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Posts posted by threeloaves

  1. 115! You're lighter than me! I would love to weigh 115 again..

    I work too damn much and even though I work in a gym, I don't really get to workout during my shifts unless I teach classes, since I have to show members how to use the equipment.

    Lately I've been storing my stuff upstairs so that if I need something, I can bolt up the 4 flights and grab it.

    The nice thing is that I eat the same stuff everyday and can control my portions better. I really wanna lose 5 pounds before July..

    your 115 is probably pure muscle and I got about 5-10 pounds of fat on my butt I wanna get rid off. *sigh*


    I HATE BOYS!! Lol


    If it's muscle I don't see it. I'm starting to get cut, but not any bigger. I still look scrawny, and weak.

  2. I"ve been getting home from work later than usual. Im finishing up my workout around 7:30pm - 8:00pm. Is it best to just have a smoothie post workout, and be done for the night?


    Seems like it would be too late if I start cookin around 8. I did just lose a significant amount of weight from being sick though. Weight I could not afford to lose. So maybe I should just keep eating.


    For example today:



    Yerba Mate Green Tea

    1 Cup of Optimum Rebound with raisins

    2 pieces of sprouted bread with peanut butter



    Trader Joe's Green Protein



    Quinoa Wrap with hummus






    1/2 Cup of Oatmeal with raisins


    6:20pm - 7:30pm




    Frozen fruit with Gemma

  3. I don't think your body is strong enough to fight whatever you got from the food poisoning. You should go in and get it looked at. Three days, and in your case more, of diarrhea is not good.

    Dehydration in your body sets in around the third day (as well as an electrolyte imbalance) as it tries to flood out your intestines and colon to get rid of the bacteria that has invaded. Next time you should do some probiotics to fight the bacteria in the intestines and colon, cause now they are making a community in your body and laughing at the attempt your antibiodies and white immune blood cell are trying to attack them. You may be too weak in producing enough white blood cells to attack vigorously (not only not eating enough, but stress from your job can also make your immune system not optimal).


    Well, the stomach virus I had finally passed. It knocked me on my ass for a good week, and I ended up spending a day in the hospital.

  4. I dont know if anyone else posted this and not to freak out the original poster but ...these symptoms all sound like my niece who was diagnosed with hypothyroidism and also enemia. Have these things been ruled out by your physician ?


    I was tested twice for thyroid complications, all negative. Same with anemia. The only thing that keeps showing up in protein in my urine, and a low white blood cell count.

  5. Im just catching up on all these responses - I really appreciate it. I've been out of commission for what seems like ages.


    I went out to eat on saturday night, and shortly after experienced simultaneous diarrhea, vomitting, and horrible cramps. This is by far the sickest I've ever felt in my life.


    Today is the first I've been out of bed since then. My stomach is still kinda sloshy but I think Im finally coming around. Food poisoning is no joke - that was brutal.

  6. Maybe you should try eating every two hours. It will give you the fuel you need to not be so tired, and it will keep your metabolism going throughout the day so you're constantly burning fat/calories and feeding your muscles. It would be one of the biggest favors you could do for yourself.


    Not to preach or anything ('cuz I hate when people do that), but if you don't eat much all day, you're body thinks it's starving and hangs on to fat. This could make a person "skinny-fat," small but flabby and with no muscle.

    I try to eat every 2 - 3 hours, and drink loads of water. Im having a hard time keeping a balance between the two. If I drink the suggested amount of water in a day I feel blown up, and can't eat. There's been days when Im at work and have consumed 2 liters of water, and eaten maybe a peanut butter sandwich.


    Also, I've read that consuming too much liquid when eating is bad for digestion. Everything becomes so overwhelming - so fast. I feel like a broken robot.


    My main problem is work. I spent half my day there. And I've realized I don't take nearly enough food. I don't know what makes me think a banana, and a salad. Or fruit, and an almond butter sandwich is gonna last me all day. I NEED to pack more food to take there. Because if I don't theres absolutely nothing around. Here's what im taking tomorrow:


    I made a black bean burrito, with brown rice and spinach.


    raisins, prunes, almond slivers

    and probably a smoothie cause Im running low on food.


    I love to cook, but lately im finding it rather exhausting. What are you guys and girls taking to work?

  7. I thought you were gonna start adding more healthy fats to your diets.


    You really should listen to the people who say you're undereating. Excuse me for asking, but your a guy right?

    Yes, Im a guy. I throw almonds into my meals here, and there. I also eat an almond/peanut butter sandwich almost everyday.


    1300 calories and a workout days is WAAAAAAAAAAY too few calories for most males. Your body is trying to tell you this because you get weak and shaky when you don't eat.


    A 2nd thing I have gathered from some of your posts, is that you think you are overeating or can't stop eating when in fact, its not a whole lot of food. For example, look at this post:


    Im an idiot. All I had all day at work was a clif bar. So, I came home pretty hungry. Ate the following:


    1/2 cup of oatmeal with raisins

    about 2 servings of Natures Path Optimum Slim with raisin

    1 piece of sprouted bread with almond butter

    about 2 servings of kashi crackers with hummus


    Probably more stuff Im forgetting about. Thats carb madness. Punch me.


    ANYONE would have eaten that same amount of food if not alot more if all they ate the entire day was 1 bar.


