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Everything posted by endcruelty

  1. o ya.... forgot..... more good news from schwarzenegger "Governor Schwarzenegger today signed SB 1806 by Senator Liz Figueroa (D-Fremont) that will make it a crime for pet owners to carelessly leave animals unattended in vehicles during dangerous conditions, such as hot weather." and "Senate Bill 1349 by Senator Soto (D-Pomona) increases the penalty for causing any animal to fight with another animal to one year or less in the county jail or up to a $5000 fine, or both. The second offense for fighting animals or roosters can be a felony in some cases, which may result in prison time or a $25,000 fine, or both." http://www.ahrc.com/new/index.php/src/news/sub/article/action/ShowMedia/id/3143 so at least theres one republican we can have faith in and another thing lol http://youtube.com/watch?v=hymtGAtJZu8 at the end you'll hear how they want to use it with military hummers..... so maybe one day it'll spill into civilian hummers
  2. i'd be such an ass and say something like "lets dig up your great grandmother and chew on their thigh then"
  3. he's the reason hummer is a civilian car, so you never know he might request they make it hybrid or biodiesel
  4. stevia is the shit ... no cals no cards no buzz no nothing.... there are brands out there that do have a weird after taste, but after using the powder form, no more after taste..... i'd recommend poweder over liquid..... but if you do get the liquid one make sure it doesnt contain alcohol i buy tons of maple syrup..... 1. cuz it tastes awesome 2. it is 100% sugar but its not prosessed like all that other crap so im content with that 3. im canadian what you expect?
  5. bottom line: honey comes from an animal (debate all you want if they feel pain and all that other crap) if you eat honey, you aint vegan in my book.... under the same umbrella when you say you're vegetarian and you eat fish..... an animal is an animal, no matter what they lack or how intelligent they are
  6. they have eyes, legs, wings, etc = animal ... that animal makes a product then you take it = non-vegan http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bee_learning_and_communication
  7. ya im the same actually.... im going to write something about that on my site ...... we have all these "groups" of vegetarians why not make one up so people can still call themselves vegetarian even if they eat cow or pig? i mean we already have one for fish and poultry and they still call themselves vegetarian...... its just fuckin stupid beyond belief
  8. you are a vegetarian just not a vegan ya me too ... i cant see how 'exploitation' and 'cows' can be in the same sentence either
  9. lol this one has more http://img483.imageshack.us/img483/5143/1024x76804la8.th.jpg
  10. omg thats the video my avatar is from? lol
  11. paypal is perfectly safe to do transactions. its not paypal, its the morons who send out fake emails you gatta keep an eye out for, and other spams and such.... sadly i did fall for one years back, but paypal returned all the money that i got screwed over for
  12. my problem is that Deans gave contributions to the CCF ...... and on their pages they promote a lot more dairy products then they do soy sorry about that phpbb for some reason screwed around with the links but they work now about Silk?? where?
  13. i dont have a direct link to the subway commercial but if you click here http://www.subway.com/subwayroot/MenuNutrition/comm/index.aspx then click "dinner theatre" then click "next 3" the one im talking about is called "on my own"
  14. if you answered yes....... do you also support Center for Consumer Freedom? if you answered no......... think again Dean is the actual parent company for Silk: "The Companys WhiteWave Foods subsidiary markets and sells a variety of well-known dairy and dairy-related products, such as Silk® soymilk, Horizon Organic® milk and other dairy products and International Delight® coffee creamers." http://www.todaysgrocer.com/news_article.php?src=xml&id=776 then i found this: http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=Center_for_Consumer_Freedom -click contributions- and you'll find Dean Foods Company .... ok im so pissed now beyond belief.... silk is officially on my boycott list
  15. ya i've spilt my beans on these st00pids ads already..... including that st00pid Subway one....... i emailed Subway about that 1 actually and i got some bullshit email responce "The SUBWAYR Advertising Department works with a Board of Trustees, as well as a national advertising agency and several local advertising agencies, to develop national advertising that tells customers about our great products. In addition, all of our ads are tested with numerous consumers before they are aired to ensure that the overall reactions to the commercials are positive. Our ads are meant to be fun and humorous and it was never our intention to offend." ..... fuckers
  16. their stouts arent and anything else that uses honey in their beers..... other then those molson is vegan
  17. come visit cana-duh we gots the shit up here
  18. that guy l00ks so deformed it aint even funny...... http://img295.imageshack.us/img295/6286/arms3pf.jpg
  19. i hate those kinds of lists....... cuz pam anderson is on all of them and she admits to eating seafood
  20. theres a lot of alternative drs that are such garbage...... i saw a vid of a dr in my area which claimed to cure allergies and he was using 1 of those self massage battery powered thingys....... it was odd
  21. my lord what a fuckin _____ (insert insult here) writer....... just made you l00k like outcasts instead of promoting veganism...... im not even a g00d writer and i coulda pulled something better out of my ass....
  22. ^ i swear before actully l00king at that pic i thought it was an orgy pic lol
  23. you cant filter the ads ..... the ad will be relevant to whatever is on that page...... when i posted about pepsi being banned there were 3 pepsi ads..... and i bet you'll see one now since i posted this
  24. i likes my piss beer thank you very much
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