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Everything posted by endcruelty

  1. ok im asking you guys for a favor im setting a little gallery with pictures of angry vegans i already have a few and expecting couple more, so is anyone willing to take a picture of themselves (face or body) or them being angry, or if you have one from the past is ok too..... this is just for jokes mainly so dont start debating whether its a sterotype that vegans are always angry blah blah blah...... fuck them ... this is just to laugh at something .... if you want to pass up your photo, you can just post it here i guess or email me (email in my profile) .... i better get all your photos s00n
  2. ya another great one.... you ever see when she did that song live? she has all these foot instruments and does all her voice manipulations on the spot..... pure talent
  3. title of the clip "Assault on Animal Rights Activist"
  4. http://youtube.com/watch?v=wiV6EW9Z86U im actually speechless..... its not graphic or anything but shows that people can be suchs assholes
  5. Does anyone else absolutely love this song? http://youtube.com/watch?v=RYAU0AN6stI
  6. my farts can kill anyone within a 5 mile radius
  7. well im gonna sound like an ass for a second..... but....... maybe you shouldnt drive so fast that when an animal runs out on the road you dont have enough time to stop, what if it was a child instead of that squirrel? ... thats why i try to slow down around turns and even near parked cars in case anything runs out
  8. hmm and all this time i thought they were a g00d place for animals, well not good but better then the streets....... this just puts a blanket of p00p over my day now
  9. daaaaamn 14 years??? you getting enough protein and b12??? because people are saying vegans are deficient in those two, along with tons of other, nutrients
  10. what kinda garbage were they saying?? ive never been to a demo before what should i expect if i decide to join one?
  11. whats the url for the dvd, or isbn for it, so i can l00k it up.... cuz eating brings up a ton of results
  12. maybe, but its rumored he has gary null working on the film too.... and if anyone knows gary null hes really big on health so maybe moore will consider it .... who knows http://garynull.com/
  13. i thought it was serious question .... g00d stuff lol
  14. i started a petition asking Michael Moore to add how eating vegan can help save lives and keep you out of the hospital. sign it because i'm going to email it to him and hopefully he'll add even a little snippet in his new movie http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/580711546 or http://www.endcruelty.ca/article/35/please-sign-the-petition
  15. http://www.roadtoguantanamomovie.com/video/index.html l00ks crazy
  16. you guys talking about this 1? http://www.veg.ca/foodfair/ l00ks fun
  17. ya its 1 amazing movie eh? it shows how just a few can make a difference on this crappy crappy world..... did you watch Earthlings as well? its another amazing one i got a bunch more here http://endcruelty.com/modules/smartmedia/ also got these ..... they're awsome Genetically Modified Food - Panacea or Poison The Future of Food Supermarket Secrets - Dispatches part 1 Supermarket Secrets - Dispatches part 2
  18. do tell... i need feedback so i can write them better in the future and considering i suck at letter writing i think it was a nice try
  19. ok its my first formal letter probably ever, so dont bash my grammer and "suckiness" too hard http://www.endcruelty.ca/takeaction/31/costco shit i just read 2 grammer mistakes, can anyone find them?
  20. reese is hott stuff eh? http://www.tmz.com/media/2006/06/reese_g_6.jpg
  21. i know theres 1 fruity guy on here that'll write out pages for you once he reads this thread, so watch out!!!
  22. ok so i was at Costco today (even though i kinda hate the place) but we got this amazing cleaning solution thingy its organic, bio-degradable, not tested on animals, no animal ingredients, etc... its so awsome and takes out dirt and stains like theres no tomorrow. i dont sell the stuff i dont work for the company or anything related to them what so ever. i just thought it was a killer product so thought i'd plug it. heres the brochure for it http://www.pinksolution.ca/images/broE1.jpg http://www.pinksolution.ca/images/broE2.jpg theres like 2 ingredients in the thing, an algea enzyme and some something else from algea to keep it all together. the guy was eating too to prove it was safe and all. im really hoping its awsome, cuz i'll keep using this instead of other bs products on the market, and apparently it can last from 3-4 years. anyways, ive never been this excited to clean heres the site http://www.pinksolution.ca/
  23. ya i saw the one where she was sitting at the table thought you were talking about a different one
  24. why dont you actually post the link to the video?
  25. Vegetables neither. A lot of ( nearly all I think ) veggies are cultivated using animal manure as a fertiliser. shit... o well i guess i have to start to like eating rocks.... yuuuuuuum rocks
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