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Everything posted by andesuma

  1. Wow...the people on that forum seem kind of confused...
  2. I think I'll probably join, marathon training is coming up in April, and I need to do more to prepare. Also..I need to get more serious about cycling training, since I've been slacking.
  3. The cheapest plane ticket I could find was $450.00 hah.. I'm not saying the price isn't cheap/justified/worth it. it is. It will just be a very long time before I'll be able to ever afford something like that. I also deeply respect and would love to meet the rawies speaking, being/ at the event. They are all vibrant beings. But that is one thing, I dislike very much, about the raw food community.. It's toted/promoted at being this afforable way of living, all of the guru's will talk about how inexpensive buying inseason organic produce is. And if something IS expensive, well.. what is your health worth then, right?? And then every single event that is put together by raw foodists, every single rejuvenation center, culinary arts institute, etc. Is always $300 + $500 + $1000 + $2000 +++ !! I think it's very contradictory. And doesn't end up helping half the people it potentially could. Not to mention the feeling of isolation you can get by being raw, and NOT being able to attend/afford going to social events like this. Anyhow.. I totally think it would be worth it, I would just like to see some diversity when it comes to expenses for events like this.
  4. Someday... when I'm not a broke student, living on my resources; and have $500+ to easily spare....
  5. because it is gentle on the colon. check out the description on www.chakra17.com
  6. I so totally agree.. Most raw gourmet foods are so polarized, either being overly sweet, overly fat, or a mix of everything;and almost all of it is improper food combining. I do love some simple raw "gourmet" foods (like wraps for one..), but I've found over the years, I just want simpler and simpler things. Raw gourmet food should be used for transition and transition only. I find that if I make it too complicated for my body (including even mixing acid fruits with sub-acid fruits sometimes), I end up with digestive issues. It's best kept simple, but it can be difficult getting to that level; and it all takes time. Monow- Try not to overwhelm yourself. You're still fairly new to raw, & I'm sure you're body is still changing and cleaning out, and isn't being overly picky with proper food combinations, yet. Just focus on keeping fruits with fruits. And veggies with veggies. Greens are a different catagory, and combine well with EVERYTHING. (especially great in smoothies, and as salads with nuts or avocado) Try and keep nuts/seeds seperate from everything, they combine with greens, but that's about it. An example of a sweet fruit would be a banana. An example of an acid fruit would be an orange. An example of a sub-acid fruit would be an apple. A way to make this easy on yourself, is to do a lot of mono eating. (such as, eating only bananas until you're full, waiting an hour or so until it is fully digested to eat something else..) Proper food combining is also when you'll notice dramatic changes and improvements in your over all health and well being while being raw. A lot of raw food websites fail to mention that very important aspect of the lifestyle.
  7. I know Victoria Boutenko has a recipe for live gardenburgers, the main ingredient being carrot pulp. I believe the recipe is in "12 steps to Raw".
  8. I agree with Seand. Two of my favorite raw foodies are Jeremy A. Safron and Frederic Patenaude. "The Raw Truth" -by Jeremy A. Safron is what finally convinced me to try the raw food lifestyle. (And do it successfully) I also really like there approaches to the lifestyle and agree with the foods they consider toxic/aka. not good (ie. raw cacao, spicy foods) www.fredericpatenaude.com & www.lovingfoods.com
  9. Absolutely, I've been pretty involved in the modeling world as well as some independent film work when I lived in California. So, I know the scene you're talking about. Also, is it just me noticing this, or does being vegan(especially raw vegan) make people photogenic?? I really think it is linked to the life force energy within us. But I have found that every single vegan/raw vegan I've met, is extremely photogenic. It must be all the bio active produce
  10. Exactly, when you consume animal protein, you are techniquelly consuming second hand protein. A much more difficult one to digest and assimilate. Consuming a wide variety of greens and veggies, will provide you with easily accessible amino acids for your body to utilize.
