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Everything posted by andesuma

  1. I totally understand, I have had poor colonic experiences (unfortunately it was my first), and very good ones as well! I have a positive relationship with my colon hydrotherapist, and she does reiki/energy transfer/massage on me while giving me the colonic. It is the gravity centered method, which is very relaxing and mellow, compared to the plastic tube(if that is what you've experienced).. They are like night and day experiences.
  2. Most of what will dislodge impacted waste from your colon, is your diet. Colonics just assist the body in the removal of it. Eating a raw foods diet, continually releases toxins, so getting colonics regularly for a number of years in the beginning, is a good goal to go for. Just listen to your body. & You'll know when you should get them
  3. The ONLY place in Portland that does the Gravity Centered Method colon hydrotherapy is Chakra 17, I see Kristen there: www.chakra17.com They also have a male, if that is more comfortable for you.. They cost about $75.00 Also, salt water flushes are completely different from colonics, like enemas are different from wheatgrass colonics, etc.. They all accomplish different things. Colonics go deeper than any other method I know. And are a very emotional experience.
  4. My body does not like nuts. Dried, soaked, sprouted, whatever. it has a very life draining/non-digesting effect on me. At least, at this current place in my raw life. So, I should not be consuming them. But I am, for heaviness, to fall asleep easier.. since fruit wires me up too much right now. But it's just not good for my body, it doesn't like them. Isaac & or anyone who's done the Master Cleanse Would is be ok for me to substitute the Maple Syrup for Agave Nectar (dark, "raw") ??? It also has minerals, and isn't high glycemic like maple syrup is (which can cause sugar cravings), so I'd rather stay away from it...
  5. Because I have a lot of produce I need to go thru first ; ) I don't want it to go bad, plus I know hardly anything about the master cleanse.. so I'll need some guidance. I have been going thru general weird/annoying detox lately, making me very antisocial, probably due to my over consumption of nuts to counter detox. so bad! Anyhow, I know my body needs a fast. a break. Is there a limit to how long you can go, or recommended amount of days?
  6. Congrads on the spring cleaning you guys! Definitely lots of cleansing fever in the air.. Which is good! Cleanses & fasts should take place with the change of seasons! Lately my body has been saying all systems go for a cleanse, so I think I'll be joining you guys on Sunday/Monday, if you don't mind? I'll definitely need some assistance, since I haven't tried the Master Cleanse before...
  7. All I have to say is... I hope you have a colonic waiting for you at the end of it. Fruits are insanely detoxifying, and half the time it will just loosen up a lot of old compacted waste, and could retoxify your body if you don't make sure it is removed. Eating only fruits is very ambitious, also, if you're not use to raw.. you won't be providing yourself with much balance/or be grounded. Anyhow, either way; listen to your body. And consider a colonic afterwards to remove old debris.
  8. thanks I do know what I am talking about, 110% of the time.. I swear. hah For me now, it's just a matter of coming to terms with when and how long I am going to go without food, and what I'll consume in that time frame. I know my body well enough, to know what will nourish me the most. It is a long road to get to this point, but I am so grateful to have the profound knowledge and insight I do about myself, and raw foods ingeneral. I was thinking of doing another water fast, if I save up enough to go to a raw retreat sometime. Sounds ideal. Also, I wanna join the Master Cleansing on Monday!! That will be perfect, although I might have to modify what I consume, I don't think I can go 10 days without GREENS..(juiced), hmm.... we'll see
  9. Colonics run anywhere from $70-110 they can be pricey. Which is one reason I don't get them more frequently.
  10. It's definitely not easy, I would say after two weeks is when things change, after that, it's really just strange to consume foods.. I was traveling a lot (well, my mother was driving most of the time), I was in my adolescence, and was seeking something that would help with my self-discipline, help me control food cravings, etc. (I was whole foods vegan at this time, but still had issues with foods, as most girls that age do...) I didn't have any spiritual intentions with my first 30 day water fast, but I would like to with my next. I didn't find it extraordinarily difficult after some time, I probably could have gone longer... but I do think I lost too much weight, and towards the end, had hardly any energy. But, it built the life long discipline, and the deeply ingrained belief.. that I can really do anything. Now, I am more interested in juice cleanses, maybe another water fast sometime.. when I am away from the chaos.
  11. Well.. thanks! haha, granted though, I did not do the fast with any positive intentions necessarily, sort of a personal decision. I was traveling the country a lot at the time, so.. mostly all I had to worry about was getting water into my system. I took hot baths and relaxed a lot, felt low in energy, but wasn't concerned with friends/family/work, or anything else of that matter at the time. I had no obligations or stressors, I was traveling. I was also, not raw vegan at the time, I was whole foods vegan. It was definitely a learning experience, you build an enormous amount of discipline & enlightenment doing something like that. & I wouldn't mind doing another one, someday. I think I need to get some more cleanses down first though..
  12. hah..I've never done an enema on myself before.., maybe one day. currently I am too lazy, and would rather pay to have someone else clean me out. But, just make sure when you get a colonic, that it is the gravity centered method, NOT a machine/plastic tube. Those are no good, are extremely uncomfortable, and can back you up further.
