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Nathan Nearing

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Everything posted by Nathan Nearing

  1. Yes, it's obvious that you lose energy as you workout, and organizing your workout is important if you want to focus on a certain thing. That being said, what I was getting at is your body doesn't care if you do bicep curls, barbell curls, or whatever. If you are pushing each muscle to the limit and stimulating growth, it will happen. You can't shock muscles by "surprising them". We're talking about two different things here. Again, I shouldn't have made the blanket statement. Yes, you're right about the stabilizing muscles being worked when using free weights as opposed to a machine. That has nothing to do with my comment though. Your body can't be "surprised". That's all I am saying. Trying to confuse your muscles won't break you through a plateau or produce EXTREME MUSCLETECH RESULTS. Good ol' fashion hard work and heavy ass weights does that.
  2. Many quote the "your body can't process more than 40g of protein at a time" line. The reality is that everyone is different, and giving a clear cut answer for that is impossible.
  3. 23.99 at WheyCheap today. If any of you are interested in trying it I'd give it a shot.
  4. I eat Dulse out of the bag and it's great as is. I'm sure it's similar in texture and chew-ey ness. I love it.
  5. "Shocking the body" does not work in cardio or weight lifting. Your muscles only know two things; how to contract and expand. Your body can't tell the difference between the order of the exercises or using a machine versus a barbell (in cardio running outside vs treadmill). Yes, one aids in better form possibly and can prevent injury, but it doesn't "shock" anything in larger or more effective growth.
  6. When I saw the first pictures I was impressed, and when I saw the picture of you in the kitchen I was totally blown away. I had no idea you were the same person, haha. Didn't really look at the username. When I noticed that I was ten times as wowed, haha. Great job man. On a different note, I like the spam above me. It's hilarious how it talks about a senile old women talking about buying warcraft characters in her "most lucid moments". If I was her I'd stick with being insane. It's even more amusing that it came from Clinton's autobiography.
  7. It's not surprising to see an article like that on bodybuilding.com. It just makes me laugh is all. To each their own. They can write all they want, but we're living proof they're wrong. Don't even have to write a counter argument. Just show 'em some pictures of Jimi, Robert and Giacomo and that'll shut 'em up.
  8. Jonathan sent me an e-mail a little while ago outlining the new changes to NitroFusion (soon to be re-released) and what the deal is with PlantFusion.
  9. Are you asking a question or just stating what you will be doing?
  10. I talked with Carl. He inquired with the manufacturer and yes, it is indeed vegan. I'm pretty sure I posted that then immediately talked to Carl, haha.
  11. Had some soreness in my back, went to the doctor's and they told me to lay off the weights for a week. So that's what I'm gonna do. Lower back issues suck.
  12. Go to bodybuilding.com for the creatine. Most of it is $0.02 a serving. It really doesn't matter what brand. There is a thread in general called "Ask A Supplement Store Employee". The B-12 and multi question would be answered better there.
  13. I don't see the obsession with saying "dude he's totally on roids" especially in this context. Point is you don't need drugs to get strong. We don't know the history of these bodybuilders so don't be so quick to discredit their authenticity. Jeff could have easily avoided the drug issue and compete like anyone else. Why would a guy on the gear go out of his way to shoot down steroids? To each their own though. I'm never donig steroids, even if they were proven to be 100% safe.
  14. +1 Ryan. Solid post. Unfortunately I think a lot of guys think you can't compete unless you're on the gear. Then again, it's not like I have examples to prove those people wrong...except http://www.musclehack.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/jeff-willet.jpg Jeff Willet. IFBB pro. http://www.bodybuilders.com/lacour2.jpg Skip La Cour. Natural bodybuilding advocate and Team Universe Heavyweight/Overall Men's Champion. http://tm-mwgl.com/fullsize/t_faic02.jpg Chris Faildo. IFBB pro. http://www.fitnessatlantic.com/images/roncoleman1.jpg And Ron Coleman (not Ronnie). Another natural bodybuilding spokesperson. Tons of super big natural guys out there.
  15. I've tried my hand at overeating and it's just a bad idea. If your goal is to gain solid muscle mass consider two things: 1) It takes time. Why try to rush weight gain? The more you bulk up the more you'll have to cut later. Take it slow and appreciate any gain. 2) One pound of muscle equals about 600 calories. If you wanted to gain 10 pounds (solid) in a year that means you'd need, get this, 24 calories more than what you absolutely need to sustain your current weight. That comes to two bites of an apple more a day.
