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Wahoo! Fuel under $2 / gallon :)


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Still about 40 cents per gallon more around here.


The other side of that story though is that it will take much higher gas prices to force government to provide usable public transportation. I don't think we'll see much positive change until gas is at least $10 per gallon. I'd actually prefer to see that, even though I would suffer tremendously in the interim until public transportatiobn caught up. Even at $3 per gallon, the SUV market was pretty much crushed. $10 per gallon would crush the entire auto industry!

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Good points MichaelHobson, but the interim would crush me as well as the auto industry !


Yeah, I hear you on that. Those of us on the bottom rungs of the economic scale would be most affected. Now if we can just elect some people that will be proactive and build a decent public transportation system BEFORE gas is $10 per gallon. But, that just wouldn't be the american way.

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Still about 40 cents per gallon more around here.


The other side of that story though is that it will take much higher gas prices to force government to provide usable public transportation. I don't think we'll see much positive change until gas is at least $10 per gallon. I'd actually prefer to see that, even though I would suffer tremendously in the interim until public transportatiobn caught up. Even at $3 per gallon, the SUV market was pretty much crushed. $10 per gallon would crush the entire auto industry!


unless they start using their brains!

so, it's a good thing to hear actually.. something good can come out of that.. like GM making EV2?

that'd be great.. i hope they make one soon, my first car will have to be environmentally friendly..

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unless they start using their brains!

*lol* I don't see that happening any time soon.


On another note, across town gas was only US$1.77 a gallon


I just worked that out to:


euro: 0.36/liter

pound sterling: 0.24/liter


Let the gas-guzzzling times roll (d'oh)

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I live in america too but I dont drive very much at all.


That's because you're awesome!!!


I wish I could say the same, but I have ended up working 20 miles from home. My other half though, Tiffaney she works only 3 miles from home and often goes a week at a time without being in a car. She takes the bus and on nice days she walks the three miles home.


I have noticed in our neighborhood, with the recent daily snow, that about 2/3 of the cars never get cleaned off! That means most people are not depending on their cars for daily transportation. Heck, I wouldn't be surprised if 2/3 of the people around here don't even have cars. Most at least are like us, only one car per household.

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well michael its a luxury i have since i work close to home, not everyone can do it. I dont have a big problem with driving 20 miles, its a far distance. I do hope that people are conscientious about their driving and do as little as possible, but enough to put food on the table and have some fun now and then.

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well michael its a luxury i have since i work close to home, not everyone can do it. I dont have a big problem with driving 20 miles, its a far distance. I do hope that people are conscientious about their driving and do as little as possible, but enough to put food on the table and have some fun now and then.


I drive to school and work. Other than that I ride my bike everywhere for the most part.

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I walk everywhere except work & school (35 miles). Hopefully if my plans go through and I move to Pittsburgh, I'm hoping my driver's license just becomes a nice picture of me in my wallet.


I, really, only use my drivers license to buy alcohol. It's true, though. I still have my California license. Guess I really aughta change it...maybe?

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