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Sadly, it's my turn to post one of these:


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10 years ago this spring, my mother came home from work with a cat from a litter left in a cardboard box in front of a church. My mother wanted to get rid of the cat and give her to neighbors, but my grandmother convinced her to keep it.


In the almost 10 years we've had her, we've never really given her a name, just "Cat", "The Cat", "You", "Get down from there!".


She always loved to play too, and got really crazy when someone would play with string with her. She used to go crazy at strangers too, there were times where she scratched people in our house that we really didn't care for, at which point we'd say "That's just her playing".


She started to get sick a few months ago, and really started to lose weight, despite the fact that she was eating 6 - 7 times a day, and eating table scraps that my parents fed her. Despite lots of things, my parents made the decision that she's going to be put to sleep tomorrow morning.




That was her in 2005 on my weight bench.





These 2 are of a sad vegan with his cat.

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Cute Kitty! Or, um "Cat". That's really too bad, especially only 10 years old. Thyroid problem? I lost one cat that way.


I've lost two more of my childhood cats in the past few years, both over 18 years old, the other two will probably go soon. Of course, between the two I lost my dad, so it kind of puts things in perspective. But, it doesn't ease the pain any of losing a loved one, human or animal.


I'll be thinking about ya mate. Hang in there.

Edited by michaelhobson
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Cute Kitty! Or, um "Cat". That's really too bad, especially only 10 years old. Thyroid problem? I lost one cat that way.


I've lost two more of my childhood cats in the past few years, both over 18 years old, the other two will probably go soon. Of course, between the two I lost my dad, so kit kind of puts things in perspective. But, it doesn't ease the pain any of losing a loved one, human or animal.


I'll be thinking about ya mate. Hang in there.


The past year was like that. First my grandmother's cat, then my grandmother, now my cat.

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What a beautiful tortie she is!

I once had a black and orange (no white, though) tortie named "Sweat-Pea." The sweetist kitty (though my vet seems to think that tortie are notoriously temperamental). I now have two grey and tan torties.


I'm sorry to hear you'll be losing her. I think it's so hard to make that decision. I'm just so grateful my cat passed on his own (the only one that ever has---except for my childhood pets). I've had to make the euthanasia decision 4 times already, and it never gets easier.


Honor her life, and share the happy memories you have of her.


To paraphrase Will Rogers "If cats don't go to heaven, I want to go where they go" (his quote is about dogs).


"Grieve not, nor speak of me with tears,

but laugh and talk of me

as if I were beside you.

I loved you so...

Twas Heaven here with you."

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