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Everything posted by endcruelty

  1. im actually around the 250 range as well ahaha mosty fat though i let myself go way too much ...
  2. heath was amazing, he was one of those actors who i imagined being a legend when we're all like 80, looking back and remembering all his work, now we won't be able to see his future work ..... very sad
  3. yellow tail is my favorite vegan red .... the white i dont think is vegan but red is better for health anyways there is one other i really love which comes in a box ... brothers something, or something brothers, i dont remember, i'll get the name tomorrow if i can find it ..... yes i said box, i've read they really improved on the box packaging and it makes no difference from bottles.. plus it's organic, so win win
  4. i was laughing throughout part 1 lol .... it was so funny how it all made so much sense
  5. i watched 'Reign Over Me' with Adam Sandler and Don Cheadle ... i must say, it's a gem
  6. i have been too.... the un just finished with it's recommendations, but we'll see how well those go
  7. it was ooooook i guess ..... could have been a 30 episode but i enjoyed it "I can't believe we're paying to watch something we could see on TV for free! If you ask me, everyone in this theater is a giant sucker! Especially YOOOOUUUUUUUUUU" haaaaaaah lol
  8. his site seems to be down i laugh and root on the bulls too...... and i'm happy if people think i'm crazy for it, because then i know they're really the crazy ones for actually being ok with people killing bulls for sport
  9. that wouldn't be good news for the canadian hemp farmers so you guys keep electing your moron leaders so my hemp farmers get lots of business from you guys lol .... (just kidding btw)
  10. i love it too but ya it is pricey..... i paid like $24 for 12 at a convention and later found a acai & grape mix which was a good price but the bastards don't sell it anymore
  11. there's a new book out about a 21 day fast ... to me, that's a bit too far ..... my max would be like 2 days ..... 21 not eating is craaaaaaazy i loves my tofu too much to give that up
  12. i found an ebook and got a book from the library so i didn't even pay a cent so but i will say there are people who say it works and have gotten results so i guess if it works for some people it can work on others, i'm giving it a chance and i actually got tired out & sweaty lol i don't know man i don't really look at it that way ... it's kinda like making electric cars instead of using gas for a way to drive..... "if" it works it's just another way to "drive" if that makes any sense
  13. anyone tried it? i'm giving it a shot .... if ya'll don't know it, you do one set for one bodypart like once a week (when you get to the advanced stage) beginners do like one set for each body part each workout 3 times a week ..... but it's only one rep too lol which you hold for 6 seconds (beginners they say usually hold for 30 seconds or so) at peek contraction, and once you can hold at max contraction for over 6 seconds you increase weight...... i think that's about it unless i forgot something........ anyways, anyone done it?
  14. its true... its damn crazy if you ask me, i mean, how can you ask a daughter, son, sister, whoever to plead to a donor why their family members deserves to live?? its ubber fucked up
  15. its true... its damn crazy if you ask me, i mean, how can you ask a daughter, son, sister, whoever to plead to a donor why their family members deserves to live?? its ubber fucked up
  16. its true... its damn crazy if you ask me, i mean, how can you ask a daughter, son, sister, whoever to plead to a donor why their family members deserves to live?? its ubber fucked up
  17. i love my hemp...... i use hemp powder, hemp seeds, hemp butter, hemp milk ..... i use it all :D:D
  18. so i was at Loblaws and i saw the same dude for Vega i saw last time... we talked about again but really he was making a sales pitch (but being a vegan product i actually listened and was interested lol) ... i figured why not, and bought it...... really yum.... i really wanted some extra greens and greens+ has bee pollen, so this is a good one for me http://myvega.com/products/smoothie.asp
  19. was she hot? and someone asked if he just wanted to hire her cuz he wanted to date her? ..... i think i saw the one but i dont remember her being vegan *shrugs* oh well
  20. ya mindkiller is a sweet track good video too
  21. stop posting this everywhere.... SPAAAAAAAAAAAAAMMER
  22. You Are a Prophet Soul http://images.blogthings.com/whatkindofsoulareyouquiz/prophet-soul.jpg You are a gentle soul, with good intentions toward everyone. Selfless and kind, you have great faith in people. Sometimes this faith can lead to disappoinment in the long run. No matter what, you deal with everything in a calm and balanced way. You are a good interpreter, very sensitive, intuitive, caring, and gentle. Concerned about the world, you are good at predicting people's feelings. A seeker of wisdom, you are a life long learner looking for purpose and meaning. You are a great thinker and communicator, but not necessarily a doer. Souls you are most compatible with: Bright Star Soul and Dreaming Soul What Kind of Soul Are You? http://www.blogthings.com/whatkindofsoulareyouquiz/
  23. they gave me some cream i think for a couple of weeks then nothing just dont pick at it before it completely heals or it'll get stupid looking and you'll have to get it retouched
  24. sleeman is really good but keiths it tons better i love my piss beer ..... but recently im going over to the wine side.... wine and chocolate mmmmm
  25. uh ya..... theres already a thread for it btw viewtopic.php?t=6370
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