    I still think you are really undereating and the days you think you are overeating are the days when your much closer to what your body needs. I'm trying to remember if your the one that said you had an eating disorder in the past. Am I way off base here? I really like to analyze some of the posts and it seems that you don't eat enough and that your a bit afraid of food...

    You're definitely on point with that. And, yes I do think I have a major fear of food. I love it, but im afraid to over do it. It has to do with my build. Im only 5' 9" and around 120lbs. My concern is that with such a small frame I won't be able to turn all that food into lean mass.

  8. Total garbage day of eating today:



    1 cup of nature's path optimum slim with raisins

    yerba mate green tea

    200+ calories

    9g protein




    probably around 120 calories ?



    Organic food bar - vegan

    300 calories

    14g of protein



    1/2 cup of oatmeal with raisins

    3/4 cup of nature's path optimum slim

    around 400 calories

    14g of protein


    6:40pm - ???

    squats and deadlifts


    postworkout smoothie

    gemma with frozen fruit

    120 calories?

    15g protein


    around 9pm - i was feelin shaky

    handful of prunes

    handful of nature's path

    200 calories?

    protein - insignificant


    calories: 1340

    protein: 52



    Wow, that was way worse than I thought. I really need to stop buying cereal. I always intend it to be a quick meal if I can't make oatmeal before work. But, i end up eating loads of it in a day. I've just been burned out from cooking big meals everyday.

  9. 2 months since i started this thread, and about 5 months of what I consider being really focused on training, eating, sleeping, etc.. I was lifting for a couple years prior, but it was always off, and on. I would get discouraged after a few months of not seeing results, and give it up. I feel like about to hit that wall again.


    I read up a lot more over the past couple months, and applied the advice I was given by people on this forum. But, Im still in the same boat. Feeling run down, and weak.


    Im working out harder than I ever have. Eating clean, and eating lots. Yet I still feel Im unchanged. I think the only thing expanding is my waist. Its probably not, but every time I see myself all I can focus on is how bloated, and dumpy I look/feel.


    That is all - just had to get that out there. Now someone smack me around, and get me off this downer.

  10. Greens seem to be helping me out. I usually just throw spinach in whatever Im eating. I also picked up some of trader joe's green protein smoothies. Im still feeling really full all the time though. My digestion is rubbish. Im lucky if I unload once a day.

  11. Preworkout-


    1.5 cups oats


    Post workout-


    raisins (half glucose, good ole carbs)

    dates with 1/4 cup pecans


    .5 cup (raw) rice

    1 cup corn

    1 can garbanzos


    Whats the time between Preworkout meal, and workout? Also, are you eating the raisins, dates, carbs, etc right after workout, and then waiting a few hours to eat that second part?


    Ive been trying this lately. Its still too soon to tell. But, I've been getting some good carbs in after a workout. Then just eating a balanced meal an hour or so later. If I do a smoothie after workout Im usually pretty full, and don't end up eating that much for dinner. Or I force my self to eat, and feel like crap.

  12. 195.5 yesterday and then something bad happened. I woke up throwing up like crazy and I have been all day.


    Pretty much 0 calories consumed all day and if I even try to drink water it comes up within a few minutes


    No idea what is going on, may have to go see a doctor today in Canada.

    I had this a few weeks ago. Except I was throwin up from the other end. Caught it from the idiots at work. Hopefully it passes soon. Get lots of rest. Take care.

  13. Three loaves-if all you ate ALL day was a cliff bar then I don't think you ate a huge amount of calories really. One cliff bar is not enough to fuel you and your body/brain is going to react by freaking out and making you eat everything that isn't nailed down. When I go too low in calories or fat then you had better hide your baby 'cos I'm gonna eat it. I go into a feeding frenzy and can't stop until I have gone beyond what probably would have been the actual calories needed.

    What is your daily calorie/fat target?

    I think you can have symptoms of hypoglycemia without being able to obtain a clinical diagnosis. Eating frequently, honoring hunger even if I don't think it is time to be hungry and balancing protein/carbs/fat is what helps me. Also, caffeine f's with blood sugar-avoid/minimize it.

    Good luck


    It just seems like every time I eat it's a frenzy.

    I don't really know what my calorie target is. I tried to stop counting cause it was driving me mad. Anytime I felt like I ate too much I would feel obligated to run a few miles or go cardio crazy.


    Im pretty scrawny: about 5' 8" and finally broke 120 lbs. Note: thats probably on a full stomach, soakin wet.


    I've been tested for hypoglycemia, thyroid, all that fun stuff. Its all coming back negative. The only concern right now is some sort of auto immune disease because i have a moderately low white blood cell count.


    Caffeine isn't a problem for me. All I drink is water.

  14. Im an idiot. All I had all day at work was a clif bar. So, I came home pretty hungry. Ate the following:


    1/2 cup of oatmeal with raisins

    about 2 servings of Natures Path Optimum Slim with raisin

    1 piece of sprouted bread with almond butter

    about 2 servings of kashi crackers with hummus


    Probably more stuff Im forgetting about. Thats carb madness. Punch me.

  15. before I eat fruits, it gives me a good boost

    I wish that would work for me. Fruit doesn't do anything for me - just tastes great. I've yet to find anything that picks me up before a workout.


    I hear ya about the oatmeal. As much as I like it I do feel very sluggish afterwards. I would prefer to have it early afternoon, but work isn't permitting.

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