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Everything posted by Sknydpr

  1. Well, I kinda like the Dalai Lama, even if he was talked out of his vegetarianism. He's still only human, after all.
  2. Her resumé says she has 21 body piercings... I totally gotta meet this girl... I'm sorry... What were we talking about?
  3. Today is the birthday of both Peter Singer, author of Animal Liberation, and Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama.
  4. I don't know if you are joking or not, but I somewhat agree. I am entirely serious. Eating animal flesh doesn't kill you outright, and many omnivores live to a very ripe, old age. People who are vegetarian only for their health, and tell you so with their noses high in the air, make me insane. Their little lives, spent doing nothing more than creating more humans and consuming resources, are more important than the animals' lives?! I don't think so. I'm only a little misanthropic, I swear.
  5. I would NEVER go to these lengths for something as trivial as my health.
  6. If you could get all the Californians out of there, I'd live in San Diego for certain. It has the best year-round climate I've ever experienced. I was stationed there in the early 80's. Without unrealistic prerequisites, I'd have to say that I was most comfortable (politically, socially, and climate-wise) in Portland, OR. But my first choice would be Skinnydipperland! Entirely libertarian, 80 degrees year round, never rains when you're riding your motorcycle, and clothing is always optional.
  7. OOOOOO! More butt. I am NOT a sexist!! I still prefer the other cheeks. Did I mention that I am not a sexist?
  8. I definitely vote for Tonya's butt. Are you even in the picture?
  9. You're on a computer, you have a really big calulator right of front of you. 1440. I love naps, but no longer have the time for them.
  10. Getting arrested is often the point. Civil disobedience is a highly effective tool.
  11. Cool, thanks. I'd kind of thought it was having a positive effect, but it's nice to have things confirmed.
  12. Batman Begins kicked ass, btw. Definitely the summer blockbuster so far. Let's see if Spielberg remembered how to entertain people, when War of the Worlds comes out.
  13. Hey, thanks for replying! I think you're thinking of the reverse-pyramid, at least how I understand it. What I've been doing, and calling the pyramid method, is starting light for 12 reps, ending heavy (fourth set) with six reps. So, for example, I do: 12 reps at 75# 10 reps at 85# 8 reps at 95# 6 reps at 105# Like I said before, it may just be the extra set that I'm doing now, but I am definitely feeling the effects.
  14. I watch lots of movies, 3 to 5 a week usually, but mostly on DVD. The best thing I've seen in a theater lately was Crash (not the David Cronenburg one), the worst was Revenge of the Sith. I am still pissed off at George Lucas for that one . I'm going to see Batman Begins this weekend and am pretty excited. The best movie I've seen on DVD recently was Baadasssss! which was a movie by Mario Van Peebles about his dad's efforts to make one of the first independent black films. The Merchant of Venice was great, Al Pacino can do anything. On the more entertaining side of the scale, Blade Trinity and Iron Monkey were both pretty fun.
  15. 'It's okay, we're only killing a few.' You're not listening, we don't think you should be killing ANY. We're concerned about individual suffering, not species extinction. To most people, animals are only valuable if they can be used for human means. *sigh*
  16. Hey, I just learned about these and incorporated the pyramid method into my workout this week. I'm definitely feeling a difference, but that also could be just because I'm doing an extra set of everything now. Does anyone have any advice on which is more effective, or do they even make any real difference as opposed to just simply lifting my max for a certain number of reps and sets? Thanks.
  17. And Free Willy, and Teenage Mutant Ninjas II (mostly in a blimp hangar, though), and recently The Ring 2. I was transferred to Astoria shortly after Kindergarten Cop came out, and was there while Free Willy was being filmed. I loved how the kid in that is seen crossing a bridge in Portland, then shortly after arriving at his house in Astoria 90 mountainous miles away. I didn't/don't like The Goonies, though. Don't hate me.
  18. Hey Robert, I lived on the coast, near Seaside, for 3 1/2 years in the early 90's, and spent a lot of time in Portland. I love and miss that part of the state, but I may be moving back in a couple of years after my fiancé graduates from college. She hates the heat here in Houston. I don't mind the heat, and I enjoy Houston for the most part, but I'm much more politically attuned to OR. Well, the Willamette Valley, anyway. I'll have to come see you perform, I love standup comedy. Are you funny?
  19. You're probably thinking of the 'a rat is a pig is a boy' quote. That's only part of what she said, the entire quote is "When it comes to pain, a rat is a pig is a boy." In other words: pain is pain, the species it's being inflicted on is irrelevant.
  20. You're misunderstanding. I WANT them to become unnecessary, but society isn't cooperating. I've met Ingrid Newkirk, in fact spent several hours escorting her around Portland, OR, about 10 years ago. Very neat lady. I'm gonna go see her again next week at a book signing.
  21. Ah well, that part is easy. My conversion to vegetarianism was very similar to a religious conversion. There's no going back. The fourteen years just means that I've been doing it longer than some, and that's probably a reflection of my age. The sad thing is, when I joined PETA in 1991 I told them that I hoped that they'd have to shut down, due to having become unnecessary, within my lifetime. I have plenty of lifetime left, but I don't see that happening.
  22. I've been taking progress photos myself, but so far they're mostly just documenting my weight loss. So, I have several 'before' pics, no real 'after' yet.
  23. Thanks. I've already lost about 6% bodyfat, so I know another 3% isn't gonna be that hard. Well, one tat I have in mind is a tribal design on my butt, so I'm not too worried about distorting that one, but the one I want to do the most would be a half-sleeve (shoulder to elbow) of (cartoonish) people, which I think would get badly distorted since I definitely want to add (at least) a couple of inches there. The impetus for that one is 50% design and 50% cover up of my first two (crappy) tats, so I may cover it up with something less likely to show distortion and save the design for the other arm to be done sometime in the future.
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