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Everything posted by andesuma

  1. I consume RAW honey. (local, organic, from my friends that make a livelyhood from there beloved bees, they would never harm them; ) I also consume flower/bee pollen. (it is a superfood, and perfect nutritionally for the human body.) Raw honey is full of PLANT enzymes, and is incredibly healing; http://www.newstarget.com/021506.html (However, if it is conventional pasterized honey, it is worthless & toxic.) Thru out my vegan life (12 yrs. +), I have always been iffy on the honey subject, I never intentionally bought or consumed it though. But I do currently purchase raw honey every once in awhile. I think the question should be..is consuming raw, local, honey helping spread bee populations? I believe so, it also helps farmers, and farms near by. (Since the bee populations in the USA have declined by over 90% recently, it is important that we take this into account..)
  2. same here! I LOVE it when I am doing bicep curls, or working on my arms or back, and I am standing next to a big guy that's lifting less weight than me.. haha..I feel so strong when that happends. Also..I am saving my vegan gear for when I can leg press 500+ lbs. I am soo close! I also notice at the gym, especially in the cardio areas, I am usually the only toned girl there that doesn't have a "Dairy body", which I'm sure you all know what I am talking about... My friend Donald was surprised at how rock hard my triceps are..hah, no dairy arms for this girl!
  3. I have been making amazing smoothies with it lately. (it makes me feel extraordinary) My power smoothie yesterday: 16 ounces filter water 1 tablespoon liquid chlorophyll 1 handfull alfalfa sprouts 3 lacinato kale leaves 2 scoops hemp protein powder 1 tablespoon Vitamineral Green (www.healthforce.com) 1 cup fresh blueberries 1 1/2 cups frozen blueberries 1 banana 2 teaspoons Raw honey I think that was all... Anyhow, it was the most profound/powerful smoothie I have made in a long time. Try it! It is delicious!
  4. I am attending a "Raw Coconut ice cream" making get together tomorrow... I have one mature coconut, and one young coconut so far. (I found some very good ones, but there supply was low..) I'd like to show up with about 5 young coconuts, if possible. We are making carrot coconut ice cream, vanilla and strawberry.. Yum! What a beautiful way to spend my Friday night...
  5. Well..I do know that root veggies are 'supposedly' poorer nutritionally speaking, at least, in comparison to their green(stems). And I do notice, since I went thru that fruitarian spurt, I don't ever want/crave carrots/starches anymore, I grew up loving (raw)carrots... so, it's really strange for me to not be consuming a bag or two of them a day now.
  6. So, I've been studying a lot about Living Nutrition lately.. which I believe, means you leave out starchy things, such as .. carrots and bananas. But I haven't found any reasons as to why. (In an interview I read, Juliano states he doesn't consume these because they are "disacorides") Soo...I'd love some more input on this subject, if anyone is familiar with it..
  7. Here is what the Raw Food Resource Guide, by Jeremy Safron has to say about freeze dried stuff: Spirulina Most spirulina is freeze-dried. This breaks open the cell wall (due to water expansion), increases the digestibility, and makes spirulina more absorbable. This freeze-drying process does destroy the life force (the ability to grow and create more life). A few companies sill solar-dry their algae. Freeze-drying is considered raw by most, and so is spirulina. Nuts and Nut Butters There is a huge question about how nuts and seeds are dried. Many seeds such as sesame are hulled using steam. Some places still machine hull. Nuts must be dried before selling, and many companies dry in kilns and ovens at well over 200 degrees F. Nut butters that are made from "raw" nuts are sold as raw even if the nut butter making equipment heated up well over 200 degrees F. Truly raw nuts are usually freeze-dried.
  8. I agree.. , it just seems as though he is negative/has to correct everything in nearly every post I make/or comment I make.. If there was some form of smiley face or something to indicate a joke/or dry humor, I wouldn't care.. but there never is. It's always something. It's like.. the positive can't just be stated, it can't just be a nice comment. There always has to be a "but.." Even though I thought I was clearly joking/not being serious when I said fruit was for raw vegans/fruities..
  9. Fruit is for everyone. Wow I would have thought you picked up on me being silly, hence using the word "aint" in the sentence. I am fully aware of that, but of course, thanks for pointing it out...........
  10. Eating a good amount of dehydrated raw foods, is usually a transitional thing. Plus you generally have to drink a lot of water with them anyway, or rehydrate them before consumption... So, in my opinion, purchasing a dehydrator is a waste of money, and time. You can use your oven. check out: www.lydiasorganics.com for amazing dehydrated treats!