  13. The raw food lifestyle & colonics go virtually hand and hand, so... Has anyone else on this forum experienced colonics? I have had several, and today I had my second two hour session, most people can only handle up to an hour. A lot of old, nasty things, came out today. All and all though, I've had very mellow colonics, nothing super unpleasant. Just discomfort when new waste is dislodged, and then removed from my system. I've had some deeply seeded demons removed, and I feel amazing now. Changes I've noticed since getting colonics: - overall change in attitude and lightness. - emotionally, I feel like a new/better/different person everytime - all changes revolve around deep seeded emotions, & the freeing of these - my colon is definitely stronger - increased immunity - overall glow/feelings of euphoria/colonic high Also, getting colonics (especially when you're raw, or have just improved your diet..) eliminates the bodies cravings for toxic stuff. (ie. cooked foods, especially starches, sugars, etc.) Because that compacted waste is removed from the system, and the body is allowed to heal because it is gone, instead of.. in spite of it being there. It also shows me, everytime I go in for one, that once you think you're clean, you're not! And according to my colon hydrotherapist, never will be; you'll always be releasing something impacted from years ago. (especially if you're eating high raw, because you detox like crazy) Well, I feel great. I was just curious if any other raw fooders have had these? And if not, WHY not??
  14. I totally agree Bigbwii, 100% is something to strive for.. sometimes in our modern world it can take on many forms though. Someone else's definition of "100%", could not be own, in fact. Detox can be tough, and it can pop up when you least expect it, I would say it's uncomfortable, but as long as you endure, you'll be healthier and healthier after each time. & I absolutely agree with cooked foods addictive (un?)nature... I use to be such a sugar and starch addict, I cannot believe how far I have come with that... I cannot believe in severals years, I have lived without peanut butter sandwiches, tempeh, toasted bagels with soy butter, pastas, lasagna, etc. After the initial withdrawels, I've never wanted to touch the stuff. Most people are so in love with there pleasures/addictions though, they get defensive if you try to even provide the notion they are addicted.
  15. Caution: Below will be the most delicious and sweet raw ice cream recipes you can imagine. Consume in small quantities and at your own risk! This is intense! Two friends and I had a "Coconut ice cream" party on Friday night, here are the recipes for what we created: Carrot-Coconut Ice Cream slightly sweet, but very carrot tasting, very good! Meat (and water) of 1-2 young coconuts (depending on thickness) 12 oz. freshly juiced carrot juice 2 teaspoons Raw honey (or sub. w/ Pure Maple Syrup, Agave Nectar, 2-4 pitted dates, or stevia) We blended the ingredients and put it into an ice cream maker. You can also add ice, about 4 cups are needed. * Raw Vanilla Ice Cream delicious! Great for banana splits... Meat of 3 young coconuts 1 tablespoon pure vanilla beans (I accidently used an entire vanilla bean! so..maybe use about half of one) 1/2 cup pure maple syrup (or sweetness sub.) 4 cups ice cubes Blend in a high speed blender. And add ice cubes to get desired consistency. * You-Must-be-Kidding Chocolate Sauce 1 cup pure maple syrup 6 tablespoons pure cocoa powder (Black & Greens cacao powder is very potent stuff!) Blend in a blender. Serve with long stem strawberries for dipping, or pour over Vanilla Ice Cream with bananas and walnuts, for a classic banana split! (Which is what I did, and is AMAZING) Some of these recipes came from: The Raw food Detox Diet -by Natalia Rose Enjoy!
  16. There are different kinds of 'fasts'... the only true "fast", is a water fast, which is what I have done, for 30 days. Nothing but water. I am more interested in veggie juice fasting these days. I also need something that will energize me, since marathon training is quickly approaching, I cannot be running on water. So, I was thinking 2 weeks blended foods (fruit/green smoothies), and then 2 weeks + veggie/fruit juices, and to break the fast, one week of fruits only. But I think that's probably what I'll do. Not sure yet. Also, Monow -- you can purchase a body brush at any health food store, a loaf works well too. It's basically scrubbing all of the dead cells off of your skin, as well as increases blood circulation. (You detox 2-5 lbs of waste from your skin everyday! It's your largest organ. so, taking care of your skin, sweating, and body brushing, are really important things..)
  17. I remember meeting him! at none other than, the beautiful Proper Eats. He was really nice & Robert, that second photo of your forearm is SCARY! But, I really love the third photo
  18. In addition to what's already been said... If nothing else, try and eat as natural as possible. Minimally processed foods, the more raw the better. Also, always eat raw foods before cooked foods. (ie. a salad before dinner, fruits throughout the day, snack on carrots and cherry tomatoes before lunch, etc.) Maybe even start out with one or two vegan meals per week (if your family is involved, or knows) Be creative and have fun with it! This is a lifestyle of enjoyment..
