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Everything posted by sydneyvegan

  1. I'm sure that other forum members have thoughts about this, and I don't claim to be an expert, but here are some of my thoughts. 1. Setting a goals in a workout is a good approach. 2. Doing so many sets of one isolation type exercise, risks over working the muscle and is probably not good for muscle growth. It would probably be more likely to build lactic acid tolerance and endurance into the muscles. 3. Mulitple sets of a couple of compound exercises a couple of times a week, plus a couple of sets on arms etc, plus eating well and getting plenty of rest is probably more likely to encourage muscle growth. Anyway, I look forward to seeing your results... Train hard
  2. I use a heaped tablespoon, but I like the bitter taste, so it is very much a personal thing.... Unhulled is better and higher in nutrients. Tahini is high in fat, but is is also has lots of protein, Amino acids, Vitamin E, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium and B vitamins as well.
  3. Temporary Tattoo's hmmm I dunno, sounds a little soft If you change your mind, I can get out the ball point pen and razor blade
  4. I don't like the taste of Rice Protein at all.... That's why I add that Tahini, it hides the Rice Protein and Spirulina taste really well.
  5. It was a couple of years ago when I was riding from Lands End to John O'Groats in the Uk. I was in Scotland and was about 11 days into the journey so I was pretty sore and had a good amount of chaffing to contend with. When I woke up I knew it would be a tough day as it was wet and miserable, so I put my wet weather gear on and started riding. After some gentle hills there was a solid 14 mile up hill stretch, it was then it started sleeting and a head wind came up (I had all my gear in panniers, which tended to act like a sail). At the top of the hill the road flattened out a little and I thought it would be a undulating ride through the highlands. It was then the head wind really picked up, and the sleet got worse, I was riding in low gear, and grinding my way along, I thought it couldn't get much worse. After hours of this I knew I was coming to a really steep 5 mile down hill run, I knew I would have to be careful as it was really slippery and I didn't really want to run off the road into a gorge, but I really needed to give the legs a rest As I neared the top of the down hill I could hear the wind gusting up the valley. As I started down the hill, my bike just stopped! The wind was so strong up the hill that my weight and gravity was not enough to get the bike to roll... After much swearing and cursing I ended up pedalling down a stupidly steep hill all the way to the bottom. At that point I was wet and cold and exhausted, so I called it a day and found somewhere to stay with warm fires and hot showers... I was one of the worse days I have had on a bike. I have other stories but Please Share any similar stories you have.
  6. The Most interesting Karaoke performance I have seen recently, was at a bar here in Sydney. It was during the bell round, so if someone is really bad the audience can yell out and they get kicked off the stage. A guy gets up in his speedo's (swim wear) and proceeds to sing, whilst being quite excited to be there.... The crowd was silent, as no one knew quite what to say. He finished his song and that was it....
  7. This is what I have been making lately. Soy milk Banana Agave Nectar Tahini Spirulina Soy/Rice Protein
  8. I just got a great mental image of you singing to your bowling ball I tend to sing along to dance mixes between sets. I'm not quite Jan Johnston, but it doesn't stop me.
  9. Just a question, The 10 sets on 1 exercise is an interesting approach, What are you looking to gain from doing them?
  10. It's all good, I always look forward to your next cupcake post, they just get better and better... Low fat, and you give them away, yep definitely crazy If I make cupcakes, I tend to eat most of them I'lll have to bring some Aussie receipes with with when I go to VV2007, like chocolate crackles....
  11. It's a bit out of the way, but easy for me. Yeah I'm glad I've been doing this a while, so I don't really need to ask them anything. I would just be nice to get someone to watch me doing power cleans or deadlifts and then get some constructive comments.
  12. More Amazingly looking cupcakes How's a poor gay boy supposed to stay away from junk food temptations, so that he is buff enough to take his shirt off and dance with 20,000 other gay boys at the Sydney Mardi Gras, when people keep posting pictures of yet more awesome cup cakes
  13. Incline Dumbbell Press 3 x 8 x 200 1 x 7 x 200 Machine Chest Press - Decided I wanted something different, sets where completed with different grips etc 4 x 10 x 200 Rope Push Downs 4 x 10 x 120 1 arm push downs 4 x 10 x 60 Tricep Push Downs 2 x 10 x 180 2 x 10 x 200
  14. I'm yet to find an Aussie that makes Cup cakes as amazing as you folks to. I think I should have a case
  15. I'm still looking at flights, trying to make it as cheap etc as possible. There tends to be more flights from the West Coast to Sydney, that's why I was thinking of doing a loop starting and ending on the West Coast. I've not been to the USA before, so it will all be new to me.
  16. I talk to myself quite a bit, not in a loud crazy type way, but more to squeeze out another rep. It tends to be things like "Push it" or if I'm having a bad day, "Come on Fat boy, push it".... I use to do the same when racing Mountain bikes or when doing training rides. The motto then was, Push it to you puke
  17. So can you get a Green card using Cup Cakes as part of the requirements?
  18. I think it will work very well... I'm sure we can find some in Portland.
  19. Low intensity sounds good... Not many hills sounds even better. Hauling my 240lbs butt up hills is not much fun.... Great going doing hills, I just keep on rolling.
  20. I'm thinking around 2 weeks. The rough plan at the moment is, fly to LA, spend a couple of days, fly to Portland, go to the beach house before spending a about a week in Portland, Fly to New York and spend a week visiting a friend who works for the UN, Fly to San Francisco and spend a week with another friend, Fly back to Sydney.
  21. Given that Tigress loves Tattoo's are you booked in for some ink between now and VV2007 Robert?
  22. There is also only 1 or 2 brands of Soy yoghurt that are suitable for vegans here in Australia. From memory Kingsland Soy is one of them
  23. Good Mornings 4 x 10 x 80 Box Squats 1 x 10 x 176 3 x 6 x 220 Incline Leg Press 4 x 10 x 440
  24. My Boss Just signed my leave application for July-August I have 5 weeks, and I can't wait.... The getting Sydneyvegan to VV2007 process is on track and moving in the right direction.
  25. I agree with what all the other good people have said... You can eat quite a bit of fruit and vege without having to worry about the calories. After reading a post by Daywalker I have been varying the number of calories I eat each day (So that no day is really the same) and I have found this really works.
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