregano oil ..... i've felt colds come on twice this year already t00k some oregano oil and in a matter of a day or 2 i felt 100% better also my allergies hit me so hard these past couple days i t00k a couple drops and guess what? lol.... you beatcha, gone.....for now *knock on w00d*
  6. when you say herbivore are you guys talking about eating lettuce and leafy greens or just about everything thats not a fruit? cuz last time i heard lettuce was g00d for us
  7. ^ you kinda l00k like mr burns too lol
  8. fucker http://www.solaraccess.com/rea/news/story;jsessionid=BB9C520FFB204B09751E09A1695F7C3C?id=44897
  9. i think im gonna try raw f00d on monday, give myself the weekend to eat up on my crap and maybe if it goes well i'll give just a fruit a try, although i can already predict the outcome, NOT GOOD! do you have some g00d links to f00ds i can and can not eat while on a raw diet?? i know i know dont cook it blah blah blah but there might be things i'll miss just want to do it right thats all
  10. im thinking of going fruit, or at least raw for a week or so just to try it out
  11. HEY.....they're not stupid, just a waste of time if you got nothing better to do
  12. YEEEEEEEES! lol shes my hero You Are Lisa Simpson http://images.blogthings.com/thesimpsonspersonalitytest/lisa-simpson.jpg A total child prodigy and super genius, you have the mind for world domination. But you prefer world peace, Buddhism, and tofu dogs. You will be remembered for: all your academic accomplishments Your life philosophy: "I refuse to believe that everybody refuses to believe the truth" The Simpsons Personality Test http://www.blogthings.com/thesimpsonspersonalitytest/
  13. does this sound a little.........wrong to anybody??????? i bet most people here know peter singer and his words, but i must say, i dunno if i can label him as vegan and that kinda dissappoints me ..... he calls himself a "flexible vegan" where he'll vegan at home but eat a non-vegan meal at a restaurant "As you were saying before with the steak, there’s a little bit of room for indulgence in all of our lives. I know some people who are vegan in their homes but if they’re going out to a fancy restaurant, they allow themselves the luxury of not being vegan that evening. I don’t see anything really wrong with that." http://www.motherjones.com/interview/2006/04/peter_singer.html
  14. o i never said raising the cow was squeaky clean just saying me being me i probably wouldnt throw it out anyways, i'd end up using the ruffed up material for something im a recycle, reduce, reuse nut .... i actually paid attention to something in sk00l
  15. i think its an interesting interview so i thought i'd share it i love this guy, at least he tries to be vegan we all cant be perfect still i think hes awsome http://www.animal-lib.org.au/interviews/bryan/
  16. the only thing that bothers me about fake leather is that its not biodegradable ..... you chuck it out and it just sits and piles up eeee
  17. ya i agree d00d perfect quote for you from Good Will Hunting Will: "You wasted $150,000 on an education you coulda got for a buck fifty in late charges at the public library."
  18. make learning fun thats the way i see this movie..... cant wait reminds me of this movie, making a very serious topic but making a movie that adds humor so it can relate to more people http://www.sideeffectsthemovie.com/trailers/ sorry to change the topic but had to post it gatta see both
  19. im an idiot lol You Failed 8th Grade Geography http://images.blogthings.com/couldyoupass8thgradegeographyquiz/fail.jpg Sorry, you only got 3/10 correct! Could You Pass 8th Grade Geography? http://www.blogthings.com/couldyoupass8thgradegeographyquiz/
  20. i walk my dog and i try to avoid the ants .... and im digging out weeds i move the worms so i dont kill them..... does that make me k00 k00? lol
  21. plastic bags were probably tested on animals somehow, concrete as well i bet, a pencil, pen, a lightbulb, a radio, etc... just an assumption i could be wrong but w/e not sure if, or how, these items were tested on animals but theres a small chance they could have been ....... basically how far do you go with being vegan???
  22. wow a grocery store that supports shac??? wow they gonna have some enemies
  23. *l00ks at my chest* .... hmmm no b00bs yet, i guess i'll keep eating my soy till i get an a cup at least
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