  11. Whole Foods is an international natural foods market They are located all over the United States. check out this link: http://www.wholefoodsmarket.com/stores/list_allstores.html#fl (There are 8 Whole Foods stores in Florida, 7 in Georgia, & 5 in North Carolina.) Whole Foods carry a wide variety of organic produce options, fresh juice bar as well as many raw food vegan options. (The CEO of Whole Foods is also a vegan ) Better yet.. seek out local COOP's in the areas you'll be visiting. Such as www.lifegrocery.com located in Marietta, Georgia. ____ ____ ____ Also, for restaurant ideas and options, please check out: http://www.happycow.net/why_vegetarian.html here are specifics for the states you mentioned: http://www.happycow.net/north_america/usa/georgia/index.html http://www.happycow.net/north_america/usa/north_carolina/index.html http://www.happycow.net/north_america/usa/florida/index.html Through out all of the travelling I've done across the nation, I have always been able to find organic, vegetarian restaurants in any state. Probably one of the best ways would be to ask locals where you can find some healthy raw foods I wish you luck in your social circles, the way you choose to go about telling others you current evolved and enlightened dietary state of mind and being; is your own. However, never feel you must feel ashamed or embaressed to tell others, you simply don't approve of putting junk into your body. Afterall it is your body. If you feel deeply it will be an issue, at parties or events; bring a veggie platter with homemade dip, bring a fruit salad; make something delicious that you can snack on and that others can enjoy as well. It does not have to be difficult.
  12. Well it's pretty apparent your current diet is not working for you. If the body remains too weak to clean itself out, there is something you're consuming that is getting in the way. A natural, organic, raw vegan diet will definitely help cleanse your system naturally. You could have cooked veggie dinners/steamed entree's for dinner to help with detox. Do you consume canned tuna? Because I've noticed when I've bought it for my cats a few times, 98% of the ones I've found contain "vegetable broth", which is soy. My male cat, Nemo is really intolerant too it (as well as any corn, wheat, etc.), so that's how I noticed. Tuna is also VERY high in mercury content and contaminants, I would really stay as far away from fish as possible. You can get plenty of omega's from other sources (ground flax seeds, nuts, hemp, avocados, etc.) Hope you feel better, hope this info. helps..
  13. My body fat % (I don't think) is too low, and neither is my weight. I've already factored those in as possibilities.. And I do not have the money to afford to get anything checked out. :/ I have read from a number of raw food women this exact thing happening to them as well (such as Tonya Kay), but the belief they have held behind it is that ovulation is still occuring, but the body is clean enough that there is no reason for a period. My periods over the last 4 years of me being raw were always infrequent (ever other month maybe), and light/painfree. Just over this past year they have stopped, and I was just seeking some insight, with the probability of it being a good thing.
  14. Here are some recpies for pate's/dips/hummus: http://www.living-foods.com/recipes/rawhummus.html http://www.living-foods.com/recipes/sunflowerdip.html You can basically just take soaked sesame seeds(soak for 4 hours, or overnight, rinse them well), blend with enough water to make a creme texture, and add whatever spices you like! very simple. also, do you make Guacamole at all?? It's extremely versital and you can also use it as a dressing for salads. As well as raw oils(extra virgin olive oil, flax oil, hemp oil) drizzled with a little celtic sea salt, lemon/lime juice, sprinkled with some sun-dried tomatoes, olives or avocado and cilantro. All extremely good on salads! You can also shred your veggies if you think they are going to be difficult to digest. You don't have to cook them. Plus, your digestive system will become stronger the longer you are raw vegan, because the body builds an enormous strength; after cleaning the crap out. Do you have access to a juicer? Juicing some of your veggies is also an option, and a great energy boost. One of my favorite juices is apple & lemon juice. so yummy.
  15. I agree.. even being whole foods vegan back in the day, I had unbareable periods. Period pain that would leave me bed ridden the entire first day. Granted they were never long, only 3 days, but still very painful. As my diet improved over the years (more and more raw foods) my periods got lighter and better. And after first going raw, I had some pretty amazing cycles that were light and painfree. But now, I don't get my period at all. I haven't for over 6 months. So, I am just curious if this is a good thing or a bad thing. hah Because I've read very contradicting opinions and 'facts'.
  16. I totally agree! this is my take on all the hype about how "amazing" goji berries are. Such as the Kirlian photography done on them to 'prove' there energy force, people need to remember that was probably taken when the berries were FRESHLY picked, not dried/dehydrated and shipped thousands of miles to sit on a health food store shelf/bulk bin for months.
