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Everything posted by Sknydpr

  1. http://www.eye.net/eye/issue/issue_01.02.03/city/riverdale.html and that's just a passing mention in a long article about other things. That's the ONLY reference to it that I've found so far.
  2. Hey, about halfway through my workout this evening I got a bad stomachache and had to quit. I don't think my stomach liked the combination of the Genisoy bar and pre-workout supplement. Anyway, tomorrow should I pick up where I left off, start over from the beginning, or should I just give it up as a loss for the week? It was arms and shoulders night, an area I still feel quite deficient in, so I'd kind of prefer to overwork them this one time, rather than underwork them. Thanks.
  3. I always think Juliette's an excellent actress, whether or not I thought she was especially brilliant in NBK I couldn't say. The movie was just a little too surreal in spots for my taste. You should be able to get the script from Amazon.ca. I think Amazon carries just about everything in print, and quite a bit that's not.
  4. Word. (Boy, do I feel dumb saying that. ) Seriously, I agree.
  5. Yeah, I've seen it a couple of times. I had to watch it a second time to be sure that I disliked it as much as I thought I had. I usually love Oliver Stone, but that one was too much. His next one was even worse, haven't seen Hannibal yet. See if you can find Tarentino's original screenplay for NBK, it's much better (IMO) than the film. Juliette is a great young actress, though. My favorite with her was her debut, Scorsese's Cape Fear.
  6. You know what, she/they were with the Warped Tour here in Houston last year, and I didn't even realize it was that Juliette Lewis until we'd left. Didn't even watch them although we weren't watching anyone else at the time they were on.
  7. HAH! A pic of you holding up a huge carrot or something! Hell, I'm gonna do that!
  8. I've always been annoyed at the commercials for products that are purely plant-based (Planter's Nuts for one) that say "And NO cholesterol!" I think "No kidding, stupid." Or something like that. Why the heck doesn't anyone just say that cholesterol is ONLY found in animal products?
  9. I don't believe bear bile is used for treating cancer. I Googled this: Bear Bile in Ancient Chinese Culture Bile is a digestive liquid secreted by the liver and stored in the gall bladder. Bile from bears has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries to “cool,” in terms of Chinese physiotherapy, “hot” illnesses, such as inflammations, and to dissolve gallstones and kidney stones. It is also believed to help detoxify the liver and improve vision. According to Walker’s “Mammals of the World” (Ronald M. Nowak, Johns Hopkins University Press 1999), there is some scientific basis for the medical efficacy of bear bile. Bears are the only mammals that manufacture the bile salt ursodeoxycholic acid, which has been shown in Western laboratory tests to be effective in treating some liver diseases. A synthesized form of this substance is widely used to dissolve gallstones without surgery.
  10. I've been trying BSN's NO-Explode (they have really good advertising). It's one of the nitric oxide formulas, and is definitely having some effect.
  11. Good for you! I wish I'd traveled more when I was younger (other than where the Navy made me go), I'm not inclined to do it anymore. I don't even have a passport.
  12. Heck, I'm laughing at you right now and I hate sports. The Chicago Bears is a football team. Hi Brandon, and welcome.
  13. Your pants are gonna fall off, brutha.
  14. I just recently read in one of the bodybuilding magazines (Fitness-Rx, I think) that you should go all the way down to get the best results in your glutes, so that's what I've been doing. But this stuff is still new to me, so I don't know.
