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Everything posted by endcruelty

  1. Bass Infektion (December 2005) - mixed by Tek-Fox @ http://www.di.fm/mp3/drumandbass.pls
  2. the guy asks what he puts into his shakes 3:25 .... doesn't like the dairy i'm defiantly not saying he doesn't stay away from all dairy, and i can almost guarantee he's not veg-ama-tarian ..... but it made me chuckle so i'm posting it
  3. defiantly appreciate all your help you guys rock
  4. WOAH!!! that page is insanely good ..... much thanks man
  5. i usually just watch some training probably my favorite.... the intro to The Ultimate Fighter 6 (with Mac Danzig)
  6. Digital - Deadline (Ed Rush & Optical Remix)
  7. last i checked i was 215 lol so ya 200 would be great
  8. i love the book, the attitude is what sets it apart from other vegan type books. nice little read if you're ever in the mood to refresh yourself, if you feel yourself slipping or craving crap food. read the book and it's enough to stop you dead in your tracks
  9. fermented soy is supposed to be much healthier for you. i love the temph now, i tried it once uncooked (i like to see how stuff tasted before doing anything to it) tastes like ass. but fried up with ketchup = heaven
  10. see cause my back seems to be ok some days and some days not, if it's a disc issue isn't it a constant daily chronic pain? also, when i tend to get pains, my body actually twists to one side and the left part of my lower back is a lot stiffer than the right.
  11. i don't want to get into crazy details or anything, but long story short, my lower back sucks balls. my doc is saying it's just back spasms, and i'm hoping she's right. basically my workout right now is the ab wheel, burpees, jump rope, heavy, double end and slip bagging. even with that little workout, my lower back seems to get a bit tender. and i know when your muscles get sore it's a good thing, but when it's the lower back, i think i'd rather not have it sore. even with core exercises my back gets a little tender and tight, and i'm doing a little stretching, but sadly it just doesn't want to get better (or at least progress i can clearly see). it can get a little discouraging when you want to do more in your workout but you know it may lead you to be worse off than you started. Sad
  12. lol wish i was there http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZhHJsG3CVBY
  13. rihanna is yuck http://www.ecorazzi.com/2008/05/19/rihanna-and-chris-brown-support-kfc/
  14. dammmn ..... *adds to the shopping list*
  15. some kind of Holosync Meditation introduction audio book ....... *shrugs*
  16. are you sure the voting is for legs? cause i'm looking at a whole load of ass shots and no i'm not on a guy porn website i am talking about this thread
  17. what do you do? dealing with life's shit and drama can sometimes wear you down. what's your medicine? i don't even think it's too much my fault, it's mostly how i react to everyones stupidity that really gets me nuts errrrrrrr
  18. might as well revive a dead topic i'm on facebook too http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=550425070
  19. pretty pathetic if you ask me. they want to introduce a vegan option so we try it, then promote the product to our vegan friends, which will eventually spread to our omni friends, but we all know they won't eat the vegan option they'll stick with the chicken. the boycott will be lifted by peta, then every omni on the planet will go there 10x more.
  20. oh i should have mentioned it's not a "real" baseball, more like one of those plush toys for babies or dogs for the double end portion it works perfectly, but ya for the slip bag part of it the ball is a tad light. i saw a video where i guy made a slip bag from a balloon, sand, plastic wrap and a sock.
  21. blame a buddy of mine for that -ma- crap .... when we played Street Fighter in the arcades he used to call it Street-ama-Fighter. so ever since, if i can sneak in the -ma- into words or sentences i will. if you don't like it, tough!!!!!!! hehe
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