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Our weekend in the Scottish Highlands


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We recently enjoyed a lovely weekend in the Scottish Highlands. Here are some photos that Kathryn took


Brian and I gazing in wonderment:





Crystal the avid photographer:





The Glen:





Off for a walk:





The mountains:





Highland cows - awesome!





There is a B&B for sale down this track - tempting!










Mountains again:





The visitor centre that Kathryn's architecture partnership built:





Another angle:





Some of the gang with a beautiful view:





Brian and I plotting how to get out of swimming:





"So if I twist your ankle, we can get out of this":





The ridge in it's full resplendent glory:





Brave faces before the swim:





Holy f$*k this is cold!





Trying to get feeling back into the legs:





We stayed in a cottage in that small wood down the road. Perfect





Cannot wait to go back!




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Those photos are amazing! Ok, I'll come out to visit for sure! Just give me 6-12 months to save up the money!


Beautiful photos, thanks so much for posting them. It is awesome for us so far away to see some of the places you live and visit.


Of course I have to comment on how wide your back looks in those photos of the back of you and buzz walking. Beautiful landscape and awesome muscle, great combination!

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I will praise anyone working toward their goal, whether that is getting fat and adding bulk and mass, or toning up, or just being able to do more pull-ups.


So, just state what your goals are in another thread and we'll fully support you


I meant the hippie cows, not Jono and Buzz. But all of them look great. Kudos to the photographer too!

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Awesome pics??? Is this place far from your place..well I guess that doen't matter since you taking me there anyway when I finally come around to visiting you.

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Yay for hippi cows!


Truly beautiful area Jonathan - thanks for sharing the photos.


Here in the US, we have national forests & similar "public" lands that can be nice but are effectively there primarily for commercial extractive industries such as logging, mining, oil & gas, etc &/or for destructive forms of "recreation" such as off highway vehicles & hunting. Whatever degree of protection of natural values such as habitat for animals & plants exists is usually only found in area's not suited to the above uses or as the result of massive public organizing (& usually lawsuits) forcing the government to act...


There are some areas such as designated wilderness areas and national parks which have a fairly high (but far from perfect) level of protection, are off-limits to virtually all commercial &/or motorized activity + are basically supposed to be left wild forever.


What kind of protection do wild/natural area's have in Scotland?

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wheres ma brother?

Right Here:





damn I decided not to come during the holidays .... `?"§4´23

Yes! You should have, it would have been fun!

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