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Everything posted by endcruelty

  1. i think that goes for a lot of ppl.....including me.... i never really drank the beers that werent vegan anyways (they nasty) or ate a lot of jell-o but it is something you learn along the way....... and im glad i know that stuff instead of being ignorant
  2. lol you guys are fuckin nuts and ya im l00king at 3 ads for pepsi in the g00gle bar lol..... mhmm
  3. did you guys hear???? damn i laughed, this made my night ..... i dont see us westerners following suit anytime s00n but it is funny none the less http://www.newstarget.com/019891.html
  4. lol enjoy http://youtube.com/watch?v=4mPXUuxXwQw
  5. i guess this is entertainment.... anyone have a country on nationstates??? its a reading game where you decide on issues and it changes your country...... check mine out.... it rocks http://www.nationstates.net/angry_vegan
  6. 1. wtf is vegan mcbeth? theres non-vegan ones? 2. old add but g00d none the less at least joaquin seems to realize birds are animals too.....unlike 1 so called vegetarian *clears throat* pam *cough*
  7. that shit woulda pissed me off hardcore....... i woulda done u turns or whatever it t00k to get in front of that truck to stop it....... ffs
  8. is this going on only in the states? because i havent seen anything like this up here heres a small list i've put together http://endcruelty.com/?page_id=12
  9. hope i spelt the guys name right ...... but anyways hes in the pcrm magazine http://www.pcrm.org/magazine/gm06summer/gm06summer.pdf on page 9 and 19..... just search his name thought i'd let you guys know since hes partners (not in a gay way) with rob
  10. http://www.whowantstobeasuperhero.tv/cast/#creature here ya go
  11. shit son you're huge..... d00d what do you eat?
  12. balance what out? lol..... just eat f00d d00d... dont concern so much about what you're eating and balancing and shit, your brain will just get more overworked then needed
  13. if they're laughing at you i just start laughing too and adding a lot of sarcasim to make them l00k st00pid.... like if they say "you cant get protein from plants" then i'd say "ya you're right plants have no protein im surprised im still alive actually" then i'd flex my guns
  14. HAHHAHA i was actually trying to hold my laughter so my mom and aunt wouldnt think im krazy for laughing alone in my r00m..... o man my cheeks hurt now
  15. Why? Some people are just shy or do not want to post for whatever reason. That's their choice. goto the memberlist and choose "sort by username" and choose "ascending" ...... bunch are just morons who register just to increase that database, its pointless.... and some are members from like anti-peta sites who just spy on here to see what everyone is talking about then bashing everyone on their forums
  16. i'd crop any member that havent made even 1 post since joining or made a couple bs posts
  17. i'll just say what i would do and not do..... me personally, no matter how those butterflies died, they still died...... i would never go see an exhibit of dead dogs and cows, so l00king at dead butterflies falls under the same umbrella for me.... to say though that since hes vegan that he shouldnt go, thats a bit wrong, because i'd like to know how many of you drive a car or go on public transit, last time i checked tires have animal bi products in them, so you shouldnt be driving since you're vegan... ya ya you'll say you need to get to work and to see the butterflies you're supporting the death of butterflies, i get that...... we all have different thoughts of how to live as vegans so let it rest there..... he may view it differently then you, tell him your points but dont flame someone just because they're not on the same boat as you ... if you tell him why you wouldnt go instead of flaming him for going, maybe he'd consider not going next time ....... thats it im done
  18. you're f00ling yourself....... heres what free range l00ks like http://www.animalwritings.com/images/free-range-chickens-01-sm.jpg heres some reading for you about free range http://www.peta.org/mc/factsheet_display.asp?ID=96
  19. ok everyone breathe....... *sigh* lets all smile http://img240.imageshack.us/img240/8130/group5et.gif
  20. calves are something you either have or you dont...... ive known people who do calves like everyday and mine were still bigger and i was doing them like once a week..... ive realized they dont really get bigger, ever, just more ripped..... but thats just my expierence
  21. me three gaw??? if they add you as a friend you have to approve or deny.... if you approve the both of you are on eachothers friends list
  22. i added a two of my favs of yours
  23. lol omg .... i can just imagine you just walking down the street with those faces
  24. thanks..... im not webmaster, so i try with what i got .... and ya i have all kinds of junk what better versions you mean? ....... this is my new addition http://www.angryvegan.ca/gallery/angry-vegans couple people you might recognize on that page
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