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Everything posted by mythil

  1. I don't know if anyone gets this, but quite a bit of the time I feel tired, go to bed and then feel far too "awake"
  2. Bruins, grrr! Hehehe I'm a sharks fan myself.. (spoilers if you read on) What annoyed me is that the game for Sharks vs Coyotes was blacked out.. I went to watch the next game instead where I was told that the sharks came back 3/0 down to win the game 4/3.. That PISSED ME OFF!.. I didn't get to see it aww bummer, but I can get behind the sharks, JOEY T! but seriously, let's talk about MArleau, killllin it right now! The sharks are having a really, really good run so far, kinda makes up for the poor showing towards last seasons playoffs. But really Thornon, Marleau and Boyle are doing very well. Also a really good showing by Greiss with a shutout in his first showing
  3. Bruins, grrr! Hehehe I'm a sharks fan myself.. (spoilers if you read on) What annoyed me is that the game for Sharks vs Coyotes was blacked out.. I went to watch the next game instead where I was told that the sharks came back 3/0 down to win the game 4/3.. That PISSED ME OFF!.. I didn't get to see it
  4. Well if you don't know, I am an Ice Hockey fan, but I live in the UK. There isn't much hockey to watch in the UK so I have to watch the NHL via their website, which I pay subscription for. However, they are blacking out games in the UK and you're only allowed to watch them 48 hours after the game is done and there are some games we may not be able to watch them at all. Why? There is only one satellite channel we can watch SOME games on in the UK and practically no one has it.. I'm not paying for a totally new package just to watch games which I'm already paying for. This is really getting on my nerves. I have no other way of watching their games outside of their website and I may end up missing some playoff games which means I'll have to illegally download them if I want to watch them. Great mis-step NHL. From lockout to blackout.
  5. Just wondering, a friend is starting the 5x5 Stronglifts program, want to see how it goes for him. Was also interested to see if anyone here has done it before?
  6. Erg, all week the snow and ice has kept me out of the gym. I need to get a bike or something at home so I can do something if the gym is just not a possibility.
  7. Hi guys, I need a workout to help me, well cut weight yes but I'm carrying too much fat around my stomach and I haven't been able to get rid of it. Apart from my diet, what's a good workout I can do to help get the rest of the weight off?
  8. Can't argue with you on the last point. However, I keep reptiles, more of a snake guy but I have lizards. Also 90% of the reptiles I have are rehomed, taken in because they have medical issues or they were unwanted. Lizards can not eat anything but insects, snakes can't eat anything but dead rats, sooo yea. Don't have much choice on that one.
  9. But domesticated animals aren't wild animals--they've been the domesticated animals they are for ages and are significantly different from the wild species they originally descended from--so there's no wild diet to base their food on. If a domesticated dog was feral, it'd eat whatever it could get its little mouth on. Some of our dog's favourite "foods" are coffee grounds and the sludge left from rotting grass. True yes but that only affects their mental makeup, not their physical. Pets have changed mentally over the few thousand years we've been messing with them but their general physical makeup when it comes to nutrition hasn't really changed much.
  10. I changed the workout around a bit. Mostly because I was getting tired before I got to kendo. While I felt great at the gym I was too tired after to be any good. So I took Wednesday out for extra rest time. I do need to loose a little more fat. It's annoying that my stomach (what's left of it) just wont disappear.
  11. Personally I'm going by the information I know, studied and did courses on. If someone out there has better, scientifically proved information then that's fine, I will throw my hands up and admit I'm wrong However, I always try and feed animals a diet that they would have in the wild.
  12. Well it's why I put the words in " " because A) something had to die for it and B) They aren't totally free. But it works on the same principle as "free range" or "cruelty free" meat that you.. well not you but someone may find in a butcher. You can shop around to try and find non battery, free range, non corn fed animal foods for your dog, be prepared to pay the price for them though. The other option is going to a butcher and making your own dog food from meat and vegetables. Yea I know the above statement kinda goes against what we do but as my original post says, some animals just eat meat and that's the way it is.