  19. this is where I get mine done http://www.chakra17.com/therapies.asp?loc=w I haven't had any experience with the Master Cleanse, though I'd considered it, maybe we should have a Master Cleanse group/time or something with a few people on the forum?? I have fasted for 30 days before, so I think I could do it. I am interested in juice fasting also, possibly on Green Lemonade (similar to the Master Cleanse lemonade, only with greens, which I think would be better for the body)
  20. this is your body releasing toxins, probably ones from long ago... this is why colonics are amazing. I dance forever after I get one. love love love them
  21. Congrads!.. Just make sure you're taking the steps to fully eliminate toxins from your system. Enemas, colonics, body brushing, saunas/sweating, sun light.. etc. Will all help your body become lighter and aid your eliminative organs. I was "high raw" (~90% +) for a number of years before being "100%" (don't let the dogma get to you, eat what feels right for your body.) Here is something I just posted in another topic: ____________________________________________________________ Raw food is intense. Being raw is intense. You can do someone's system a lot of harm, if they detox too quickly, and end up having insufficient elimination of these toxins (by reabsorbing the toxins) I don't think this should be taken as lightly as someone just going vegan for 30 days, or so... People can get sick(detox), have serious detox symptoms, and end up with a variety of other issues if they go too quickly into it. I have been raw (nearly 100%) for almost 4 years now, and I STILL experience detox symptoms that are unpleasant. Because not only are you detoxing from pharmacuticals/aspirin/diet pills/ soda/sugar, etc. , you're also detoxing cooked food from your system. Which goes back to when you were a baby. It is intense. I feel if there are going to be serious restrictions with this challenge, there also needs to be holistic eliminative approaches taken as well; such as colonics, enemas, body brushing/exfoliation, saunas, etc. Raw foods do you no good, if you don't fully eliminate the toxins they release into your system. You are truely awakening old demons. My recommendation would be to make it a high-raw challenge, and include some cooked foods, to avoid shocking the system with "100%" Also, I don't think it should be longer than 2 weeks (that is long enough to experience results, but do no harm in the process), anyone can go longer if desired. I cannot stress enough... You really need to allow your body to adjust to 'high-raw' for a number of years before just diving into the deep end of the raw food pool. Having 100% raw food label, does not mean you're 100% healthy; this lifestyle is a lot more involved than that.. (hah, sorry to ramble off... )
  22. Raw food is intense. Being raw is intense. You can do someone's system a lot of harm, if they detox too quickly, and end up having insufficient elimination of these toxins (by reabsorbing the toxins) I don't think this should be taken as lightly as someone just going vegan for 30 days, or so... People can get sick(detox), have serious detox symptoms, and end up with a variety of other issues if they go too quickly into it. I have been raw (nearly 100%) for almost 4 years now, and I STILL experience detox symptoms that are unpleasant. Because not only are you detoxing from pharmacuticals/aspirin/diet pills/ soda/sugar, etc. , you're also detoxing cooked food from your system. Which goes back to when you were a baby. It is intense. I feel if there are going to be serious restrictions with this challenge, there also needs to be holistic eliminative approaches taken as well; such as colonics, enemas, body brushing/exfoliation, saunas, etc. Raw foods do you no good, if you don't fully eliminate the toxins they release into your system. You are truely awakening old demons. My recommendation would be to make it a high-raw challenge, and include some cooked foods, to avoid shocking the system with "100%" Also, I don't think it should be longer than 2 weeks (that is long enough to experience results, but do no harm in the process), anyone can go longer if desired. I cannot stress enough... You really need to allow your body to adjust to 'high-raw' for a number of years before just diving into the deep end of the raw food pool. Having 100% raw food label, does not mean you're 100% healthy; this lifestyle is a lot more involved than that.. (hah, sorry to ramble off... )
  23. Yah, I've noticed similar things.. , but being raw, I mean... I can train for nearly 8 hours(cycling generally), and NEVER be sore. My recovery time is unbelievably short. (I typically wake up at 3-4am for work, so that gives you an idea of how much sleep I run on..) I am definitely more into endurance sports, but I absolutely love lifting weights... a lot. And a lot has to do with the fact I progress really quickly with it, I get really strong without bulking up... I am close to 500 lbs with leg presses, I am currently on gym hiatus because of a cycling incident/injury -- but I'll be back at it next week. & lets just say, 500lbs is nearly 5x my body weight! and I am 5' 5"
  24. It's just a term I made up to describe the vast amount of women who consume dairy products & think it is healthy/going to make them lose weight. But more specifically... my definition of a dairy body is: Slight excess of body fat, like a small layer of blubber covering the muscles; notice it especially clings to the arms and thigh/butt area.., (like women that have untoned arms, and "cottage cheese" thighs) All of this is from a poor diet, & more predominantly caused by dairy consumption. The sad thing is... these women workout A LOT, and get no where because of their diets. I just call any body part I see like that.. "dairy arms", "dairy legs", etc. My friend Donald fully understands this, because his wifes 'dairy body' melted away after she went vegan
  25. thanks I'm impressed, that you're impressed. It is pure raw food energy & strength. I find it pretty amazing what (moderately)light weights some of these big guys at the gym can do.. Speaking of clothing though... I need to get some from www.runningdivas.com I think I should get the one that says "freakishly strong" on the front.. Because I totally don't look my strength.
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