  16. Saturday's workout. It was tough, especially since I biked to work, biked home, biked to the gym, worked out, then biked back. Oh, and I worked for a total of 10 hours that day. Next workout is legs so I'll have to bus when I do that. Dumbbell Flys 20s x 10 25s x 8 40s x 7 Superset with... Incline Press 110 x 4 Front Raises 25s x 5 Pec Dec 65 x 5 Triceps Extensions 70 x 7 Superset with... Dips 2 3 Supersets kill. Dips after triceps is HARD. And the incline press was tough. It's hard not having a training partner to help me out lately. I like the extra motivation. I'm going to try to keep the same basic structure of the workout but use different exercises each time, trying to keep Bench Squat and Deadlift as reoccuring parts of the program. It's all an experiment right now but I'm feeling good about it. Went four days between workouts, cutting it back to three now. Four was good, but I think my ability to recover is solid at 3-2 days. I'll wait 3 days for legs, then do another cycle of training with three days inbetween. If that goes well, I'll cut it down to 2 days. If that works I'll keep it at there. If I'm hurting, I'll stick to 3.
  17. First time ever. I can't see lifting without doing this every two weeks or so. Great thing is it only costs $25 for an hour and fifteen minutes. Does anyone here get regular massages?
  18. I don't put sets. Each line is one set. It's (lbs.) x (reps). I did three warm up sets for pullovers, but other than that it's all one set (besides shrugs but I used a weight that was too light the first time).
  19. I did HIT today (from the book Heavy Duty) and it was BRUTAL. I went faster than I would have liked, but it was good for a first run. Next time I'll hit the same weights (for most of it) and focus on controlling it through the full range of motion. Pullovers 25 x 12 35 x 10 45 x 8 55 x 8 Superset with... Close-grip Pulldown 120 x 7 Bent-over Barbell Row 75 x 9 Shrugs 70 x 3 80 x 6 Back Extensions 35 x 15 Dumbbell Curls 40 x 4 I started the workout at 5:24 and finished at 5:39. I feel like it was more productive than some of my two hour long sessions at the gym though.
  20. really? Yep. I've talked to the chemists of Ultimate Nutrition, Gaspari, and GNC. All of 'em use Duck Feathers as the source material for L-Leucine. Pig hair isn't uncommon either. You can make L-Leucine from human hair, but I've yet to see a company admit to using such a source.
  21. Today's workout. I think I'm going to try Mentzer's Heavy Duty workout and see how I like it. Right now low volume high intensity feels right for me. Machine Chest Press 50 x 12 70 x 10 90 x 8 130 x 6 140 x 6 Incline Press 110 x 6 120 x 4 Preacher Curls 20 x 12 30 x 10 40 x 8 60 x 3 50 x 5 Dumbbell Curls 50 x 6 55 x 5 55 x 5 Dips 10 7 Triceps Extensions 20 x 12 30 x 10 Triceps Extensions 40 x 8 60 x 2 50 x 6 50 x 6 Wrist Curls 20 x 12 35 x 10 45 x 8 55 x 6 55 x 6 Reverse Wrist Curls 35 x 6 40 x 4 Crunches 125 x 20 130 x 20 130 x 20
  22. This was Tuesday's workout. Forgot to edit/upload the log. I used to log after I finished, now I'm logging during working out. Much easier. I was afraid carrying my ipod around would be bothersome, but it's not. The next one is in order (this may not be) and tracked correctly. Machine Chest Press 50 x 12 70 x 10 90 x 8 130 x 6 130 x 6 130 x 5 Incline Press 110 x 6 110 x 6 Pulldowns 40 x 12 60 x 10 80 x 8 100 x 6 100 x 6 Squat 95 x 10 115 x 8 170 x 6 170 x 6 Dumbbell Row 25kg x 6 20kg x 6 20kg x 6 Leg Extension 90 x 6 100 x 6 110 x 6 Leg Curl 100 x 6 100 x 6 100 x 6 Calf Raise 180 x 6 200 x 6 Barbell Curls 35 x 12 45 x 10 60 x 6 60 x 6 60 x 6 Crunches 120 x 20 120 x 20 120 x 20 Hammer Curls 20 x 10 30 x 8 40 x 6 40 x 6 French Press 50 x 6 50 x 6 Crunches 120 x 20 120 x 20 120 x 20
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