  13. Actually I know. I was going to be a vet but bad eyesight made me finish off with animal health and welfare though I still study animals. The insect population is affecting the bat population (which I study). The British bee has been practically extinct since 1930 if I'm correct? We're actually using African bees now? Cool! I work at a bat hospital on the isle of wight, look us up Yeah african bees are used most of the time now, its worth looking into which honey comes from british 'urban bees' I can only imagine its only available very locally Oh I did some studying with the bat conservation trust. I want to work hands on but there were very little opportunities. And I do pop over to the Isles as I'm just outside Portsmouth
  14. Actually I know. I was going to be a vet but bad eyesight made me finish off with animal health and welfare though I still study animals. The insect population is affecting the bat population (which I study). The British bee has been practically extinct since 1930 if I'm correct? We're actually using African bees now?
  15. Here's one or two. Need to take more pictures of the snakes as a lot are missing. http://i158.photobucket.com/albums/t89/mythil/IMAG0006.jpg http://i158.photobucket.com/albums/t89/mythil/IMAG0004.jpg http://i158.photobucket.com/albums/t89/mythil/2010-10-31161803.jpg
  16. I would not put an animal on a non meat based diet. While dogs do need vegetables in their diet (a small amount) their bodies are set up for eating meat and not much else. I take in re-homed reptiles as I have animal welfare/health/nutrition training (I was going to be a vet but bad eyesight stopped me) and specific training when it comes to reptiles and other exotics. Human bodies are perfectly able to be vegan/vegetarian but not all animals are, snakes and reptiles are built for eating insects or in a snakes case dead rats. There is no real way around that, plus soy products can have adverse health effects on animals such as dogs though it's fine for humans. You can get "cruelty free" animal food. I know something had to die to make it, but that's not the dogs fault. We have a choice, the dog does not, that's what it comes down to when I feed my snakes dead rats.
  17. Well for a long time my approach to veganism is to remove everything animal related I can from my life. Some times it's hard as, for example there is some equipment of mine that has a tiny leather component that can't be removed (though I am pushing for a fake leather version). Also if it's a choice between leather or wool, I'll take wool. I know the implications of that but some times choices aren't all easy. You could say that I could choose neither but there is some equipment and items that I can't not use such as padded protective equipment and so on. This brings me on to something else I've been thinking about. I don't use honey as it just seemed a matter of course when becoming a vegan. I was wondering what other people thing of insect related products such as honey?
  18. and another http://www.livestrong.com/article/535946-examples-of-a-vegan-diet/ Nothing negative in this one: http://www.livestrong.com/article/521162-vegan-diet-for-bulking/ and for what it is worth, you know who is mostly vegan and has stepped down from his various positions at Livestrong. Damn, you win umm, the change in my pocket >.> Sorry I didn't have a prize set up >.> I guess it's just all the ones I find then.. Which is odd.
  19. So every so often, when I'm doing a search for information on certain things the website Livestrong.com pops up. Yea we all know who runs it, not really going to go further into that. Well usually if I try and find some information I'm looking for I'll generally read around on the website I found it on. What I've found on the Livestrong wesbite is that, they really like their meat.. No I'm not kidding. Go on the website and try to find one article on veganism, raw food or anything like it that doesn't also include "You're body can only get all of this from animal based foods" or "meat does it better".. Really? No I think I'll set it as a challenge. Go on the website and find an article about veganism, raw food or something like it that doesn't basically tell you that vegetables will never be as good as meat.
  20. Ah I'm going to be having fruit and oat smoothie for breakfast and a veg one (or soup, not too far from the same thing) for lunch or dinner. It's to the point where I have to bulk buy my produce
  21. Well I got a really good Kenwood food processor for Christmas which has a liquidizer for smoothie making on it. One question I have is, when I try to make some things it just cuts the vegetables up into tiny little chunks, not bad... Works better with fruit but still.. Also some times it has a problem in "pulling" some stuff down into it. Should I be adding stuff one bit at a time.. Should I use more water to make it smoother?
  22. In that case, can you get a facon milkshake?
  23. Yes and no. We have markets that come in twice a week to sell vegetables but a lot of their stuff comes off the boat from Africa. There is literally nothing local anymore.
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