  11. The book that scared me the most about raw foods/made me extremely intimidated by the lifestyle was: RAW: The Uncookbook -by Juliano (definitely not the best choice for someone's first raw experience.) The book that made me feel comfortable with raw foods, the transition, the lifestyle, and made it seem effortless to me was: The Raw Truth -by Jeremy A. Safron (amazing book! it explains everything, and has incredibly delicious, simple, not-two-pages-long-worth of ingredients.. recipes!) My favorites currently are: Eating in the Raw -by Carol Alt The Raw Detox Diet -by Natalia Rose The Raw Food Resource guide -by Jeremy Safron, (any book by him is brilliant) There are many others, but that's what I can think of for now...
  12. That's right... fruit ain't just for us raw vegans & fruitarians anymore... Spain: Fruit power plans for cars The Spanish region of Valencia has plans to turn orange pulp and peel into bioethanol to fuel its cars, a regional government member said on Wednesday. "We have a car plant...and we have the oranges," Esteban Gonzalez, head of planning and housing for the regional government, told a conference on climate change. The region grows 4m tonnes of oranges a year and its existing five juice plants produce 240 000 tonnes of waste that could be turned into ethanol. With another new juice plant planned, waste output will rise to 500&nn000 tonnes, Gonzalez said. "Experience in California shows that would be enough to produce 37.5m litres of bioethanol," he added. Mixing plant-based ethanol with regular petrol is a means of reducing emissions of carbon dioxide (CO²), the main greenhouse gas responsible for global warming. Spain, with the rest of the European Union, has a goal of replacing almost 6% of transport fuel with bioethanol or oilseed-based biodiesel by 2010 as part of its efforts to curb climate change. Gonzalez said the region wanted to back an orange-to-ethanol project and would pay for a distribution network for the ethanol produced if the private sector failed to do so. He did not say how far the Valencia government had gone in discussing the plan with Ford , which has a large car production plant at Almusafes on the Valencia coast. Source: wheels24.co.za
  13. You can, I use to put a handful in my morning berry smoothies... But they are acid forming. So, soaking them first, would be advised..
  14. Breatharians DO exist. But the actual concept of the belief.. is you do consume small amounts of produce, just not half as much as a typical raw fooder. At least that is my understanding of it.
  15. My friend Don use to have chronic sinusitus (??.. ), it went away when he went vegan. So, dairy for sure. Other culprits could be corn, wheat/gluten, soy, etc. (Mostly any food you consume on a regular basis for years, your body can develop an allergy to, and produce massive amounts of mucous to protect itself..) I would say, tell her to go raw vegan. But definitely trying an elmination diet for awhile would help, I never knew I felt like sh*t when I consumed soy, wheat, or corn.. until I took them out of my diet...
  16. These are the kinds of things that happen to rawies, like myself.. My second job, in my early adolescence, was at a veggie/vegan cafe, called Blue Katz.. it was the funkiest, most rhythmic exciting job ever. The place was incredibly trendy, popular, and in an admirable part of Salt Lake City, UT; a town called Sugarhouse. I was saddend the day that cafe closed. But, in it's place.. has spawned something even more magical and influencial! http://www.omarsrawfood.com/ This is the exact location I use to work at! & I even saw that Miss Tonya Kay visited there, and gave an excellent review when passing thru. (I believe the article is in the latest VegNews) I just thought this little something was worth sharing
  17. thank you and.. the pine nuts at my local CO-OP are grown in CHINA that is a bit too far for me to make pesto with them I try and purchase foods grown as regionally local/closest to me as possible. Also, I am the same way with soy products, I notice I can have some in minut amounts, but it still messes with me. I think it's all about the process the food has gone thru.
  18. Very much worth reading! http://www.rawfoodchat.com/forums/raw-food-interviews/ My favorites are: Jeremy A. Safrons, Natalia Roses, Carol Alts and of course, Julianos interviews..
  19. I agree it is a cleansing process.. I think next year, to avoid this, I am going to go "liquidarian" or at least "blend all of my raw food-arian", for the Winter months. My digestive fire has been so lowsy lately. It has been for a month or more.. lots of circular motions help(hulahooping, poi spinning, cycling) But it seems like my body just doesn't want to digest anything. It wants a break. Anyhow, that might explain why you're under the weather now. I definitely believe it is the body telling you something... Proper food combining will absolutely help! Try and eat mostly fruits, light early in the day, heavy(avocados) at night. Allow around 2 hours for fats/proteins to completely digest. And give everything else in your stomach at least an hour to digest, before adding something else. Also, remember, greens combine with everything!