  15. Aw hell. I was gonna ask how you kept from getting dizzy.
  16. I hope that this doesn't offend anyone, but I need to get this off my chest. I'm also aware that I may be venting my spleen in the wrong place, this being veganbodybuilding.com I recently started getting back into animal rights activism, by joining a local group. Not entirely because I have very few friends in Houston, or that there's a number of attractive ladies in the group, but those two facts don't hurt. Last night I was at a planning meeting of the group, and it was mentioned that they wanted to create a board of directors. All good and fine, but not my thing. I'm a soldier, not a leader, and not a particularly brave soldier, for that matter. Now I need to back up a little here. Up until 2 or 3 months ago, my sole source of vegetarian fellowship in Houston was a monthly dinner meeting coordinated through meetup.com. There was both a vegetarian group and a vegan group, locally. I never understood why there were two separate groups, especially when several people belonged to both, but there were. I started with the vegetarian group, then found out that the vegan group had far more participation and so I went over to that, since the group was open to "vegan and vegan-friendly" people. Very shortly after that, due to a major policy change at meetup.com, it was clear that there simply wasn't enough people to support two separate groups, and since the vegan group had a more active membership, the question was asked of them whether or not to combine the two groups. Three or four people resoundingly said, essentially, 'the vegetarians are welcome to join, but we don't want to change the name. We're the Vegan group, not the Vegetarian group, or even the Vegan/Vegetarian group'. I got a smidge pissed-off about that attitude, and because of that and the policy change, quit meetup.com altogether. One of the naysayers, the most vocal one, was at the meeting last night, although that's not really relevant to what I'm aggravated about now. Back to last night. As I mentioned, there was talk of creating a board of directors, but I wasn't interested. However, near the very end of the meeting, the co-director who'd mostly lead the meeting, says "Oh yeah! Everyone on the board HAS to be vegan." I kid you not, I almost fell out of the chair. Someone who may have a little dairy in their diet is incapable of helping direct the group?! I honestly cannot come up with an explanation for that policy other than a belief that only vegans are true animal rights people. I know the reasons for not eating dairy, I know them so well that when I explained them to someone else recently, I knew that I had to go back to a vegan diet again, and I have. But if this attitude is prevalent among vegans, then I think I'll continue to refer to myself as a vegetarian. If the AR group I'd belonged to in Portland had had that mentality, I don't think I'd have belonged to it for very long, and I was a vegan then. In fact, as a vegan, I was in the minority there. In my mind, not eating animals is the important thing, everything else is secondary. I really can't say that I give a shit if someone's vegan, just as long as they're real (not pesce-) vegetarians. Anyway... I suspect I will have to talk to the co-director to actually find out what the thinking behind the policy is, and share my thoughts on the subject. But I truly cannot rationalize this attitude as being anything other than elitist. I'm just ranting more than anything, but if anyone has a thought they'd care to share, please feel free.
  17. Jeez, Nat, it looks like I just rephrased parts of what you'd said. That'll teach me not to read your entire post first.
  18. The god of the Old Testament and the one of the New Testament are so dissimilar as to make one wonder if they're really supposed to be the same supreme being. The Onion (a satire magazine/website) once declared "GOD DIAGNOSED AS BI-POLAR", which I thought explained a helluva lot. Jesus supposedly threw out the rulebook of the Old Testament, which should make it unimportant to Christians other than for historical reference and the 10 Commandments. However, many, if not most, Christians like to take the laws from Leviticus that suit their prejudices even when those laws are in conflict with Jesus's very simple teachings of love. (Ever gone to godhatesfags. com ?) There are quite a few people that believe that Jesus was vegetarian, just check out the tract inside a bar of Dr. Bronner's soap sometime. I'm not entirely convinced that he even existed, but I feel that if he was even close to being the person that's written about in the New Testament, he was either vegetarian or a hypocrite. And the latter would definitely make him a man, not a divine being. There's also some debate on the "miracle of the loaves and fishes" as to whether the Greek word was correctly translated to "fish". I do know that there are no Biblical references to him consuming fish, or any other flesh food. Dan P. S. Just for the record, I was raised a Christian by an ordained minister and was fairly religious for the early part of my life, but became an atheist when I was 27.
  19. I like to ask Christian people, when they use the Bible as a defense, if they really think "The Prince of Peace" could condone an inherently violent act. I have other thoughts on the subject, but I'm running late for work.
  20. Hmmmm, what vices *don't* I have.... Well, I don't sleep around and I don't gamble, other than that...
  21. I'd have him arrested for harassment, if nothing else. Extortion would probably apply as well.
  22. SNL has sucked since 1981. Just my opinion.
  23. To Kill a Mockingbird - Harper Lee, a classic. The movie is very damn good, too. Almost anything by John Steinbeck, but especially East of Eden A Tale of Two Cities - Charles Dickens Ender's Game - Orson Scott Card, the best book by the best writer alive, in my opinion Shot in the Heart - Mikal Gilmore, the youngest brother of one of America's most famous recipients of the death penalty wrote of the entire family's destruction. I'll probably think of a few others. I read a lot.
  24. It's the "I don't think it's wrong" defense. Which, obviously, is not a defense, it's apathy.
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