  17. According to my Colon Hydrotherapist, Kombucha gives you gas. I would be wary.
  18. Physically hungry? No, I don't. I mostly just eat for the pleasure of eating. I actually feel more energized without food/minimal food intake. But, I typically do a good amount of weight lifting, running, cycling, poi spinning, hulahoop dancing, and I am also training for my first marathon this year, as well as cycling 250 miles in less than 24 hours. So, the diet I stick to right now fuels me athletically. (hence the hemp protein addition) But I still consume less than 30g of protein per day, I'd say I take in about 20g on average. & I need virtually no recovery time from my activities, I believe protein is very much over-hyped in our society. What you really need is pure oxygen and clean water. Any Hemp I am going to purchase at the health food store is going to be grown in Canada, I cannot escape that. Hemp protein powder is almost always found organic and exclusively raw. (www.livingharvest.com) Sometimes I consume ground hemp seeds or other hemp food varieties. I do try and stay away from processed things, but I suppose it just depends on the process it has endured and if it sits well with my body. I think the perfect balance of Omega 3's & 6's that hemp products provide, is enough to keep it on my list of "quality" foods. I typically make a lot of my own spreads and dinners, just because I love raw food preparation. It's unbelieveable simple and easy to come up with delicious recipes, all you need is a blender. Maybe scan thru some raw vegan uncookbooks (such as The Raw Truth -by Jeremy A. Safron) to get an idea of something simple.
  19. So, what are your opinions? I have read MANY different stories about why some raw women lose there periods, and why some don't. From the fact that it is purely detox, to the fact your body is unbalanced if you DON'T get your period. I would like to know what everyone else has heard on this issue.. and if any other raw women on the form have experienced a pro-longed loss of there period. thanks!
  20. Sure. Bare in mind it is different everyday, but over all.. I tend to eat: Fruits in the AM thru to mid-day, then usually nonsweet fruits (such as bell peppers, cucumbers etc.), along with sprouts. I try not eat a lot of heavy foods, so the most fat I'll have in a day could be a handful of raw/soaked almonds, or seeds & an avocado. I have also been trying to incorporate a lot of fresh juices into my diet as well. Typical day: AM: Water of 1 Young coconut or, fresh fruit/green juice. 2-5 pieces fruit. (I mono eat a lot, it really helps digestion.. like say eating 3 citrus fruits, or 3 apples, etc.) a few hours later... 2-5 pieces fruit. (whatever is in season, and extremely ripe.) PM: Sometimes a large green & fruit/protein smoothie (also for breakfast). Typically with berries, superfoods, & hemp protein. a few hours later... Green leaf wraps(collards, chard, kale, romaine lettuce etc.) with sesame seed pate, julienned bell peppers, cucumbers, tomatoes, sea veggies, lots of sprouts. Gigantic salad, with avocado, olives, or whatever fats I am craving. Guacamole sometimes Check out www.rawfoodmedia.com & www.livingfoods.com for some interesting ideas for recipes. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ysoWaJSlP2Y
  21. I don't eat any of those either, no soy, wheat, gluten, rice, grains, beans, (unless fresh green beans in a salad), no corn. no vinegar, & more recently.. nothing fermented, no stimulants (raw cacao's out), eventually I'd also like to eliminate spicy foods as well.. (garlic, ginger, etc.), since..if you think about it, humans are the only ones that consume these things, animals in nature and even children will strongly reject spicy foods! (currently, I only consume garlic occassionally) Also, it is difficult on the digestive system. I am also raw vegan. And I feel like I eat plenty of food! 99.9% of the food on this earth is raw plant matter, be creative with your options! The basic philosophy behind my diet, is to not consume anything that has gone thru some unnatural process. Which also means limited to/no consumption of dehydrated foods. My best advice would to be learn as much as you possibly can about proper food combining, and maybe try a colonic of two Good luck!
  22. Juicing and Blending. Juicing provides more nourishment for your body that anything else. There are also thousands of varieties of smoothies you can make, they are great for breakfast! Raw foods are actually immensely easier for your body to digest than cooked food, because all digestive enzymes are intact. Your body is able to spend it's digestive energy elsewere, and even more so when you're juice fasting, etc. You will run into problems if you overeat and gorge yourself on nuts.
  23. I went out of town for seven days recently and It was tough. I went to my home town in Southern Utah after about day four I was getting super anxiety. I ate three lara bars at once and was not satisfied. I think that it was just because I knew that my "support" system was gone. Nice health food stores, food dehydrator, food processors,etc. the next time I travel I'm planning a head and bring a lot stuff with. Let me just say... that, anywhere human beings really want to travel to.. (meaning, not Antarctica for one..), there WILL BE PRODUCE! Produce is everywhere. enjoy being a raw fooder and eating the many varieties of locally grown produce in the region that you are visiting! All the tastes, sensations and nutrients will vary, enjoy the journey instead of feeling so constrand. Just my opinion though
  24. Maybe? Not sure, I have some issues going on right now that are not entirely within my control. Such as, I am currently without a vehicle.
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