  20. I am cycling all day tomorrow (starting "official training".. doin the STP) anyhow... Maybe next weekend? I need to plan my life in advance. or..maybe we all(VV) could camp outside the Tofurky building??
  21. Hood River is so beautiful/peaceful! I love going for runs around there. (good for inclines/hills/stairs) I also go cycling there (or around Mosor tunnels) as well. Visit Mothers Vegetarian grocery!! There produce is AMAZING, they care about it soo much.. it all has very good energy. Plus, you can get fresh juices and wheatgrass shots! They have very impressive raw food options for there size/location as well. I <3 Mothers.
  22. Ok..here's what I had today: Morning: Breakfast smoothie (which is always different): 8-14 oz. filtered water 1 soaked/pitted Medjool date 1 banana a few slices of fresh mango 1/2 cup frozen strawberries 1 cup frozen blackberries 2 scoops Hemp protein handful of green lettuce 2 lacinato kale leaves 1 tablespoon Healthforce Vitamineral Green Makes about...30-40 oz. of smoothie goodness. also, seperately 2 apples (Golden delicious, and Empire) Day time snacks: 1-3 more apples 1 banana handful of raw almonds Mid-day-- Evening meals: 1: Collard Green wraps: with.. Living Spoonfuls sprouted hummus, sweet pepper & basil mesclun thinly sliced red cabbage diced tomato alfalfa & mung bean sprouts & avocado inside. 2: Macadamia nut Pesto on top of pumpkin seed flax crackers with tomatoes.(about 3-5 of them) 3: Dried flax bread, topped with avocado and tomatoes. (approx.2, this bread is expensive! $8.50 for about 4 pieces. it contains Himalayan salt though ) also.. 1-2 apples (Breaburn, Fuji) I usually eat a larger variety of fruit, but today was apple day. haha And, I definitely don't eat so much dehydrated stuff.. but today felt more heavy for me.
  23. I had some left over from my nut mylk.. so this is what I did with it today: Made Pesto! I used the recipe in Dining in the Raw by Rita Romano (I tweaked it for my own personal taste though) Ingredients: 1 cup raw macadamia nuts (or any raw nuts really) 3-4 cloves garlic 1/2 cup parsley (I used italian) 1/2 cup basil 1 cup spinach (stems removed) Juice of one lemon Braggs to taste (which I don't consume, and used celtic sea salt instead) I also added about a teaspoon of Udo's Choice Blend. Blend up in blender adding enough filtered water to make sauce. This made sooo much pesto! I've been eating it with herb/pumpkin seed crackers topped with roma tomatoes. !!!
  24. The other day I had a lingering craving for CEREAL. (haven't had any in years and years) So, I decided to make some. : I went to my local CO-OP , and bought some raw, sprouted, grainless, Ezekiel almond granola (located in the bulk section). (You can also make this, or anything dehydrated, with your own oven at home! Check out great recipes, in books like... "Dining in the Raw" -by Rita Romano "The Raw Truth" -by Jeremy A. Safron "12 Steps to Raw" -by Victoria Boutenko or check out websites, like www.eatraw.com or something like this.. http://www.naturalzing.com/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=51 ) I also love this website: http://www.living-foods.com/recipes/ ________________________ _______ How to make my Macadamia Nut Mylk: 1 cup(overflowing) raw macadamia nuts, (I soaked them in water for about 20 min. , tho you don't have to.) 2-3 cups filtered water 3 & 1/2 Medjool dates (pitted, and soaked for 1 hour, also one cup of the water I used in the recipe was date soaking water for extra sweetness) Blend in high speed blender/or Vita Mix until creamy/liquid consistency. You can strain thru a nutmilk bag/strainer, or not. It's up to you. (This makes over half a blender full of mylk! Enough for 3-5 servings at least.) Macadamias make the perfect nut mylk. They blend perfectly. It's pure white, and the sweetness was subtle, and perfect! It lasts for about 3-4 days in the refrigerator. Having this mylk, with the granola, and sliced bananas on top was probably the most beautiful thing imaginable.
  25. I can only consume about 3 bananas a day, or it seems to make me feel sluggish/not good. Apples on the other hand. I think I average at about 6 a day... I think my main source of calories comes from apples..hah I am really trying to have some variety, but nothing makes me feel the way an apple does. The are neutrally sweet and crisp, very refreshing.
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