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Hey Ruz, yeah I do not stay that ripped all year round. That was cutting down specifically for that photo shoot. It was a trial run for me because I plan on competing next year. Robert reminded me that we can always convince ourselves not to do something or that we are not ready. With that, I decided that I am ready to try. No more excuses. It is the experience that counts and you can learn from what does and what does not work. We all have to start somewhere. And by the way, your back looks pretty awesome.

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Thanks! Also, nice to see someone else is as messy as I am

I don't know my BF at the moment because I've spent 2 months pigging out and I don't want to depress myself LOL..but its probably about 18%. I can maintain 18% with no real effort and I can still drink beer and eat sweets etc. To look ripped I have to get down to about 12% but it means "no treats" and I can't keep that up for very long!!

As regards losing fat..in the top right corner of this page you have a search link..I suggest you search "UD2" and read up on that diet, also I can send you a copy if you like. The principles are sound, although the diet itself is hard to stick to. Generally when I want to lose fat I don't eat any carbs such as bread, rice and pasta apart from at breakfast time. After breakfast its just veggies and protein, basically as much as I want, with lots of "good" fats which helps stop me feeling hungry. I literally pour raw olive oil by the cupful over my cooked meals!

Cardio is important, especially the way you do it! Read the info on this link:


Also, make sure you click on the "How to do cardio if you must" link.

Low carb veggies I normally use are as follows:

Aubergine, asparagus, kale, spinach, garlic, peppers, mushrooms, avocadoes, broccoli, courgette, artichokes and some tomatoes

I tend to steer clear of carrots and sweetcorn because of their high GI, Onion because it has a lot of carbs, and i also don't do lettuce because the stems contain a chemical which slows down your metabolism...I tend to use rocket, spinach or watercress if I fancy a salad.

I drink a strong infusion of green tea, mate and roobios when i work out for its antioxidant properties and thermogenic effect. I also take a strong vitamin C tab after working out to stop muscle catabolism. losing weight is all about intensity in the gym, not time.

Good luck and let me know how you get on!

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Here's a pic from 2 weeks ago, kind of anorexic style I know...




And here's my back yesterday, more bf, more or less muscles. Nothing much to see, I'm just posting these pics because of my ego and exhibitionist side...



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Hey Ruz, yeah I do not stay that ripped all year round. That was cutting down specifically for that photo shoot. It was a trial run for me because I plan on competing next year. Robert reminded me that we can always convince ourselves not to do something or that we are not ready. With that, I decided that I am ready to try. No more excuses. It is the experience that counts and you can learn from what does and what does not work. We all have to start somewhere. And by the way, your back looks pretty awesome.

Yeah...I know where Robert is coming from. I got cut earlier this year just to see if I could. Have you ever tried carbing up?

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I've just noticed how white I am hahaha... a year ago I was as brown as my arms are, all over.



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Here's the doc's back. No fancy photography but gotta give those young girls a run for their money.


Dr. Debra


So how old are you? I asked b4 and u never told me? I'm 40 next month and that only makes me MORE proud of my body I love telling people my age and think it works wonders in promoting a vegan diet.

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